I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 178 Be obedient, Baiyinwang-chan

With a sound of "Boo~", Hayasaka Ai opened her lips and pulled out the lollipop from her mouth. It was still stained with crystals melted by the girl's temperature, sparkling with crystal light under the sunlight.

She leaned against the window sill comfortably, flipping through the Xiuzhiyuan Forum website on her mobile phone.

This APP is connected to Xiuzhiyuan's intranet. You can only log in with the number on your student ID card. It is a real-name system, so you don't have to worry about outsiders seeing the information inside.


Hayasaka Ai bites the lollipop and makes a crisp sound

Miss Kaguya really deserves to be the top figure in Shuchiyuan. Even though a morning has passed, there are various discussions and new news about Shinomiya Kaguya one after another.

Some of them were being discussed seriously, and Hayasaka Ai wouldn't care. However, if some little Heizi were unreasonable, she would attack them.

After all, the entire Shuchiyuan is the property of the Shinomiya family, and Hayasaka Ai also assumed the identity of an administrator for the sake of convenience.

So in order to prevent Miss Kaguya’s image from being tarnished, every time something happens to her, there will be hot searches. Hayasaka Ai is the busiest during this time period

In the past, she would manually deliver thirty-day ban packages to these little black men, which often made her eyes sore. (The rule is that if a single account is banned three times, the account will be banned. This means that students can only be banned once a year during the three years of the Higher Education Department.)

But no more now.

Because Brother Jun understands her hard work, he specially wrote an artificial intelligence for Hayasaka Ai that can assist her in her work.

Right now, on Hayasaka Ai's mobile phone, there is a cute white cerebellar tiger licking its fur, with a particularly long tail that stretches around its body.

However, the name given by my younger brother Jun is really hard to describe. It is called "Chief's Er", and it is said to be a mythical beast that likes to eat tigers.

Hayasaka gave the little tiger a new name, "Mo Ning." Taken from Hayasaka Ai’s morning and Ishigami Yu’s morning, the two combined into one is morning. "Morning" is the homophone of "Morning".

What she just saw was the Xiao Heizi data sample that "Mo Ning" spent three seconds scanning from more than 400 discussion rooms. A total of thirty-three people were arrested and brought to justice.

What comments they made, what kind of image they smeared Miss Kaguya, the time and names are all listed above. Moning even gave a detailed analysis report on the composition of these people.

As long as Hayasaka Ai clicks OK on the screen, they and others will be happy to mention the thirty-day ban package.

It was easy, she had time to eat lollipops.

"But, Miss Kaguya."

Hayasaka Ai looked at Kaguya Shinomiya who was sitting on the chair as if everything was in my hands, and asked helplessly

"Are you really not going to clarify this?"

Hayasaka Ai was a little scared by the fanaticism of this group of people. I have never seen you so enthusiastic before.

"Clarify what?"

Shinomiya Kaguya dignifiedly picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The smile on her lips made people think that she was a woman with a rather bad character.

"Ah, Hayasaka, you are talking about Hayato-kun, right?"

She waved her hand and replied in a frivolous tone.

"It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you want with your mouth on them."

"That's nonsense anyway."

It’s not unreasonable for some people to be born to be fools. They follow the wind and act like rain. Whenever you see something, it automatically triggers the keyword, and everything you don’t know can be said.

She was so laissez-faire that she allowed public opinion to soar. Not making a clarification, turning a blind eye.

The intention behind Shinomiya Kaguya was just a strategy to attract the attention of President Shirogane and make that man feel in danger of losing her.

Let the bullet fly for a while, and it would be best to hit the president's heart hard.

Let him know the pain!

Shinomiya Kaguya's waiting was so anxious that she was about to shed blood and tears.

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya's hand holding the teacup couldn't stop trembling.

It's been so long, but the man hasn't taken the initiative at all.

The stories of Shinomiya Kaguya and President Shirogane can be summarized in one sentence.

That is

"How to stay single while being in love."

In some sense, the two of them are really awesome. Don't even look at how many plans Ishigami made in one semester and how many innocent seniors he captured (seduce).

Shinomiya Kaguya put down her teacup and grinned gloomily.

"The current president must be extremely sad. He won't be hiding in a corner wiping his tears alone."

So let the bullets fly a little longer

Shinomiya Kaguya had already imagined the image of the unsettled President Shirogane running up to her with a look of embarrassment, kneeling down and hugging her legs.

President Bai Yin cried and said

"Shinomiya, I can't live without you."

Then she could look down at President Shirogane with the lofty attitude of a winner.

"Oh my god, I really can't do anything about you."

Smiling Shinomiya Kaguya stroked President Shirogane's hair in the same way Chika Fujiwara stroked Pace's head.

"But, President, do you really not want me to be snatched away by others?"

"Well, Shinomiya, no, Kaguya-sama."

Chairman Shirogane held Shinomiya Kaguya's thigh with both hands and shed tears of regret.

"I know now that I, Baiyin YuxingTM, was a fool before."

"It's my fault that I turned a blind eye to your feelings."

"I won't do this again, so don't abandon me."


"Oh my god, I really can't do anything about you."

The corners of Kaguya Shinomiya's mouth, who successfully captured the president, kept rising.

"Then you must listen to my orders carefully from now on."

"You know, Shirogane Wang-chan."

Hum hum, of course all this is just a delusion in Shinomiya Kaguya's mind.

But what Shinomiya Kaguya is waiting for is to make this matter a reality.

This time the plan is called

"Let President Shirogane regret taking the initiative to confess his love and fight."

She didn't believe that President Bai Yin could remain indifferent as the scandal spread about her became more and more intense.

Unless he is not a man and has no blood.

How can you remain normal when you see the woman you love taken away by another man?

Hayasaka Hayato

Although it is true that he is Hayasaka Ai's cousin by blood, but how terrifying are the Shinomiya family's methods of controlling people?

As a clan member, Shinomiya Kaguya still knows a little bit, and the elimination of human nature is the most basic requirement.

After all, tools have no heart.

So are these people full of flowers?

Delusion to this extent

How could I, Kaguya Shinomiya, fall in love with a killing machine trained by the Shinomiya family? This is outrageous.

But he was quite obedient. Shinomiya Kaguya took him out to stand guard on the grounds that the two good sisters wanted to whisper.

In fact, it may not mean much whether Hayato-kun is with her as a bodyguard or not.

Just as the last fuse

All the personnel currently patrolling Shuchiin are personnel from the security company contracted by the Shinomiya family from overseas, and they are of excellent quality. There are no mercenaries with all kinds of weird habits, they are all regular soldiers in neat suits.

Otherwise, the safety of the Shuchiin girls may be in question if those old mercenaries with no appearance and smooth speech are used as bodyguards.

At the same time, more than a dozen experienced sniper teams were stationed on the top floors of buildings within a few kilometers of Xiuzhiyuan to isolate any possibility of assassination.

Shuchiin, who seems to be loosely defensive, is actually a solid stone.

The safest place in Tokyo, except for the military base, even the Neon House of Representatives does not have as many bodyguards as Shuchiin.

Shinomiya Kaguya doesn't worry much about her own safety. The fact that she can still be with Hayasaka safe and sound is the best proof.

She chuckled

Except for the president, no one else would even think about dating her. At least he had to give a country as a meeting gift so that Shinomiya Kaguya would be able to look at him.

But it’s just a look. After all, if a person is stupid and has too much money, he can be called a rare beast.

"Don't keep talking about my scandal every day. Don't you have anything else to do?

"If you don't play with yourself now, you won't have so much time to play when you take over your family's company."

"By the way, Hayasaka."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head, and then looked at Hayasaka Ai with a joking look.

"What's wrong, Miss?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked her up and down carefully, which made Hayasaka's heart tremble.

"Miss Kaguya, why are you looking at me like this..."

"If I remember correctly, Hayasaka, you told me some time ago that beauty is power."

"If a woman doesn't dress herself up, she can't survive in society."

Shinomiya Kaguya's unscrupulous gaze lasted for four or five seconds before she withdrew.

she said jokingly

"According to your theory."

"Then you look weak now, don't you?"

For more than a year, in order to help Shinomiya Kaguya gain a foothold in Shuchiin and collect intelligence.

As a valet, Hayasaka Ai does her best. The persona she creates in school is that of a very fashionable JK hottie, and she builds good relationships with her classmates with a flirtatious attitude. She doesn't want everyone to like her, but at least she is very popular and no one will hate her. (Except for some girls who are jealous of Hayasaka Ai’s beauty, there is nothing we can do about it.)

Even though she still had to worry about all kinds of troublesome matters in the Shinomiya family, she was still able to score 114th, with a perfect B in every subject.

But now Hayasaka Ai

Although the general direction has not changed, he still ties his coat around his slender waist. However, judging from all the details, she seemed to be tired of the flamboyant dress she used to have.

The two buttons at the neckline of Hayasaka Aihara's throat are open, and her delicate white collarbone can be seen. If you get closer, you might be able to feel the depth.

This is one of the details, and the delicate makeup on her face has been transformed into elegant light makeup.

It can only be said that Hayasaka Ai has a really good foundation. Whether she wears light makeup or heavy makeup, she always looks good. Each one has its own flavor and is very beautiful.

Her ultra-short skirt had already been lowered more than a little. Even the strictest Iino could not find any problems when measuring it with a measuring tape. It was in full compliance with the school regulations.

If Hayasaka Ai was a proud rose in full bloom before, then now she is a high mountain flower that has put away part of her beauty and become indifferent and inaccessible.

That's why Kaguya Shinomiya was amazed, Hayasaka was used to the hot girl model in the past.

Seeing the girl in front of me who is wearing school uniform but looks like a real lady, elegant and smooth, she feels a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I did say that before."

"But it's different now."

Hayasaka Ai, who was teased by Shinomiya Kaguya, had a pretty blush on her cold face.

She looked out the window and took a sip of the lollipop. For some reason, her heart and mouth felt sweet at the same time.

Yes, it's different.

Not only do I have someone I really like, but the person I like also happens to like me.

The goal in the past was just to live, and the goal in the future is to live well with him.

Hayasaka Ai was like a girl who just fell in love. It was the first time she shared her own affairs with her best friend. She felt a little embarrassed and said in a low voice.

"He said he likes me the way I am."


It seemed that the shock on Shinomiya Kaguya's face made Hayasaka Ai wake up from being immersed in pink bubbles just now.

"What's wrong, Miss Kaguya?"

"Nothing, hum."

Shinomiya Kaguya snorted coldly and replied calmly. If you listen carefully, you can tell that her voice actually has a somewhat sour tone.

Damn it, Hayasaka really did it.

The bitter Shinomiya Kaguya felt that she was asking for trouble just now.

What on earth is she suffering from?

A single person goes to provoke other people who have a partner. I was so irritated that I didn't even say anything, but I was forcefully given a mouthful of Hayasaka's fresh dog food.

But to be honest, Shinomiya Kaguya still has mixed feelings.

Three years, five years, or ten years?

The time was so far away that Shinomiya Kaguya had forgotten it.

Hayasaka, how many years has it been since he showed a heartfelt smile in front of her?

Just now, what Hayasaka showed to Shinomiya Kaguya, there is no doubt that it is a happy smile that can only be shown by a person who has tasted the sweetness of the purest love.


Her sweet smile also reminded Shinomiya Kaguya of a problem that she had not thought about until now, no, it was difficult to accept and face it.

"Haasaka, she will definitely leave me sooner or later."

When thinking about this Shinomiya Kaguya, her nose felt a little sore, and she couldn't suppress the feeling of wanting to cry.

Hayasaka Ai and her, the two relied on each other and overcame countless difficulties until now. There are no more ordinary sisters who are not related by blood.

My good sister now has someone to entrust to her for life, and she will definitely become more and more distant from her in the future.


It would be a lie to say that I have no regrets.

Shinomiya Kaguya can even cherish the mobile phone she has owned since kindergarten, let alone Hayasaka Ai who has grown up with her since childhood.

"Haasaka, you must be happy."

Shinomiya Kaguya calmed down and pretended to feel uncomfortable because of the wind and sand in her eyes. She seemed to be rubbing her eyes with her fingers.

In fact, she was wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Shinomiya Kaguya didn't want to be discovered by Hayasaka Ai, so she turned her back.

Can Shinomiya Kaguya's abnormality be hidden from Hayasaka Ai?

She came over and supported Miss Kaguya's body, and asked worriedly

"What's wrong? Miss Kaguya."

"If you feel unwell, I will take you to the health room."

"No, I'm fine. It's just that the wind and sand got into my eyes and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Shinomiya Kaguya was afraid that Hayasaka Ai would see her weak side and lowered her head, tightly grabbing the clothes of the person next to her with her hands.

But this was not enough to calm her down. Shinomiya Kaguya, who was silent and unable to see her expression, buried her head in Hayasaka Ai's arms and breathed in her breath wantonly.

Shinomiya Kaguya shed a few uncontrollable tears, all of which fell on Hayasaka Ai's lap.

after a long silence


Hearing the eldest lady's voice, Hayasaka Ai nodded slightly.

"I am here."

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head, with tears in her eyes, she reached out her hand to caress Hayasaka Ai's face.

"You must be happy, Hayasaka."

Hayasaka Ai's tone softened, and she stretched out her hand to hug Shinomiya Kaguya firmly.

"Yeah, I will."

Just like back then, when she and the eldest lady first met. The still young Miss Kaguya held her hand tightly, so hard that it hurt to hold Hayasaka's hand.

Two girls hugging in a deserted classroom

Be it Kaguya Shinomiya or Ai Hayasaka.

They know that they can't stay together forever, and they will always be separated one day.

Everyone will grow up, have people they love, and go off to their own lives.

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