I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 174 Without me, you will have to disperse sooner or later

The small forest mentioned in the text message Ishigami received on his mobile phone refers to the small forest near the building near the student union room.

The concealment is very good and the greening rate of Shuchiin is actually quite high, ranking first among these schools in urban Tokyo.

Some Shuchiin students would also take advantage of their lunch break to sleep cuddling each other under a tree.

And the guy who "made an appointment after lunch break" is President Shirogane. It was obvious that after this morning's suffering, he was now extremely haggard and looked bad.

The dark circles on his face became particularly deep, and his face turned pale, and he couldn't even stand still.

It can be said that it is not much different from a dying person.

Ishigami saw the president from afar. His face was so terrifying that he looked like a zombie in a costume movie. He was standing staggeringly under the tree.

In this situation, there is something rude about the stone. I really want to complain. I feel that the president should not be under the tree but on the tree. On the crooked neck tree, a rope was hung around his chin.

It was pitch black deep in the surrounding woods. President Bai Yin's face was pale, without blood, like a corpse. With the desolate atmosphere in this vacancy, any ordinary person would have run away.

Ishigami didn't have much fear, after all, he was a man who could even endure the president's hellish singing voice for ten seconds.

He walked forward and supported President Bai Yin

"President, I'm here."

"Also, do you really not need to go to the health room to lie down for a while?"

President Shirogane’s tone was full of desolation, but he still didn’t forget to care about Ishigami first.

"Ishigami, are you feeling better?"

Ishigami's sudden fainting last time frightened the seniors like them.

At that time, they wanted to call the school ambulance immediately. Shujiyuan, as a super aristocratic school, actually had an ambulance equipped with medical personnel that parked here all year round.

The ambulance prepared by Shinomiya Group is unusual, its full name is Unimog Ambulance. The facilities inside are very complete, and all rescue equipment is available. Even if the student is in critical condition and cannot survive, an operation can be performed.

It is to be able to rescue the children of these big guys at the top of the neon scene in time when an accident occurs. Saving the next one will make a lot of money.

Originally, President Shirogane and the others were planning to call for such a rescue, but the thing called artificial intelligence on Ishigami stopped them.

A beautiful girl whom I didn’t recognize appeared directly on the large screen in the student union, her tone was very serious.

It is said that this is an emergency public health safety incident, and it is very likely that they, as the first contacts, were infected with an unknown virus.

We need to ask President Shirogane and the others to stay away from Ishigami and wait for professionals to handle it.

"Thank you, President, for your concern."

"I'm already fine."

Shi Shang supported President Bai Yin. He wanted to move somewhere because it was too dark here. Not conducive to enlightenment, but also psychological counseling.

"Compared to what I am now, President, you are the one who needs a rest."

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

“I’m just a little tired.”

President Baiyin shook his head and said dryly

"I'm also sorry for calling you out all of a sudden."

"What's the matter? I usually have nothing to do."

Ishigami helped President Shirogane to a place where he could bask in the sun and sit down. The place was covered with green lawns and could bask in the warm summer sun. But it's much better than the dark corner chosen by President Shirogane before.

"President, you should also lie down."

"This will help ease your mood even more."

Ishigami stared at the sky, leaning on it with his head and hands flat. He was lying on the lawn, basking in the sun and blowing in the breeze, feeling very comfortable.

He saw President Bai Yin lying down imitating his own example, and then he said

"So, President, do you have anything to do with me?"

But the president knew without saying it that it must be related to Senior Sister Shinomiya.

President Baiyin took a deep breath. He seemed to have aged a lot, and said in a pale and feeble tone.

"Well, actually I want to ask you for a relationship consultation."

"Do you want love counseling?"

Ishigami repeated the word

He still remembers that when he first started school, he had several love consultations. Among them are the person next to Ishigami, as well as Tanuma-senpai, Kashiwagi-senpai, Shinomiya-senpai, and Bangui-senpai, etc.

Time flies so fast, so many things have happened before I know it.

"That's it, President."

Although Ishigami's voice was not loud, it was very convincing once he said it.

"Leave all your questions to me, I am a master of love."

Ishigami's love consultations so far have received zero negative reviews, and a couple has become inseparable under his consultation. (But one customer was also very hurt because of this.)

"What a reliable junior."

President Shirogane's initially anxious heart was relieved a lot by Shi Shang's words.

"But rather than saying it's a relationship consultation, it's more like I want to talk about how to be with enmmm."

President Bai Yin didn’t know how to speak.

He himself couldn't understand what his relationship was with Shinomiya.

The president's confusion gave Ishigami the opportunity to speak for him.

"Do you usually feel that as long as you confess your love to someone of the opposite sex, you will definitely become your girlfriend, but suddenly an ambiguous target appears?"

"I feel confused all of a sudden. Was what I did before useless?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Ishigami’s succinct summary made President Shirogane understand it all at once, even though he didn’t know how to speak. He was so excited that he sat up directly.

However, coupled with the extremely haggard face, people can't help but think of the feeling of "sitting up in a dying illness", which is simply "returning to the light".

President Bai Yin also suddenly realized that his behavior was a bit inappropriate, it was too obvious.

He calmed down and lay down again, scratching his face awkwardly.

"No, what a coincidence."

"Oh, Ishigami, you are truly a master of love. You knew it before I even opened my mouth."

"Actually, this is my friend's business, but I never know how to summarize it."

Ishigami smiled

President, when you say that this is your friend's business, you are really not asking yourself.

But he didn't reveal it either, he just said it in a calm tone.

"That's a coincidence, President."

"But don't say that in the future. It can easily cause misunderstandings."

"This sounds like what the president said, although it shouldn't be so cliche."

President Bai Yin said haha, perfunctorily.

"Hhh, how is it possible? How is it possible?"

"So Ishigami, this happened."

"I, no, what should I do with that friend of mine."

Ishigami turned his head. He wanted to see what was going on with this man. He had already blown himself up like this and was still pretending.

President, your mouth is really tough.

"Well, let me think about it."

Ishigami shook his head helplessly, honestly speaking, he was concerned about the trouble between Senior Sister Shinomiya and President Shirogane. To put it simply, unless one party takes the initiative, there will be no progress at all.

We have also seen the current situation of the president, who still refuses to admit that he likes Shinomiya-senpai. But that's fine, that way Ishigami can be more aggressive. After all, this matter was indeed caused by Shinomiya-senpai's fault.

Ishigami already knew a lot of information in advance through internal information, that is, Hayasaka Ai.

Including the true identity of the mysterious handsome blond boy who, in the eyes of many Shuchiin students, parachuted directly next to Shinomiya-senpai.

In a nutshell

He is the personal bodyguard of the "school beauty" (master)

In other words, the handsome guy who is much less handsome than Ishigami is just a martial arts genius sent by Shinomiya-senpai's father to protect Shinomiya-senpai.

But that handsome boy also has some blood relationship with Ishigami's Hayasaka Ai. It was said before that the children of the Hayasaka family are actually one of the sources selected by the Shinomiya family to enter the "Sword-biting Tiger". In other words, this man with blond hair who looks like a handsome guy from the Asasi family is actually technically Hayasaka Ai's cousin.

Codenamed "Golden Flash", he is a combat specialist belonging to the "Dark Crows", one of the twelve combat units of the "Sword-Bite Tiger". He passed the rigorous selection process since he was a child and entered the "Sword-biting Tiger" training directly.

He can appear in Xiuzhiyuan just because his age is the most suitable. He is the youngest among the "Dark Crows". Although he is twenty-one years old, he still looks very young, no different from a high school student. The other groups are all rough uncles in their thirties and forties.

His previous name was Hayasaka Hayato.

But entering the "sword-biting tiger" means that everything in the past must be abandoned.

Regardless of his surname or identity, he must give up his whole life and become the property of the Shinomiya family.

Just the code name.

Due to his own characteristics, Hayato was awarded the title of "Golden Flash" by the chief instructor of "Swordbite Tiger".

Therefore, "Golden Flash" even gave up his own name, but this time "Dark Crow" took the order to protect the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family.

That’s why I picked up the name I once used.

But Shuchiin already had a Hayasaka, so the appearance of a second Hayasaka would be too conspicuous to avoid suspicion.

So "Haasaka Hayato" was forced to change his name to "Hayama Hayato", and he was transferred to Shinomiya Kaguya's class and was still her deskmate. Even going to school together, sitting in the same car.

"Hayasaka Hayato" (X)

"Hayama Hayato" ()

Everything is the task of the head of the family.

"Hayama Hayato" accepted the order of the organization. From then on, a generation of military kings once again entered the campus and became a transfer student of Shuchiyuan.

As for whether Hayato, who is used to a life of gunfire and bullets, can adapt to Shuchiin's peaceful life.

That's for sure

After all, putting masks on people is what the Shinomiya family is good at.

No matter how harmless and gentle "Hayama Hayato" appears on the surface, he is still cold-blooded and ruthless in nature, and he is still the butcher with blood on his hands.

Therefore, the so-called ambiguous object issue was not established at the beginning. It was all just the unreasonable reverie of these Shuchiin "love brains".

And the so-called "holding hands" was just a gentleman's courtesy from Hayato to his protection target "Kaguya Shinomiya" when he got out of the car.

Although it is a secret that cannot be made public that the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family is afraid of death and has to bring bodyguards with her to go to school, but in the face of these fanatical fans who express their collapse, it is okay for Shinomiya-senpai to clarify.

But for the whole morning, Shinomiya Kaguya just watched the development of things with a smile.

No clarification at all

Shinomiya Kaguya just discussed some security matters with her bodyguard and talked about her own living habits. After all, security means making different arrangements according to the employer's travel and so on.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it is exactly how you behave and me.

"Oh my god, Miss Shinomiya is flirting with the new transfer student."

"The two of them can't really be together, right? Wuwuwu."

Shinomiya-senpai's inaction resulted in the sound of heartbreak filling the Shuchiin today.

Especially the person next to Ishigami now, his heart should be completely broken.

It was obvious that they were as haggard as a dead person and could no longer breathe.

That's why Ishigami felt that Shinomiya-senpai had gone too far this time.

As for why the senior sister did this, as long as the reason is put into the purpose of "making the president take the initiative to confess to her", everything can be reasonably explained.


Ishigami sighed

You guys, without me, we would have to disperse sooner or later.

President, you and Senior Sister Shinomiya will give me a small amount of money from now on, but you are sorry for the secret help I gave you. Senior Sister Shinomiya is still inexperienced, and she will scare away the president.

I had to give her the full scoop on Ishigami.

President Bai Yin was obviously on the verge of death, that's why he didn't die.

That was because he had subconsciously used Ishigami as the last straw to extend his life.

If Ishigami doesn't think it's a big deal at this time, if he says

"There is a kind of love called letting go..."

Believe it or not, the progress between President Shirogane and Shinomiya-senpai may suddenly change to what it was originally, not to mention that the former President Shirogane actually had a bit of hatred for rich people, and he only changed his mind after he fell in love with Shinomiya Kaguya.

Now Ishigami wants to protect Shinomiya-senpai and prevent her from completely losing President Shirogane due to her own mistakes.

Then we must first inspire his confidence

What can be said to rekindle a man's love for a woman?

No doubt it was to remind him of a little secret that only the two of them knew.

That little sweetness that is unique to two

Ishigami happened to know that something very out of line happened between President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya.

It was Hayasaka who told Ishigami when she was complaining about Shinomiya Kaguya's lack of common sense.

"President, I would like to take the liberty to ask."

"Your friend had something substantial with that girl, that's all."

"Holding hands, kissing, something beyond friendship?"

President Baiyin suddenly seemed to have caught a flash of inspiration, and his pale face actually started to show red.

"Do you have to say it?"

Ishigami nodded and said with a profound tone.

"Yes, I can't analyze it without saying it."

"Is it a problem that the girl is in love with someone else, or is it a problem with your friend?"

Ishigami wanted to continue talking, but there seemed to be intermittent sobbing sounds from girls around him.

I don't know why, but this cry feels a bit familiar. So he put his hands on the ground and slowly straightened up

"President, did you hear any girls crying?"

President Shirogane, who was just about to express his feelings, heard what Ishigami said and pricked up his ears and paid attention to his surroundings.

After a while he frowned

"It seems there is."

"Come on, let's go take a look."

President Shirogane also stood up, although love counseling was very important to him. But before dealing with personal emotional issues, he was also the student council president of Shuchiin.

We cannot remain idly by while Shuchiin students are in trouble!

As Ishigami and President Shirogane followed the cry, they got closer and closer to the truth.

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