I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 179 Shinomiya Kaguya loses everything

"Woooooo, that's Miss Kaguya, right?"

The surrounding Shuchiin students were whispering.

"The president is so pitiful, what should he do?"

Some students still firmly believe in the belief that "Bai Hui is a god."

After this period of fermentation and precipitation, some students have separated from the original organization and joined the rebels.

After all, the number of strange CPs that can be knocked down has increased, and they are still readily available.

The food is in front of you, don’t you want to eat?

"Although, don't you think Hayato-kun is so handsome?"

"An unexpected match for Miss Shinomiya."


Such students are still a minority, and those students who broke through the defense immediately denounced these misguided "traitors".

"When the bagpipes are heard in the distance."

They can't control Miss Kaguya, so they can't control you, kid?

Are you looking for death? This is not it.

"Tian Noise."

Hearing the buzzing voices in his ears, Shinomiya Kaguya quietly frowned slightly. She felt a little impatient, but she still had that bright smile on her face.

Like a proud white swan, she fully demonstrates the elegance and nobility of the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family.

"Hayama Hayato" followed Kaguya Shinomiya, with a warm smile on his face like a knight in a fairy tale, guarding Miss Kaguya.

The combination of handsome boys and beautiful girls will always attract attention, not to mention that this is Shujiin's top line.

Fortunately, the closer we get to our destination, the fewer irrelevant students there are.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who finally had a moment of peace, finally stopped in the hall in front of the student council room.

Then she said to the bodyguard who stood aside and went by the pseudonym "Hayama Hayato" to protect her safety. He was also the "hero" who started the bloody turmoil in Shuchiin.

"Hayato-kun, I will send you a message and come pick me up later."

"As you command, young lady."

In private, "Hayama Hayato" also suppressed the fake smile that was as warm as the sun just now, and made a formal salute and bowed slightly.

said very respectfully

"I hope you can also inform me ten minutes in advance, so that my subordinates can arrange vehicles and personnel for escort in advance."

"I understand, Hayato-kun."

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled politely at "Hayama Hayato" and expressed that she understood.

"And thank you for your hard work."

"No, these are what subordinates should do."

"Hayama Hayato" didn't take Shinomiya Kaguya's words of thanks seriously, he was just polite, then bowed slightly and walked out.

He is going to arrange personnel dispatch

As the last fuse to protect the eldest lady, Hayato is under a lot of pressure.

Killing is very simple, but it only takes the sword.

But protecting people is much more troublesome.

Although, three to four hundred people should be more than enough to protect a Shinomiya Kaguya.

As homicide experts, they naturally know how easy it is to assassinate a protected target. It's useless no matter how many people come, it's just whether they want to kill or not.

Africa was once a big warlord who didn't know the heights of the world, and actually swallowed up the Shinomiya family's arms worth 20 million dollars to dominate one side.

Don't want to pay and default on the bill.

"You want money? Impossible."

The black guy was wearing gold jewelry all over his body. He pointed at the person in charge of the ultimatum in the Shinomiya family and yelled arrogantly.

"I crawled out of the dead back then and ran away. I was afraid of you, the youngest son of the Shinomiya family."

"Come on, life is going well."

"Show you who the father is?"

He claims to have five independent armies armed to the teeth, as well as armored vehicles and rocket launchers. Patrolling 24 hours a day, hundreds of black backs were imported from China.

Even next to the sleeping area, there was a regiment of troops stationed outside the house.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside.

But under such sophisticated and strict protection, the guy who looked down on the Shinomiya family didn't even see the sun the next morning.

He was discovered by his men hanging on their flag railing and raising the flag.

The death of that big fat man was really miserable. There was no doubt that he suffered terrible and cruel torture during his lifetime, and there was still a white strip hanging around his neck.

Above is a blood letter written in English

"Anyone who insults the Sigong family will be killed!"

The one dispatched was the fifth-ranked "Dark Crow" among the "Sword-biting Tigers", which was the battle group of Hayato and the others.

As for the 20 million dollars of arms, it is just a simple anti-aircraft missile interception system. The person in charge of the arms trade of the Shinomiya family, who had long been retained, didn't even give them the key to activate it. He was nothing more than a pile of scrap metal.

Another operation, after signing a series of treaties that were very beneficial to the Shinomiya family.

The new "general" supported by the Shinomiya family came to power.

No, he can no longer be called a general.

The lucky man who had the support of the Shinomiya family was called the "President" by his subordinates in less than three months.

By operating in this way, the Shinomiya family has secretly obtained the power of a country. It is obvious that the Shinomiya family has done a lot of work and is very skilled in business.

As for whether they dare to betray, the threat of "sword-biting tiger" is like the "Sword of Damocles" hanging high above their heads, placed on the necks of these spokespersons promoted by the Shinomiya family.

If you are disobedient, some of your subordinates may want to become a "president".

The person the "sword-biting tiger" wants to kill

Generally, they don’t live past the fifth watch.

So the same applies to the "Insect Organization". These guys are not soft persimmons. If it wasn't difficult, the "Sword-biting Tiger" would have strangled them all long ago.

However, if the "Insect Organization" dares to take action against the Shinomiya family, they are not easy to offend.

How can the Shinomiya family, which has always been domineering and domineering, worry about being beaten by others? The only reason is to bully others.

All the members of the three "Sword-biting Tigers" who are very mysterious and only responsible for the governor of the Shinomiya family, and the second-ranked "Goshen" who specializes in killing have quietly set off.

The goal is to behead the supreme leader of the "Insect Organization" and the unpredictable "Contacter".

The Shinomiya family's intelligence organization regarded him as their number one enemy and searched for him worldwide.

After extremely large data analysis, they have locked his location through satellite. All eight satellites belonging to the Shinomiya family in space are monitoring and staring at Shen Wulong at all times. (The traditional positioning is four.)

Now it depends on which family will succeed first.

Therefore, Hayato, who is considered a very young person in the entire "Sword-biting Tiger", serves as the personal bodyguard of "Kaguya Shinomiya", one of the top targets of the "Insect Organization". The pressure and sense of responsibility on his shoulders is heavy.

The mission failed, and the entire "Dark Crow" group would not have to commit suicide.

After all, there is still "Bai Ling" who is responsible for taking the blame.

But Hayato will bear the brunt of the blame, and as the person responsible, he will definitely be purged.

Miss, you can't say anything wrong.

"Hayama Hayato" swore secretly.

Shinomiya Kaguya is really well protected by her family. Even though she is an adult, she is still a flower in the greenhouse and has not experienced much wind and rain.

Kaguya and her three brothers are full of evil and are not good people at all.

It’s just a matter of who is worse.

The third son of the Shinomiya family, "Shinomiya Kumohawk", was quite okay with his half-sister, Shinomiya Kaguya, while he was serving as the guardian.

Shinomiya Kaguya grew up healthily and received no unfair treatment.

It is impossible for any servant to bully an illegitimate child with no status in the family.

Shinomiya Kaguya also learned the "spirit of contract" from Yunying, as well as social skills and so on.

In the Shinomiya family, which is full of villains, there is no blood on their hands.

Shinomiya Kaguya is like a pure little white flower (although Ishigami always felt that Shinomiya-senpai was carrying at least several lives on her body.)

This time, the threat to her life was an unreasonable disaster.

But the superior living conditions Shinomiya Kaguya enjoys are all given by the Shinomiya family.

The malicious intention of being an enemy of the Shinomiya family

This cause and effect has already entangled her.

It's impossible for Shinomiya Kaguya herself not to be afraid, but there are so many people who are silently paying for her safety.

At this time, she should show the courage of the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family and not show any cowardice.

Although if Shinomiya Kaguya calls in sick, it will be convenient for Hayato and the others to protect her.

But then you won’t be able to see the president.

The "unwilling to compromise" Shinomiya Kaguya initiates the willfulness of the eldest lady, which is quite terrifying.

Therefore, the "Dark Crow" team leader had no choice but to send Hayato as Shinomiya Kaguya's personal bodyguard in Shuchiin.

This is how the Shuchiin students thought that the president suffered NTR's outrageous farce.

Life is precious, love is higher.

Shinomiya Kaguya said that before getting the confession from the president, she would come to school even if there was a knife in the sky.


Shinomiya Kaguya looked away when "Hayato" disappeared from his sight.

Her ruby-like eyes looked downstairs, smiling like a successful weasel.

"I don't know how the president is doing. Does he look like he can't do it without me?"

Hayasaka has found her love, how can Shinomiya Kaguya, as her master, lag behind.

She walked up the stairs step by step with light steps, humming a song.

How will I respond to the president's confession when the time comes? This is a question worth thinking about.

In the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya, President Shirogane must have been unable to fly this time, and must bow down under her school skirt.

Just when Shinomiya Kaguya was in a good mood, she wanted to open the door and couldn't wait to see President Shirogane crying.

"Ah, something seems wrong."

Suddenly the smile on her face froze

Because Shinomiya Kaguya stood outside the door next to the student union room, it was different from the wailing and painful wailing she had imagined.

"Ah, hey, hey, hey."

What she heard was the laughter inside, especially the laughter of the president.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who usually found the president's laughter hearty, was so harsh at the moment.


"What exactly is going on!!!"

The smile on Shinomiya Kaguya's face was a bit unbearable, and there seemed to be hundreds of millions of small deviations from the plan.

In the student union room, there was no sad atmosphere at all as Shinomiya Kaguya imagined.

On the contrary, it is full of blood and passion!

President Shirogane and Ishigami were sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding Nitendo limited edition game controllers in their hands, staring intently at the 120-inch large curved screen.

"Ishigami, the BOSS is coming to resist."

President Shirogane was shouting loudly and in a very excited tone. He held the handle and pressed the buttons at a fast speed.

"Yes, I know, President."

Seeing the super boss with millions of health on the screen, he walked out arrogantly as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

Ishigami didn't panic at all and immediately started to show off his skills.

The character in his hands not only withstood the BOSS's terrifying and devastating attack, but also found the monster's opening and closing holes to drain the blood.

Various gorgeous techniques were issued from the small handle in Ishigami's hand without any pause.

"Oh~ You are so reliable, Ishigami."

President Bai Yin watched the BOSS's blood volume on the screen decrease rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and smiled.

"In this case, as a senior, I can't be left behind."

"Come on, partner!"

President Shirogane shouted with a voice even more passionate than before, and the character he controlled also rushed forward.

"Oh oh oh oh! Let Ishigami see the power that belongs to us!"


Ishigami, who was also having a great time, smiled and immediately responded with more rapid operation.

In this way, the big BOSS, who was originally extremely arrogant, was defeated by the "just gang fight" of Ishigami and President Shirogane.

What followed immediately was the golden characters that appeared on the screen.


"Yeah!" X2

President Shirogane and Ishigami high-fived each other with one hand, making a crisp sound.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who secretly opened a gap outside the door to observe inside, saw this scene and was biting the nail of his thumb viciously.

"Yeah you guys are so big!"

Shinomiya Kaguya gritted her teeth, and everyone could see the anxiety on her face. If it weren't for the fear that people inside would find her peeking outside, Shinomiya Kaguya would be so angry that she would jump.

"How can the president still be in the mood to play games?"

He obviously missed her a lot, so it was normal to look very haggard.

But the look of President Bai Yin now is no different from usual. No, his complexion is even better.

This is why Shinomiya Kaguya is so angry

"Am I not even as good as a game in the eyes of the president?"

"I'm so angry!"

Ishigami suddenly sensed a fleeting trace of murderous intent, and then calmly looked at the source of the murderous intent with the corner of his sight.

When he noticed the familiar red ribbon suddenly appeared in the middle of the gap in the door.

Senior Sister Shinomiya, it seems that she has arrived.

"President, I really didn't expect that."

Knowing this, Ishigami put down the game controller with a smile as if nothing had happened, and started chatting with President Shirogane.

"It turns out you are good at playing games."

"a ha ha ha."

President Shirogane was a little embarrassed to be praised by Ishigami like this. He touched his head and said cheerfully

"Harm, Ishigami, you are exaggerating."

"My gaming level is half as good as yours, and if I'm not even a quarter of your level, I'm already very good at it."

Although he shouted how passionate he was, he also knew that he was just fooling around.

The real main force is Ishigami

The output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is zero and five. It’s not bullshit, President Bai Yin’s magic operation can turn the tailwind situation into a headwind situation.

"Nothing, President."

Ishigami shook his head

"It would be nice to play games like this more often. The main thing is the daily accumulation."

"By the way, President, if you want to play games in the future, you can come to me."

"I have a lot of great teammates there."

Gigako, KOROMO, U.M.R, and T.S.F are all gaming friends Ishigami has known over the past few years.

The technology is all top-notch, with four gods and one pit, even a dog can take flight.

"Why does it all sound like a female number?"

President Baiyin twitched the corners of his mouth.

There's something wrong with this junior, no matter how much he plays games, he always finds girls to play with.


"President, there are not many men pretending to be women on the Internet now."

Ishigami asked calmly

"The information says she is a female, but she is actually a male."

President Bai Yin nodded.

"That's right."

At first glance, you usually call me "brother" quite proactively, but maybe he's old enough to be your uncle.

Less routine and more sincerity.

Online dating through games is unreliable, Ishigami understands.

He plays with those people and never involves anything in real life.

Just playing games

Open the mic.

All have voice changers

No matter how sweet the voice of the sweet duo's "girl" teammate is, Ishigami will not be moved.

As for whether he would be curious and use Airi to search other people's IP addresses, Ishigami would not do it.

Distance creates beauty, the answer is not important.

He didn't want to ruin the pure gaming friendship.

"President, I will take you to play APEX if I have the opportunity in the future."

APEX is a very powerful game. A certain best-selling comic book writer was so addicted to APEX that he could no longer draw comics well.

It started like a god, but ended in a mess of answers. He was even sniped by angry fans and still hasn't changed.

Who this cartoonist is, Ishigami doesn’t say.

"Okay, Ishigami."

President Bai Yin nodded,

APEX, it sounds good.

Outside the door, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was still gnashing his teeth and thinking about why his status in the president's heart was not as good as Yugi's, suddenly heard it.


"Kaguya-san, what are you doing here?"

I'm so sleepy that I went to bed. I'm so tired from working as a worker.

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