Ishigami and Chairman Shirogane found it hard to follow the cry. They were originally enjoying a lunch break, no, a private love consultation project.

Now the team has grown, and now there are three people lying under the tree. Moreover, the already strong smell of defeated dogs in the air became even more intense with the addition of this new member.

Guild Silver is on the left side of the stone, but something seems to have happened and his depression is far worse than before.

Everyone is feeling bad

If it looked like a corpse just now, now it has evolved into a motionless specimen made of a corpse.

But Ishigami was still lying under the tree as before. He took a look at the president and sighed.

Then he turned his head and looked at the girl on the right whose face still had faint traces of tears.

"So, Senior Crybaby, why were you squatting there crying alone just now?"

The only one who could be called a crybaby by Ishigami was the eldest daughter of the Shijo family who accidentally stepped on her head by him last time when she was crying alone in pain. The real concubine Shijo was simply called "Concubine Chang Pei".

The eldest lady with short twin tails, who has the same status as Shinomiya Kaguya in Shuchiin, is actually secretly feeling depressed because of men's affairs, which really makes people want to make fun of her.

So Ishigami had already started teasing.

As a result, as soon as she heard Ishigami's words, Shijo Shinbi immediately felt like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, jumping up in pain and immediately began to refute it.

"Huh? Don't you even know about this kind of thing?"

"I thought you had grown a bit last time, but why are you still looking so clumsy!"

After Shijo Maifei rubbed her eyes vigorously, she tried her best to open them wide and look particularly fierce.

She said in a fierce tone

"Who else are you calling a crybaby?"

But because Shijo Maifei had just cried and the circles around her eyes were red, she didn't feel domineering at all. Combined with her moist violet pupils, it gave people a pitiful impression.

Somewhat cute

The only one with a hard mouth in this whole body, Shijo Shinobi, patted her chest, which was as unconvincing as Shinomiya Kaguya, blushed and defended loudly with her neck thick.

"I just happened to be blinded by the wind and sand there, so I wasn't crying."

"Really, that's what it is."

Ishigami heard the quibbles of the Shijo Princess and didn't say much. But his exaggerated tone already said a lot. Ishigami wouldn't believe a word of what this "crybaby senior" just said.

"Then I really blamed you wrongly, Shijo-senpai."

"Humph, that's good if you know."

Ishigami's sinister tone didn't make Concubine Shijo think too much. After all, she wasn't in that mood right now, so she just snorted coldly.

"I would like to ask, what are you doing there?"

However, thinking of what happened just now, Shijo Mafei still felt a little embarrassed.

She said in an apologetic tone to President Shirogane who was a stone away.

"And, I'm sorry, Shirogane-san."

Shijou Maifei discussed the matter, although it was because they had suddenly appeared that scared her, so she acted in self-protection.

But what she did wrong was wrong, and Princess Shijo would not avoid her mistakes.

She said in a sincere tone

"I was rude just now."

"President, President."

Ishigami stretched out his hand and gently shook the shoulder of President Shirogane, who looked like a corpse.

"Wake up, I'm apologizing to you."

But President Shirogane was still immersed in his own world, still muttering

"I'm a zombie, a scary zombie."

The reason why President Shirogane is like this has to do with the apologetic Concubine Shijo.

Previously, President Shirogane and Ishigami followed the cry, but he found it before Ishigami.

But President Shirogane doesn’t want to think about what he looks like. It’s more than enough to be an atmosphere member in a horror movie.

Concubine Shijo was squatting on the ground and crying again. With her eyes blurred by tears, she suddenly saw a pale-faced human head that was no different from a ghost emerging from the dark grass, with a strange smile on her face.

What's more, that sinister ghost's grin widened even more when he saw her.

"Got you."

Shijou Zhenfei, who was so frightened that she almost came out, suddenly felt a chill in her heart and wanted to stand up immediately.

But after squatting for a long time, is it so easy to stand up? Shijo Zhenfei immediately felt dizzy, her legs were weak and she collapsed to the ground.

But in the eyes of President Shirogane, this is just a student who needs help. Little does he know that in the eyes of the Shijo Princess, he has become a Shuchiin old corpse (an old corpse in the countryside), and he is still getting closer step by step.

"Don't come here! Monster."

The frightened Princess Shijo closed her eyes, randomly touched a stone on the ground and threw it at President Shirogane.

President Baiyin was dumbfounded. He obviously wanted to help her, but why did she have to hit him in the head?

Fortunately, Ishigami was right behind President Shirogane. He grabbed the stone flying towards him and crushed it into powder in an instant.

"President, are you okay?"

President Shirogane hasn't figured out the situation yet, if Ishigami hadn't solved the stone for him. Not to mention a bloody head, at least a scratch on the skin.

I wanted to understand the situation with the girl, but after she regained her mobility, she hid directly behind Ishigami, grabbing her junior's clothes with both hands, her eyes closed, and still crying.

"Ishigami-kun, run away, there are zombies!"

"Zombie? Who, me?"

President Bai Yin couldn't believe it and took out his mobile phone tremblingly. He saw his appearance under the illumination of the mobile phone screen.

Who is that person with puffy eyes and pale face?

"How could it be? I'm already so haggard because of what happened in the Fourth Palace."

"If I were Shinomiya, I would see what I look like now."

President Shirogane imagined Kaguya Shinomiya. One of her hands was holding the arm of that damn yellow-haired pretty boy, while the other hand was half covering her mouth.

Staring at him condescendingly, he said slowly

"Ara, the president has been acting like this since I haven't seen you all morning."

"Does it make you feel so uncomfortable to learn that I have a boyfriend?"

"So you like me so much"

"What an Okawai Ikodo."

What if the picture he imagined came true?

This is not as painful as killing President Bai Yin. Being fucked like this by Shijou Zhenfei, President Shirogane was completely off guard.

After all, outsiders can't accept him like this, let alone the fourth house.

That's why it became like this half-dead state now. Without oil and salt, Ishigami didn't respond no matter how he called.

President Shirogane has already entered the world of losing Shinomiya Kaguya in advance, and he does not intend to continue even the previous love consultation.

"Ah, it's so nice to breathe."

President Bai Yin curled up, his mouth began to tremble up and down while still talking

"I'm a zombie."

"Whenever my eyes meet, girls will be scared to tears."

"If you make a girl cry, she will cry too."

"Sounds really fun, hahaha."

President Shirogane sang alone, even though Ishigami was separated by a distance, Shijo Shinawa felt chills all over her body when she heard it. She pulled Ishigami's sleeves.

asked quietly

"Ishigami-kun, is he okay?"

Seeing President Shirogane going crazy, Ishigami couldn't help but feel fear at the corners of his mouth.

President, you laughed and cried at the same time.

If other people were like this, Ishigami would have whipped him one by one. It's inappropriate to be a human being in broad daylight. You like to be a ghost, right?

But that was the senior who had always taken good care of him, so he definitely couldn't do this.

In this case, this is the only way to do it.

Ishigami coughed to clear his throat, and then spoke in a very clear tone.

"President Shirogane, Senior Sister Shinomiya has made the official announcement!"

President Shirogane, who originally lived alone in his own world, heard about the fourth house, and his DNA moved.

He immediately got up, grabbed Ishigami's shoulders with both hands, and spoke very excitedly.

"Ishigami! What did Shinomiya say?"

Seeing the interaction between President Shirogane and Ishigami, the audience member Shijo Shinbi was forced to smile.

For the first time, she had the outrageous idea that the student council president of Shuchiin was a weirdo.


"Kaguya, that aunt and grandma likes him..."

Princess Shijo's sense of observation has always been very keen. As early as the second half of her first year, she had noticed that Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to have a different affection for the new student council president.

That woman has never been so intimately by a man's side.

However, this was the private matter of Kaguya's terrible aunt, and she was not qualified to point fingers. She just quietly observed the development of things from the sidelines.

Judging from the look of the student council president who was so injured by his aunt that he was unconscious, it seems that her aunt has made no progress.

came to this conclusion

Concubine Shijo's heart, which was scarred by her best friend, was like taking a big sip of iced Coke in the summer, and she suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

Just as she was leaning on the soft lawn comfortably, watching their next development.

Concubine Shijo seemed to hear something that seemed particularly familiar, a bit like Tsubasa-kun's voice.

"Xiao Nagisa, wait for me."

This was what she vaguely heard, and it was true. There are also shrubs and lawns, and the sound of being trampled by express delivery can be heard.

Xiao Nagisa is her good friend Kashiwagi Nagisa.

The only one who can call him that is Yijun.

Shijou Maifei, who was originally calm and composed, immediately panicked. Something was wrong. According to the formation, it seemed that they were coming towards them.

Although I feel that with the current situation, there is nothing to worry about even if Xiaozhu and Yijun find out. But the concubine Shijo who was used to stalking them felt guilty for some reason.

She especially didn't want Xiaozhu and Yijun to see her current state.

Concubine Shijo stood up in a hurry and said to Ishigami in a panic

"Ishigami-kun, what should I do?"

"I don't want them to see me here."

Facing Concubine Shijo who was about to burst into tears and started stamping her feet, Ishigami put his index finger to his lips and made a mute gesture.

said quietly

"Shh, keep your voice down, Shijo-senpai."

"If you're afraid of being seen, you'd better not speak now."

Ishigami noticed it at first, so he covered President Shirogane's mouth before he was about to make a bigger fuss.

President Bai Yin also heard it, so he cooperated without struggling.

"Oh, it's actually nice to meet those two people. We didn't do much."

There is also a big opening bonus, after all, the visitors are all old customers of Ishigami. Except for Shinomiya-senpai, everyone is here.

It’s okay to take one love consultation, or two, so it’s better to double it.

Group love counseling

"It's true, Shijo-senpai, but since she has asked me to do so."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Ishigami whispered to President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shijo.

"There will be some offense next. If you can't control it, just cover your mouth with your hands."

Concubine Shijo nodded. She didn't care about this and just left here quickly.

But by the time you hear the sound, you have to react. It should be very close. Several of them were half-crouching on the ground, just afraid that Xiaozhu and the two would find out.

Seeing Shijo Maifei covering her mouth with both hands in obedience and horror, Ishigami smiled.

"Ready, then I'm going to start accelerating."

What happened next made both Shijou Zhenfei and President Shirogane widen their eyes, and they almost let out useless screams.

In order to save effort, Ishigami simply carried President Shirogane on his shoulders like a sandbag, while Shijo Maifei did.

He was so considerate that he directly picked up Shijou Zhenfei with one hand, allowing her to sit on his arm. After all, there is a big gap between the height of girls who are naturally short and Ishigami's height.

Then came Ishigami's performance, after ensuring that the two seniors and seniors had been reinforced and packed.

Like magic, the stone surpassed the speed visible to the naked eye and disappeared in a flash.

If you look carefully, there is still a small cyclone spinning where he disappeared just now, but it quickly disappears.

like a hallucination

When Shishang appeared again, he was already on the crown of a tree not far away.

The six-meter-tall tree, with its lush branches and leaves, covered all three of them.

It can carry two adults and drive them into hiding so easily.

This is not the magic of space movement, it is reasonable. This move exploded with terrifying speed in an instant, without even an afterimage. Not to mention, it seems to have a certain ability to stay in the air for a short period of time.

Wo Wang Liu - the advanced version of shaved moon steps

The main principle of shaving is: step on the ground more than ten times in an instant (within 0.36 seconds), and use the explosive force generated by the reaction force to move, thereby reaching a speed invisible to the naked eye.

This can only be achieved with extremely high physical fitness. Otherwise, even if an ordinary person can trample on the ground ten times, the force compressed and exploded in a very short period of time is enough for him to eat a pot. The fracture is the lightest, and the leg will be torn under the violent force.

And Yuebu is based on this foundation, an advanced version. What you step on repeatedly is the ground, and what you step on repeatedly and at high speed is the air.

However, this move can make Newton cry and faint in the toilet and defy gravity. In fact, no one before Ishigami could achieve it. It is more of a theoretical thing, but in reality it is not realistic at all.

Even the developers of Wo Wang Liu thought Yuebu's conjecture was just a joke. After all, even those who are good at "shaving" are very rare.

This high-speed movement within the limit of time was like riding a swooping roller coaster, making President Shirogane and Shijo Shinobi feel like their stomachs were churning.

The instigator, Ishigami, just put his index finger to his mouth and made a "shh" sound.

He signaled them not to make any sound, after all, the people below were already here.

On the lawn not far from Shishang and the others, a young couple had already appeared.

It was none other than Nagisa Kashiwagi, Shijou's best friend (love rival), and Tsubasa Tanuma, whom she longed for.

Kashiwagi Nagisa is constantly observing all the clues around him with his own eyes.

Tsubasa Tanuma calmed down the fatigue of following his girlfriend all the way and said

"Oh, I'm so exhausted."

He patted his knees

"Xiao Nagisa, you must have heard wrong. Why are there Shijo classmates crying here?"

Kashiwagi Nagisa pursed his lips, as if he still refused to give up.

"But Yi, I clearly heard it just now."

How could she mishear her favorite good friend's cry for help?

Kashiwagi Nagisa was enjoying time with her boyfriend in the woods.

With his eyes blurred, he suddenly saw birds flying in the distance as if they were frightened by something, and there were also familiar calls mixed with them.

He immediately pushed his boyfriend away and started running.

But when I got to the point where the sound came from, there was nothing there. There was no trace, as if she was just hallucinating.

Ishigami secretly glanced at Concubine Shijo who was too nervous to breathe loudly.

"Kashiwagi-senpai, it's not an illusion."

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