I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 173 I like you, Shinomiya-san

The average student of Shuchiin is Kaguya

Poor Ji!

Although she hasn't been with Shi Shi for a long time recently, it is undeniable that they actually have a good relationship.

She always respectfully calls Yu Ishigami editor Ishigami.

However, Ishigami himself is not very interested in this title. He often complained, but she wouldn't change. Ishigami also had no idea about this senior who kept calling him editor.

She has always been interested in making trouble.

Ji Mingmei, who likes to call Ishigami editor, is out of convenience for his position. If there is any big news about Ishigami, he will often use his excellent writing style to polish it up in Shuchiyuan's newspaper.

Whether it was the article that initially made Hayasaka Ai pay attention to Yu Ishigami and defeated the exchange group of the feudal country "Mr. Hero of Shuchiin - Yu Ishigami" or the article that troubled Shinomiya Kaguya "Heartless man! Running away like crazy" The student union secretary and the man she has to say behind her back" and so on.

She was the woman behind the scenes who was keen to put Ishigami Yu on the headlines of Shuchiin Daily.

All were created by this girl with flaxen hair and a seemingly lukewarm personality.

I'm afraid only Ji Lianmei himself knows what his mood was when he wrote these reports.

Moreover, while serving as the ace of the News Department, she is also a young lady with a profound background who plays an important role in Shuchiin.

Ji Mingmei is the daughter of the president of the neon publishing giant Baiye Publishing Co., Ltd. By the way, Baiye Publishing House does have some relationship with Baiye News, the third largest enterprise news leader in the Boxing Club. (The boxer of White Night News is a living legend. He is still boxing outside at the age of eighty-two, and he is not afraid of being slapped on the beach by the back waves.)

After all, the presidents of these two companies are her parents. (The president of the publishing house is her mother, and the president of the news agency is her father.) It is very rare for Ji Lianmei to take her mother's surname.

Therefore, like Yu Ishigami, this senior is also the second generation of a well-known company in the Boxing Club, and has attracted much attention.

Ishigami and that poor senior are currently in the news and media department of Shuchiin, and it is rare for him to come here.

The news and media department of Shuchiin is indeed quite interesting. Although there are only three people in total, it has gathered the daughters of two of the three major Neon newspapers. The director, Asahi Shizuku, is the eldest daughter of the Asahi newspaper. (She was also the key person who made President Shirogane fall in love with Shinomiya Kaguya.)

Asahibo can become the top of the three major newspapers without relying on the Boxing Club, not because the other news companies are backed by state agencies and can be regarded as the spokesperson of Neon's upper-level agencies.

But it's still the same, here.

There are still some leftover snack bags on the table that have not been put away, and they are still printed with the logo of Jise Miso Food.

Ji Pingyou's face turned red when he saw that the messy table was not cleared away. He hurriedly stepped forward and used both hands to put away all the uneaten snacks.

She smiled sheepishly at Ishigami

"Sorry, Editor Ishigami."

"It's true, Erica didn't clean up after eating."

"No, it's okay, poor senior."

Ishigami waved his hand and sat on the sofa in the news department very familiarly. Looking at Senior Ji Poor, who was busy cleaning up, he said

"By the way, where's Senior Erica?"

The full name of the senior Erica he mentioned is Erica Juze. She is the eldest lady of Juze Foods, the leader in the neon miso industry, and Ishigami is no stranger to her. A young lady who seemed a bit naturally stupid, but actually felt even more stupid after getting to know her.

I don’t know if it’s because she makes miso at home, but this particularly stupid lady is keen on all miso foods and is a serious miso addict. You can use miso soup instead of tea, enjoy miso ramen and miso-infused waffles, or even mash miso to relieve stress.

The snacks on the table just now were brought from home by Erica Juze, so you can rest assured that they are home-cooked.

The relationship between senior Erica Touse and senior Yui Kei is very similar to the relationship between Kobo and Iino. They are both good friends who have known each other since they were in Shuchiin Kindergarten and have come to today step by step.

Ji Piti stopped his hands for a moment, and then replied in a serious tone.

"As for Erica, she went to the front line!"


Ji Weili wiped the dust off his hands under Shi Shang's doubtful gaze and sat down next to him.

"Well, it's on a battlefield called "Shura Field"."

If Shinomiya Kaguya has what everyone calls an "ambiguous partner", who is the most panicked?

Needless to say, everyone knows

That is of course President Shirogane

In order to get the latest progress of Kaguya Shinomiya's incident, Erica Juze rushed to the front line of the battlefield immediately.

The two people who had always been inseparable, Erica Juze and Ji Pingmei, separated this time, it must be because it is more efficient to operate separately.

Today's Shuchiin Daily News headline has been booked, and that is Shinomiya Kaguya. Although the photo of the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family was not allowed to appear in the newspaper, a thin mosaic would be the same.

The young reporters in the Shuchiwon News Department are professionals in making newspapers.

Erica Juze is responsible for the on-site situation at Shinomiya Kaguya, so Ji Mingmei is responsible for

"Editor Ishigami!"

With a serious look on his face, Ji Meili held one of Shi Shang's hands with both of his own, staring at him closely with his light blue eyes. There is a sense that I won’t let go until you tell the truth.

Feeling the girl's two hands holding on tightly and not letting go, Ishigami sighed and said slowly

"It's probably about Shinomiya-senpai."

Ji's pitiful expression softened a little

"Well, you are indeed Editor Ishigami."

"You just understand me!"

It’s hard for me to understand you

Ishigami's eyes were full of helplessness. He looked at the most conspicuous big blackboard behind the poor senior, which was covered with various photos of Shinomiya-senpai in school.

And those big characters clearly say

Shinomiya Kaguya Fan Clab

Translated, it means Shinomiya Kaguya Club. On the surface, this looks like a serious news department, but it feels like a fan club for Shinomiya-senpai.

This organization was jointly established by Ji Weili and Erica Juze, with a total of three official members.

The other member is not Ishigami, he is just a non-staff member and cannot be considered a registered member.

You may never think of it when you say it.

That is Hayasaka Ai.

After all, these two people have been patting Miss Shinomiya Kaguya, do they really think that she, the valet, is a vegetarian?

I thought someone was plotting against the eldest lady, but when I joined in the investigation, I found out that they were actually two completely harmless people who liked to rely on themselves to generate electricity by eating sweets alone. . .

What do avid CP fans fear most?

That's the kind of heart-wrenching feeling you feel when you're doing your best to show off your love, and then suddenly a scandal partner pops up, and you're ripped apart, and your whole house collapses.

As the number one Baihui Party fanatic, Ji Poor's eyes dimmed.

She looks forward to Shinomiya Kaguya and President Shirogane becoming a couple. This is her long-cherished wish, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem.

"The only one I can rely on now is Editor Ishigami. Please, tell me."

Tears even appeared in the corners of Ji Piao's eyes. She grabbed Shi Shang's hand and placed it next to her cheek, closing her eyes and sobbing softly.

"Editor Ishigami is the person closest to the two of them."

"You should understand."

"In Editor Ishigami's eyes, can Shinomiya-san and President Shirogane be successful?"

As Ishigami, who has read many of Ji Mingwei's masterpieces, she naturally knows what her perseverance as the number one chef Bai Hui and the two people becoming a pair mean to her.

The reason Ji Pingyou calls Editor Ishigami is because she often uses her imagination to draw fan comics about Shinomiya Kaguya and President Shirogane in private.

The content is quite exciting

Ishigami still remembers the first time he accidentally saw a comic drawn by this senior. On the first page, President Shirogane grabbed Shinomiya-senpai’s shoulders with both hands and shouted loudly.

"I swear to you"

"I love you forever, Shinomiya-san!"

President Shirogane in the comics is much braver than in reality. If the president really said that, Shinomiya-senpai would probably wake up laughing in her dreams.

But besides having an older style of painting, President Shirogane would not call him Shinomiya-senpai or Shinomiya-san.

He would only call Shinomiya-senpai, Shinomiya.

The president would not say such disgusting words.

But this is just a little girl's reasonable imagination of the person she admires. There's nothing wrong with it. People's enclosure of their own territory doesn't hurt anyone, they're just entertaining themselves.

Naturally, Ishigami would not say anything excessive. Instead, he encouraged her and told the poor senior sister that if there were such works in the future, she might as well let him see them again.

Ishigami will also provide some small material between Senior Sister Shinomiya and President Shirogane to Ji Piti.

For example, the compatible umbrella from earlier.

He and Iino held umbrellas to demonstrate to the two seniors, but ended up resting in a convenience store. Unexpectedly, I saw Shinomiya-senpai and President Shirogane not willing to give up holding umbrellas even if the weather cleared up.

Faced with this scene, it was natural to take photos and record it. It's not like you can see those two people acting stupid at the same time all the time.

President Shirogane held an umbrella, and Senior Sister Shinomiya stood aside with a shy look on her face. The two of them looked at each other with their eyes, and there was something wrong with their tender and watery eyes.

Ishigami told her not to share it outside, so he sent this photo to Senior Sister Ji Wanmei.

It can be said that this photo suddenly became her most precious treasure, and she had to look at it every day before going to bed before falling asleep.

But it's obvious that the work done by Shinomiya-senpai this time shocked even the poor senior's ten-year-old fans. The damage was so great that my faith collapsed.

Even when he was in urgent need of treatment, he took the initiative to find Ishigami.

However, you really found the right person.

As the person who witnessed their futile love wars time and time again, Ishigami has the most say.

Just when Ishigami was about to deliver his eloquent speech, there seemed to be some noise outside the door.

However, considering that the Information Department is located near the stairs, it is not surprising that students will pass by from time to time. But to his surprise, the door opened immediately.

It was a senior with short hair and glasses who directly pulled in a girl with a single black ponytail and a SLR camera hanging around her neck like a chick.

The girl with glasses seemed to be angry at first, but she was stunned when she saw the scene inside. She suddenly realized that it seemed not good for the two of them to be here.

"Ah, Ishigami-kun and Pity-chan."

"Sorry for disturbing you."

She complained softly

"Poor-chan, why didn't you lock the door?"

After saying that, I’m going out

As for the black single ponytail senior who was pulled in by the short-haired senior, she still looked like she wasn't very smart. She didn't know what was going on. Once again, those ruthless iron hands grabbed her fate's throat. She was arrested again as soon as she entered. Got out.

"Poor-chan, save me."

The girl's four fingers pulled on the door, but soon the door was closed again, not to mention those fingers.

"Ah, bitter Lucy."

When the two people came in and out, there was only ten seconds between them, and Ji Piti didn't even react.

"No, why did the minister and Erica come in and go out again?"

"Miss, do you want to see what you are doing now?"

But Ishigami felt a pain in his heart that he couldn't express. It was over, and his title of "Senior Killer" seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

The last time I took pity on the article about Fujiwara Chika, I almost roasted Ishigami's style review on the fire. Now I still do this in front of the Minister of Information and her staff.

Ishigami shook his head and gently pinched the girl's fair cheek with his fingers to let her see the reality clearly.

"What are you doing! Editor Ishigami"

But the girl's voice became softer and quieter, and in the end she became silent. Because the innocent poor lady seemed to realize that her behavior seemed to be a bit out of line, and "bang". Steam is coming out of my head, and the CPU seems to be overloaded.

"God, what have I done?"

You must know that even in the fan comics she created, the largest scale drawings of Shinomiya-san and Byakuya-san are just holding hands. Like what she did just now, grabbing the boy's hand and putting it on her face is already a lover's move.

Ji's pitiful eyes looked out the window and he didn't dare to look at his editor again. His face had turned a lovely pink color from unknown time. After her hands let go of Ishigami's, they put them together uncomfortably.

Ishigami, who is considered a veteran in love, I believe that according to the current atmosphere. If he gave the poor senior a knock on the wall and pushed her down on the sofa, he should be able to be taken down like her good friend Kashiwagi-senpai.

Xiuzhiyuan's circle is said to be very large, and countless people are trying to get in. But for Ishigami's family conditions, integrating into any circle is not a problem.

Even though they were young, Ishigami happened to have a good relationship with them.

The alliance of good friends formed by the four of them, including Ji Wanwei, Erica Tise, Shijo Maifei, and Nagisa Kashiwagi, were also the four people who were initially used by the president to deceive Tanuma-senpai. Just based on the background of the four of them, they can already overlook 99.9% of the people in this world.

Ishigami took out his phone and checked the time. Class was about to begin.

Regarding the question that poor senior asked at the beginning, do you think Shinomiya-senpai has changed her mind about President Shirogane?

Is it still possible for them to hold hands?

Ishigami said it was a fairly simple question.

"Senior sister, you know the answer to this question yourself."

He stood up, touched the poor senior sister’s head who was still a little overwhelmed, and said with a smile

"The relationship between the two of them is much stronger than we imagined!"

"So there is no need to be confused, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"You know we still have so many stories that we haven't drawn yet."

"My dear senior sister, come on!"

"Looking forward to your next work, I will always support you as your editor."

Poor Ji could feel his heartbeat, so fast.

After saying that, Ishigami walked to the door of the classroom, opened the door and said to the girl inside.

"By the way, poor senior sister."

He touched his face

"thanks for treatment."

Then he walked straight out of the news department without looking at the expressions of the poor seniors, not forgetting to say to the two seniors who had been leaning on the wall outside just now to eavesdrop on what was going on inside.

"Sorry, I have to go to class. Let's chat next time when we have time."

"Asahi-senpai, and Jise-senpai."

His movements were too fast, and the two senior sisters had no time to escape from the scene. Suddenly I heard the polite farewells of my juniors, and they couldn't be rude and said goodbye one after another.

Then they went in

"What's wrong, pity-chan."

As a result, I saw Ji Lianmei with his hands clasped in his fists as if praying

"It's nothing, the minister and Erica."

Ji Meili slowly opened his eyes and said

"This must be God's guidance."

"God told me that as long as I persist, it will eventually make sense."

But she still has something she hasn't said yet

"That should be the man of destiny."

I had already sneezed on the stone on the stairs and rubbed my nose. Who is thinking about me?

Shi Shang's cell phone vibrated suddenly. He took it out and saw that the new message on it read

"Ishigami, are you free during lunch break?"

"If you have time, I'll wait for you in the woods."

"Okay, OK"

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