I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 180 It’s just a lie!

"Ah! Ishigami-kun! And the president!"

Fujiwara Chika suddenly pushed open the door of the student union room and started yelling.

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and walked in behind her, sighed and closed the door.

Chika Fujiwara angrily rushed to President Shirogane who was sitting cross-legged on the stone on the ground.

"You actually did such a thing behind my back!"

Her surprised tone seemed like they had done something extraordinary.

“You’re having a gaming party and you’re not taking me with you?”

But in fact, President Shirogane and Ishigami just happily fished for a while during a busy day of study. Compared with the time that will be wasted in this future life, just a snap of a finger is nothing.

Neither President Shirogane nor Ishigami answered. At the same time, they put away the game controllers in a tacit understanding.

"Ishigami, let's play again next time."

President Shirogane lowered his head and put his handle into the box, and said calmly

"Yeah, that's true."

Ishigami nodded, completely agreeing with what President Shirogane said.

But this was not enough. He was afraid that someone would play the game secretly and cause Aili to freeze the data on the big screen again.


Chika Fujiwara widened her eyes when she saw the ruthless actions of Yu-kun and President Shirogane.

No, why are you worse than Pace?

When you see me coming, just close the game?

Can't afford it?

Chika Fujiwara, who was crying, felt that she could save her again, so she pulled the sleeves on the stone.

"Ishigami-kun, I want to play a game."

He even used a coquettish tone

"Is that good~"

If Chika Fujiwara's father had heard his daughter's tone, his bones would have softened. Even if he wants stars every day, he will ask JAXA (Neon Aerospace Research and Development Agency) to launch satellites to pick them out.

But this was Ishigami, and Fujiwara Chika's coquettishness meant nothing to him.

"Dah ah."

Having seen her various extreme "chaos" sides, Ishigami already had "antibodies" against Fujiwara Chika in his body.

How could a mere Thousand Flower Fungus have any effect on my stone?

"There are also malicious acts of cuteness, which are prohibited."

With an expressionless face, Ishigami gently hit Chika Fujiwara on the head with a knife, but it was just a token gesture and he didn't use much force.

Otherwise, he would have cried a long time ago based on the intensity of the "punishment" he gave her when she gave Fujiwara Chika a wrong question during tutoring.


So she didn't even shed tears this time and held her head in her hands. He looked at Shi Shang unwillingly, looking like he was angry but dared not speak, and was cowardly.

Seeing that Ishigami did not have President Shirogane who had always been accustomed to Chika Fujiwara and agreed to her request, her high-spirited heart was relieved.

If Ishigami agrees, it won't be just the two of them, and President Shirogane will be forced to join them.

This is very detrimental to his next plan.

"Secretary Fujiwara, the final exam is tomorrow."

President Shirogane wiped the sweat from his head and reminded Fujiwara Chika in a serious and preaching tone.

"Compared with games, learning is more important."

"I also know this, I don't need to be reminded by the president."

Chika Fujiwara muttered in a low voice, her mouth pouting out of dissatisfaction could hang something, so she didn't have to worry about dropping it.

Facing Youjun, Qianhua was too timid to fight back.

But when President Bai Yin said this, she was very unhappy, and felt like a "treasonous son" who wanted to rebel.

"President, do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

Fujiwara Chika also used a preaching tone and looked at President Shirogane with great dissatisfaction.

"It's as if the president doesn't need to take the exam."

"You are playing the game so happily, and you don't look like a person who has to take an exam at all."

Facing Chika Fujiwara who almost touched his face with her fingers, President Shirogane was at a loss for words and could not think of any good answer.

Ishigami spoke for him.

"Senior Qianhua, what was your grade rank in the last exam?"

Ishigami's first shot was a sure kill.

This time, it was Fujiwara Chika's turn to be speechless. The tone of her voice that she had suddenly attacked and accused President Shirogane from the commanding heights had slowed down.

I lost my confidence in hemming and hawing, and in the end I simply fell silent.

Ishigami urged

"Huh? Tell me."

Chika Fujiwara accepted her fate, and these three words seemed to use up all her strength.

"ninety one."

There are a total of one hundred and ninety-two second-year students. Although Chika Fujiwara's level is considered to be above average for her grade, she is not bad at all.

But in the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon student union room, where the first and second grade students are always there, it is obvious that there is not enough to watch.


After getting the answer he wanted, Ishigami immediately said

"The results of the president and I are not good either. We all rely on our peers to support us. We are only a fraction of your level, Senior Qianhua."

As soon as he said "companion foil", he saw Shinomiya-senpai showing a very dangerous expression to him. Ishigami coughed and immediately changed his words.

But this didn't stop him from slowly walking forward and scraping Fujiwara Chika's nose affectionately with his curved index finger, and asked with a smile.

"You said, just by virtue of your status as the head of our grade."

"Can I sit here comfortably and play games the day before finals?"

Ishigami looked directly into Chika Fujiwara's eyes. Was she moved? Indeed she didn't dare to move.

"Huh? Senior Qianhua."

That's enough. With President Shirogane and Ishigami's top score in the national joint entrance examination, any school would have to pay for it. (Emperor Shijo has only taken the joint entrance examination once, except for that time, President Shirogane ranked first)

Even if Ishigami and President Shirogane went to the principal's office to play video games, no one would say anything. Oh, but the assistant teacher may ask them if they need snacks or something, and if they are thirsty.

"The strong have privileges everywhere." This sentence applies everywhere. If you don't get special treatment, it's just because your money, status, and strength are not enough to break the "rules."

It is naturally impossible for Fujiwara Chika to say that sentence

"Dare I ask who this big brother is?"

She ran directly to fetch the reinforcements.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kaguya-san."

Fujiwara Chika rushed over and hugged Kaguya Shinomiya, who had not spoken since just now and was just observing the dynamics on the field.

"Ishigami-kun and President Shirogane bullied me."

The reason why she didn't speak before was because Shinomiya Kaguya had a war between heaven and man in her mind.

No time for them

Hearing Ishigami's words "Thanks to the support of my colleagues" also happened to trigger Shinomiya Kaguya's passivity. She was so competitive that she wanted to take away the president's first place in this exam. She had become obsessed with it, so she responded to Ishigami's words. React with a dangerous smile.

Ninety percent of the brain cells Shinomiya Kaguya can mobilize are deducing and recalling bits and pieces of the past.

Miss Kaguya has a very good memory and can recall even the day she first met the president from her mind.

Because from the beginning, "Which is more important, the game or me, in the eyes of the president?" has become

"President, he has never liked me."

For a long time, those confrontations with the president were probably the delusions of Shinomiya Kaguya alone.

No joke

The president had an indifferent attitude that he didn't care about his own affairs and was in the mood to play games, without any sign of panic.

It has almost made Shinomiya Kaguya break her defense.

Do you have no heart?

Little did they know that the scene where President Shirogane and Ishigami were playing games was a scene specially made for Shinomiya Kaguya. It was President Shirogane who suddenly asked Ishigami to play games.

Ishigami, who is well aware of the sophistication of people, said that he would not tell the truth if he saw through it, so he could only play along and be a companion.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of Senior Sister Shinomiya

The name of the president's play is "Dismounting Power"

Chairman Shirogane showed that he didn't care whether Shinomiya Kaguya had an affair, which made Shinomiya Kaguya doubt his life.

It's just an information gap.

How confident Shinomiya Kaguya was at noon, how upset she is now.

"There is obviously no problem with the plan."

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know that her plan had been completely revealed to President Shirogane by her "good relative" Shijo Shinobi, and she was still waiting stupidly for the President to confess. (If I knew about it, I'm afraid we would never have contact with each other until we die.)

Although the president only changed his attitude from "What should I do without the fourth house" to "A mere woman will only affect my keystroke speed", it was so simple and crude that it was ridiculous.

But it can be said that it has reached a "vicious" level, and the effect is outstanding.

Because when girls do it, what they want is exactly an attitude. Use various tests to explore your status in your boyfriend's heart.

If you are unkind, then I am also unjust.

This incident is Shinomiya Kaguya testing his position in President Shirogane's heart, no, it's how much he loves Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya knew that the president liked her very much, so she blackmailed him "in the name of love".

President, don’t you love me? Then show some sincerity and take the initiative to express your love to me.

It's a clear plan!

But on the answer sheet that President Shirogane handed in to Shinomiya Kaguya just now, the perfect score sheet that originally had a score of 100% was clearly written on it.

"Sigong, your position in my mind is just a piece of cake."

"Linghun." A big X

These few big words were enough to break through Shinomiya Kaguya's spiritual defense.

Therefore, in this very short period of time, President Shirogane seemed indifferent, which made Kaguya Shinomiya, who was worried about gains and losses, quickly review the situation.

She needs to figure it out

"President, he likes me."

This matter couldn't have been just my misunderstanding from the beginning.

One of the three major misconceptions in life, "Does he like me?" has troubled countless people.

Shinomiya Kaguya never thought that one day, she would encounter such nonsense.

She had already gone through the days from first grade to being invited by President Shirogane to serve as the vice president of the student union in her mind, and she was rehearsing every conversation between the two of them.

He was very precise and meticulous, not even missing a modal particle.

But Fujiwara Chika's actions made Shinomiya Kaguya

Suddenly everything goes dark, and the next second you may be swallowed up by the ungazing abyss and become unable to breathe.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who had a frosty face, turned around dexterously and avoided Fujiwara Chika's flying attack.

"Fujiwara-san, I don't have time to play with you now."

Chika Fujiwara jumped into the air and squatted on the ground, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Can you please leave me alone?"

Shinomiya Kaguya said coldly

Chika Fujiwara turned to look at Kaguya Shinomiya, her good friend for several years, as if she was meeting him for the first time.


Kaguya-san, how could you possibly make me so embarrassed? . .

"Okay, Senka Qianhua."

Ishigami reacted quickly and immediately came out to smooth things over. He used his body to block Fujiwara Chika's sight of Shinomiya Kaguya, so that she could only see him.

"Senior Sister Shinomiya, you may have encountered something difficult to think about."

Shinomiya-senpai, can you not be anxious? The boyfriend who was obviously about to get her suddenly said:

I never liked you.

Everyone has to break their guard, and it's normal to have a slightly harsh tone.

"Stop disturbing her and come sit next to me."

Ishigami pulled Chika Fujiwara up and the two sat on the sofa.

He looked at the girl who was still a little dazed and touched her head to express comfort.

Chika-senpai really can’t read the air.

Don't you even smell the burning smell of gunpowder in the air?

Obviously we ordinary people as the audience only need to watch, so let's give the stage to them.

President Shirogane returned to his chair, which belonged to the student council president, and seemed to be reviewing the documents carefully.

But all his attention was focused on Kaguya Shinomiya, and he inadvertently glanced at Kaguya's stern face.

"Are you panicking? Shinomiya."

President Baiyin felt a sense of secret joy in his heart.

No, I can’t laugh out loud.

"Your move"

"I've seen it all."

After Concubine Shijou told President Shirogane the identity of the "yellow hair" who always accompanied Shinomiya, he understood it instantly.

All this was just a trap set by Shinomiya for me, creating the illusion that she had a boyfriend. The purpose was to catch me off guard and disrupt my position.

President Shirogane, who wanted to understand all this at that time, was wet with cold sweat all over his back.

That woman can really do it.

It was hard for him to imagine that he would do anything stupid in his mental state at that time.

If seeking help from Ishigami fails, President Shirogane may have no choice but to take the "extreme" path.

Crying and shouting, he came to Shinomiya and revealed his feelings for her.

President Bai Yin can naturally imagine what terrible things will happen. At that time, his dignity will be gone and he will become a subordinate of the Fourth Palace. There is no dignity at all, and he becomes the exploited party in love.

"Ah, President, I really have to do something with you."

Transformed into the "winner", Shinomiya Kaguya sat on the chair with a proud face and raised the chin of Shirogane Goyuki with the arched instep of her black stockings.

Force his eyes to look at you

"Then from now on you will be my servant (Wang Jiang), and you will obey my orders in everything, you know."

The final result was a love war that lasted for nearly more than a year, which ended disastrously with the failure of Baiyin Yuxing.

But with the help of Shijo Maconcubine, Shinomiya's conspiracy failed. Now Baiyin Yuxing has become a hunter from the beginning, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Sigong, I guess you must have a lot of questions right now."

President Shirogane closed the cap of his pen and showed a victor's smile.

"Just ask, this is your last struggle anyway."

"You have some skills, President."

Shinomiya Kaguya made a sound of displeasure as she went through a lot of mental review.

Burned to death countless elite brain cells

There is only one conclusion that can be deduced

President Bai Yin, there is no doubt that he really likes her.

So why can he still be indifferent to her?

The only explanation is

"You actually lied to me! President"

Why did the president choose today to play games in the student union room for the first time?

Shinomiya Kaguya, who has a super high IQ, immediately deduced the truth of the matter.

It's all fake, it's all an act.

It’s true that President Shirogane is playing games, but it’s true that he deceived me and messed up his position.

Hayato-kun's role as Shinomiya Kaguya's bodyguard is a secret. The president definitely got some information from unknown sources.

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately cast her rather "friendly" gaze on Ishigami.

Ishigami, who was feeding Chika Fujiwara as a breeder, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on his back.

As soon as he looked up, he found that Shinomiya Kaguya was staring at him with an unusually cold gaze, as if looking at a corpse.

"It's fucked up."

How long can you hide President Shirogane's feint from Shinomiya-senpai?

There is no bottom on the stone

But with Shinomiya-senpai's eyes that were almost murderous, Ishigami understood that he had become the "scapegoat" for Shinomiya-senpai.

With a strong desire to survive, he immediately shook his head crazily and hinted at Senior Sister Shinomiya with his eyes.

"Senomiya-senpai, I am innocent."

"I did not do anything."

"You'd better really have nothing to do with this, Ishigami-kun."

"You are a rat's tail juice."

After receiving the signal that he was a "big boy", Shinomiya Kaguya just glanced at him and looked away without pursuing anything further.

"So, how should I make the president who deceived me pay the price?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at President Shirogane who was smiling at him. When their eyes met, an astonishing spark instantly erupted in the void.

The air has become flammable and explosive.

"President, I feel very distressed today."

Shinomiya Kaguya cried to President Shirogane in an aggrieved tone, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"I am always looked at strangely by other students."

Her move was to retreat and take the initiative to bring up the topic. Direct the topic of conversation to the main battlefield they care about most.

"Oh~ It seems that the students are a little enthusiastic today."

President Shirogane seemed to be following Kaguya Shinomiya's words, but in fact he was going to chat to death the next second.

"However, as Shinomiya, we are the members of the student council that attract the most attention."

"It's normal for students to pay attention to every move they make."

"It's been so long, you still haven't gotten used to the gaze of outsiders on us."

President Shirogane did not bite the bait, but defined the rumors about Shinomiya as the students' curiosity about the student council members.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was choked by the president, took a deep breath and suppressed the depression in her heart.

Mo! She really didn't know that the president could be so annoying.

"Yes, that's what the president said."

"I was the one who made the fuss."

Shinomiya Kaguya took the initiative to admit her mistake, and then she stopped pretending and showed her cards directly.

"But the topics those students discussed were so sensitive. They all seemed to be about my relationship."

"What if I got a new boyfriend and threw the old one aside."

Although she said she felt sad, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the defeated male protagonist in the story with a smile with her crimson pupils.

Baiyin Royal Bank

"Many people are scolding me for being heartless."

"A boring topic, Shinomiya."

President Shirogane felt deeply uncomfortable as Shinomiya's words reminded him of the strange look that everyone had today. Sweat started to break out on my head, but I still pretended to be calm.

"Our student union is an example of conduct and discipline. How could we do something that violates discipline?"

"That's ridiculous."

But now the two people who are facing each other have underestimated someone's sensitivity to the two keywords of "romance."

Not to mention it belongs to Kaguya Shinomiya.

"Senior Chika?"

Ishigami looked at Chika Fujiwara, who had his head lowered and a gloomy face, and suddenly stood up, still mumbling.


"She has a boyfriend?"

"No! I don't want it!"

Tears instantly burst out of Fujiwara Chika's eyes. She moved at a much faster speed than before.

A hungry tiger pounced on food and knocked down Shinomiya Kaguya.


Shinomiya Kaguya was pinned down by Fujiwara Chika, and it happened so suddenly that she didn't even know what happened.

Fujiwara Chika, who cried harder than Ishigami when he bullied her, rubbed Shinomiya Kaguya's cheek

Mouth was crying.

"No, I don't want Kaguya-san to become someone else's thing."

Especially her arms tightly holding Shinomiya Kaguya's neck, almost strangling Miss Kaguya to death.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kaguya-san."

"I love you, I like you."

"I know! Let go now."

Shinomiya Kaguya almost suffocated, she didn't even know Fujiwara Chika had such great strength.

"I won't let anyone take it away from me."

At this point, this love fight has not yet entered a fierce battle, but it has ended with a sudden accident on Shinomiya Kaguya.

Today's victory or defeat is Shinomiya Kaguya's defeat.

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