I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 980 Not enough goods? Limited sale for everyone!

After hearing the news, these businessmen prepared their own things early and waited for the Chinese team to come and share the fruits together.

But I heard that the Huaxia team only needs hard currency like crude oil, so everyone should prepare more crude oil.

Saudi Arabia has good stuff. Our crude oil has never been sold at a high price there, and the price of buying something there is also ridiculously expensive.

Now that we are all brothers, we cannot give high prices to our brothers.

Yes, I understand the truth. Don't worry, we will buy five and get one free. Is that sincere enough?

The top management has explained it, so the businessmen naturally understand the rules. After all, policies are issued through the barrel of a gun, and they do not dare to be too presumptuous.

The trading floor is very large, and the Huaxia team placed the samples densely in the exhibition area.

But soon, the businessmen's faces showed strange expressions and they began to whisper among themselves.

Didn't I say that we got a lot of good stuff from Saudi Arabia? How did we get so much scrap metal? Although my factory is indeed short of this - but the scrap metal is not worth much now.

It's not worth anything but it was transported thousands of miles by Lao Tie. I'll see a few of us wrap it up in a while. Let's give it a market price so Lao Tie doesn't suffer a loss.

Yeah, anyway, even if we suffer a loss, the town government will still subsidize us.

Hey, if I read this correctly, this is the US military combat uniform? This is a good one, very strong. This is worth at least 200,000 (equivalent to 30 virtual coins) in Saudi Arabia. I don't know how much it sells for. How much goods are there?”

There are even military cans. These are in short supply and are good for hard currency. Doesn't it mean that China's one billion people are short of food? Why don't you stay here?

They must be reluctant to eat it themselves and are planning to sell it to us in exchange for something else. Then we have to give them more oil.

Tsk, tsk, they even sell trauma hemostatic medicine. Although it is an Indian imitation medicine, it is also in short supply. I think China is really very poor - eh.

Truth: Mr. Zhou frowned, what? Less than half are imitations? That's all sold. Keep the authentic ones. Imitation products are too unstable. Having such a batch of drugs can greatly alleviate domestic pressure. There is no need to use expired imitation products.

More importantly, Jingshu's mud mermaid's ashes healing medicine is easy to use and cheap in China. The transportation fees for these imitations are astronomical, and no one wants them even if they are sold at high prices.

Hey, I have also prepared a new species of dark energy. Now that you tell me, I don't know if anyone in China can afford it.

I definitely can't afford it. Who would buy your thing? You won't be able to eat enough of the fruit--

The merchants had sharp eyes and quickly found what they wanted among the products brought by the Chinese business group.

It has to be said that most of what the Chinese team brought this time were supplies that are in short supply on the market. Whether they are food or drink, they can improve the lives of most people in these brotherly countries.

Ah Nang coughed, signaled everyone to quiet down, and explained today's rules:

“Today, we have summoned all businessmen to come and work with our government to swallow this batch of supplies from the Chinese team.

Everyone buys goods according to their own needs. If there are leftover supplies, the government will purchase them all.

The members of the Chinese bodyguard team couldn't help but be surprised.

Dahuangya said: I am still good at it. I just bought everything without even looking at what's available.

The lonely wolf in the desert said with a smile: Haha, I was worried that no one would want the supplies I brought. Now it's better, it's guaranteed.

Macau Gambler: I said today is a good day. Everyone will return home with a full load. And Captain Jingshu, some people laughed at you before and said that no one wants your scrap metal. No, it can be requisitioned by the government here. ”

Jing Shu chuckled: I sell it at a low price, and they will have to snatch it up soon. I will definitely not let them suffer a loss.

Everyone had strange expressions on their faces, and Big Yellow Teeth said: Hey, Jingshu, you have so much scrap copper and iron, and there is no shipping fee to transport the bugs. It's still in vain. Even if you exchange a barrel of oil, you will make a lot of money.

I'm so envious of Captain Jingshu.

Mr. Zhou coughed: Okay, the Iranian brothers are not doing well, so don't raise the price. Sell all your messy supplies, otherwise the ship won't be able to fit them.

That is required.

This time, all three of my personal boats are full. Hey, what a great harvest.

After Ah Nang finished explaining, he started from the first one, This is the American military uniform brought by the Chinese veterans. The quality is very good. There are only a few hundred thousand pieces in total-

What? So many clothes? This must be at least two ships.

I see that the clothes are not cheap, so I barely want 500 pieces.

Looking at it, it's not cheap. I'll just buy some as a support.

The next second, Ah Nang continued: Each piece of crude oil is only sold for 3 virtual coins. If it cannot be sold out, the government will cover it——

Before he finished speaking, he became excited below.

What, just that little? I want 10,000 pieces!

I want 100,000 pieces! What the hell is the difference between this and giving it away for free?

This is cheaper than the clothes before the apocalypse. I also want 100,000 pieces! Don't fight with me! I will give away one-tenth of the crude oil for free!!

When Ah Nang coughed, he knew who these people were, so he said: Each person is limited to 30,000 pieces!!

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