I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 172 Shuchiin students whose house collapsed

“It seems a bit noisy”

Listening to the particularly noisy sound in the class today, Ishigami sat in his chair and yawned lazily.

He always felt like he often slept alone and thought about it, maybe it was his breathing that was to blame.

With the operation of the breathing method, Shi Shang's body has been being strengthened unconsciously. Although it is a good thing, the passive effect of "can become stronger while sleeping" also consumes his own physical strength and energy. In addition, Ishigami and Iino do not eat much at all, so the energy intake and consumption are not proportional.

Ishigami often felt like he was sleeping alone, especially in the morning when he often looked lazy. By noon, it would be different. Absorbing the energy of the sun is very beneficial to Ishigami.

But this is only one aspect. The thick dark circles under Shi Shang's eyes are obviously not just due to the breathing method.

You know, Ishigami spent the night in Hayasaka Ai's room last night. In other words, Hayasaka Ai, who in Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes is a decent lady, actually sleeps in the same bed as Ishigami.

But don't think too much,

I didn't sleep well last night.

After all, no normal person would stay up until two or three o'clock, and the woman would have to get up at five o'clock the next day due to work reasons.

Ishigami is not the kind of person who ignores the feelings of the other party for his own temporary happiness. Although Xiao Ai doesn't say it, she is actually a very insecure person who worries about gains and losses. Especially now that she has not escaped the control of the Shinomiya family, the enemy is still at hand.

Could this joy alone resolve the sorrow in her heart?

What Ishigami wants has not changed from the beginning. He hopes that the person nestled in his arms is Hayasaka Ai who has completely taken off the mask and no longer needs to pretend to be herself. By that time, it will be even more enjoyable for the two of them to explore in depth. Ishigami is not a scumbag who only covets other people's bodies. What he wants is to give them a home.

It's enough for him to bear the wind and rain outside.

And if he only slept for about two hours to do errands, wouldn't he look down on Ishigami's combat prowess that had been honed through hundreds of battles?

Even the decisive battle until dawn was easy, no joke.

Although strictly speaking it was not the first time, because although Ishigami and the president had previously visited Shinomiya-senpai, a small accident occurred. Accidentally, she lay down with Hayasaka Ai who was tired from crying and fell asleep for a while, but that was her unconscious move.

This time is the true co-sleeping that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

And it also caused some ridiculous things, which was quite fun. Ishigami felt funny when he thought about it. Ai-chan, who is usually so shrewd, can be stupid sometimes.

Ishigami smiled and shook his head.

"What a cute kid."

Just when the corner of Ishigami's mouth raised slightly, Hayasaka Ai was not so peaceful.

She was also a little sleepy, so she put her hands on the table and buried her head in them. The girl's ears were slightly hot under the blond hair, and if someone came closer, they could hear her making a lovely whining sound.

"Ah ah ah, I really have convinced myself."

What happened last night is simply unbearable to look back on.

Hayasaka Ai's little head turned slightly and looked at the sky outside the window

"Mom, your daughter is going to be successful."

"I was lying next to the boy I liked, and in my excitement I actually kowtowed to him."

Can you imagine?

Under the dim light, Hayasaka Ai, who had taken a bath for the first time while awake and was wearing a nightgown, sat on the bed.

And Ishigami was also wearing pajamas, kneeling and sitting opposite Hayasaka Ai. In that weird atmosphere, the two of them looked at each other without speaking.

She was facing the stone on the side for some reason, maybe she was dizzy or something. To be honest, Hayasaka Ai actually bent down on the bed and kowtowed to him, saying something like

"This little girl is not talented, so please give me some advice."

They looked like newlyweds, they were embarrassed and inexperienced to say hello in advance for the first time.

Moreover, her forehead hit the soft mattress with such force that there was a little red mark.

Really a real person.

Ishigami, who was suddenly knocked on the head for no apparent reason and enjoyed such treatment for the first time, immediately felt dumbfounded. He directly stepped forward to help her up gently and responded hurriedly, otherwise Xiao Ai would be so embarrassed.

"No, no, I'm the one asking for your advice."

At this moment, Ishigami just thought that this girl was really cute. She had to protect her if she was so stupid, or what if she lost her.

Ishigami's chuckle made Hayasaka Ai realize what stupid thing he had just done. The blushing girl's face was really red from head to toe.

He immediately stepped forward and knocked him down. Hayasaka Ai pressed on Ishigami, stretched out his hand to cover Ishigami's mouth, and threatened him with a fierce tone.

"Forget what happened just now"

"And don't laugh!"

But having already seen the honest side of Hayasaka Ai, how could Ishigami take her threat seriously?

He directly grabbed the quilt at hand, then turned around and wrapped Hayasaka Ai completely in the quilt with just a slight lift. Like a caterpillar, Hayasaka Ai, who was showing off her power just now, was suppressed in an instant.

Looking at Ai-chan who was struggling, Ishigami said in a teasing tone.

"Flower girl, you are doing well."

"It's getting late, we should get down to business."

I don’t know if Hayasaka Ai was thinking wrongly, but when Ishigami said this, she immediately gave up her struggle and shrank in and whispered.

"Then turn off the light."

This was indeed what Ishigami wanted to do. He stood up and turned off the table lamp that was only used for lighting.

In the room, darkness returned.

Hayasaka Ai closed her eyes and waited for her brother Jun's next move, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

She mustered up the courage to poke her head out from under the quilt to see what the bad guy who had aroused people's interest was doing.

As a result, I met Ishigami's eyes in the darkness and was suddenly startled.

But what he said next almost made Hayasaka Ai angry to death.

"I know what you are thinking, but sister, don't worry."

Hayasaka Ai had said this to Ishigami before, but who told her not to explain it quickly at that time.

It made him think that the relationship between us had faded.

Now it was Hayasaka Ai's turn to experience the feeling of punching cotton before.

Ishigami smiled and said

"I'm too young to stay up late, so sister, our main business is to have a good sleep."

"No, sister, are you thinking wrong?"

After saying this, Ishigami put the caterpillar transformed by Hayasaka Ai into a long strip like a pillow and ignored the girl who was starting to grind her teeth in anger.

However, Ishigami still understood this degree very well, and released Hayasaka Ai when she became more and more angry.

Hayasaka Ai, who was freed from the restraints, originally wanted to give this bad guy a full set of martial arts, but for Ishigami who already understood her very well. Nothing is more effective than stickers, and it cannot solve this problem.

It was just a deep kiss, which made Hayasaka lose her temper.

Ishigami let go of Hayasaka Ai, but their foreheads were still pressed together, and he stroked Hayasaka Ai's hair.

In the darkness, the girl's wet blue pupils were still clearly visible. The warm breaths between each other hit each other's faces.

"Okay, stop making trouble, go to bed early when your anger subsides."

Ishigami said helplessly

It's almost four o'clock now, which means I have to get up in about an hour.


Hayasaka Ai did not refute

Ishigami let Hayasaka Ai's head rest on his arm like he was putting a child to sleep, while the other hand gently stroked her head with frequency.

said in a soft tone

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, little love, you are already very tired."

This hour, Ishigami, who was completely ruined, didn't sleep at all. Anyway, sleeping for an hour is like not sleeping at all, so it is better to watch Xiao Ai.

He looked at the peaceful sleeping face of Hayasaka Ai who was coaxed into sleep and the fragrance that came from time to time.

Ishigami smiled and couldn't help but said in her ear

"Xiao Ai, I like you."

"The kind I like very much."

Hayasaka Ai, who was sleeping, seemed to sense something and muttered:

"emm, how good is my younger brother?"

"It's really annoying."

"Okay, little idiot."

Ishigami played with Hayasaka Ai's hair and cursed with a smile.

"It was a dream and you still scolded me."

So this leads to the reason why the dark circles under Ishigami's eyes are so heavy now.

I was busy all night writing an artificial intelligence "Chief" for Xiao Ai that can help her speed up her productivity tools, and I was worried about her safety.

Ishigami also asked Ellie to prepare some self-defense gadgets suitable for girls from the base. The toolbox contains more than just the things mentioned above, there is also a thin body armor made of special fibers, a mini bomb that is about the size of a thumb but as powerful as a high-explosive grenade, and so on. (About twenty bombs and five smoke bombs were prepared.)

There is also an escape, which can use the catapult to quickly climb rocks and walls. It can go from the ground to a height of about 20 meters in three seconds.

If it weren't for the portability issue, Ishigami would have wanted Hayasaka Ai to carry a mini-submachine gun with him, so that in special circumstances he could use it to crush the enemy into a sieve.

According to Ishigami's channels, it is not difficult to get the anti-human dum bombs commonly known as "explosive bombs" and an expanded magazine. Holding a card gun that looks like a toy always feels like it lacks firepower, but it’s just not easy to carry.

Really, which boyfriend can be so hardcore for the safety of his girlfriend?

As for the cross given by Shi Shang, it is amazing. You can call a real person to call you, and the service is 24 hours a day.

Until then

Didi fights people, and the number one thug "Tauren Warrior" will be online to serve you.

I believe that even if the enemy faces the terrifying dum bomb, no one will be willing to try to bear the wrath of the "Tauren Warrior". It's up to you whether to twist it into a twist or not.

But after giving these things to Xiao Ai, Ishigami didn't hope that she would ever use them.

After all, that means that the situation is already quite critical.

Ishigami sighed

"I hope that "sword-biting tiger" can come in handy."

"Don't ask me to wipe your ass."

He stood up from his seat and prepared to pour some water. As for Xiaobo and Iino, they were still on duty.

There was no way he could come early, and he would still be on duty at the school gate for a while. Because Ishigami was not sent by Hayasaka Ai on his bicycle this morning, but Ishigami was sent by Hayasaka Ai in turn.

This little rich woman secretly bought a small black electric motorcycle. She said that her butt hurt when she sat on the back seat of a bicycle last time.

Not as comfortable as this one, and spacious.

Hayasaka Ai took out two helmets from under the seat.

"Let's go, sister will take you for a ride."

So Ishigami, who was wearing a blue floral-patterned helmet, was brought to school at a lightning speed.

Through this incident, Ishigami found another thing in common between them. Neither of them likes to loosen the accelerator, but both like to turn it all the way.

The driving skills are very good, but I can't accept it.

Ishigami has a Harley-Davidson that he hasn't driven for a long time, so he might as well give it to Hayasaka when the time comes. Driving an electric motorcycle is really boring. The real and pure roar of the mechanical beast is fun and beautiful.

He thought: Xiao Ai wearing a motorcycle suit must be very handsome.

Ishigami went to the water dispenser outside. Only when he came back from the outside could he clearly feel the noise in the classroom. The students were all acting as if their idols had collapsed, and they were crying as if their faith had collapsed.

If there are two of them, that's not surprising. Why is it that almost every class is like this? Not only that, other classes also seem to be similar.

There was a lot of crying, and some outrageous girls hugged their heads and cried.

"Onodera-san, can you ask me what's going on?"

Ishigami, who was holding a thermos cup, asked a blond girl who looked a little cold.

"Why are they all like this?"

It was rare that she didn't cry like Qingliu. Rei Onodera, who was sorting out her books, was stunned. When she was questioned by Ishigami, she didn't seem to expect that one day she would be talked to by this guy, and she hesitated for a moment.


Ishigami nodded.

"I'm looking for you, Onodera-san. After all, you're always very well-informed."

Being said so by her former target of rumors, Onodera Rei's mood was very complicated, and she didn't know whether it was ridicule or sarcasm (Ishigami's "Ogino Hikaru" incident was actually spread so widely that Onodera Rei had a share of the credit, but she has already expressed her gratitude to Ishigami. Apologized.)

But feeling guilty, she still replied

"It seems that the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family has a particularly handsome man next to her."

"It's probably the transfer student Shuchiin, but there is no one like him. Some students saw them getting off the same car. And when Shinomiya-senpai got off the bus, he was still holding her hand."

Hearing this, Ishigami roughly understood why all the Shuchiin students looked like their houses had collapsed.

It's like the end of the world

These guys

Nine out of ten students at Shuchiin

Both boys and girls

All the members are fans of Shirogane x Kaguya.

They are all pure lovers who can go crazy with each other, and they are eagerly looking forward to the two of them getting together.

But as the heroine, Shinomiya Kaguya actually has an ambiguous relationship with someone who seems to be unusual.

The wind suddenly changed.

Just like a tauren, someone was hit by NTR.

The Shuchiin students who had been looking forward to eating sweets did not expect that the knife would come faster than the candy.

They all said that the house collapsed.

But Ishigami, who knew the inside story, felt that they were just unfounded worries.

As far as Shinomiya-senpai and President Shirogane are concerned, the relationship between them, let alone a handsome boy from the sky, even if the childhood sweetheart they grew up with suddenly comes back and appears in front of them, it will be useless.

Just go back to where you came from.

And it’s almost the final exam, and you’re still so leisurely. Can you pass the exam?

"Oh, alright."

"I understand, thank you Onodera-san."

"It's okay, Ishigami-kun."

Onodera waved her hand and asked Ishigami not to mind.

Just then, the classmate at the door shouted

"Ishigami-san, there are second-year seniors outside looking for you."

"Okay, I'm here."

Ishigami sighed secretly, "President, please hold on." He put down the water glass and walked out.

but unexpectedly

The seniors who were looking for Ishigami outside were not the ones who had been looking for him before.

But a girl with long brown shawl hair and a very gentle look.

She stared at Shishang with her light blue eyes and said slowly

"Long time no see, Editor Ishigami."

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