I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 979 Crude Oil Exchange

Then we will know their volatilization rate and purification rate.

Thank you mirror!

The team members said in unison.

But I didn't take it to heart. After all, although the air is smelly now, it can be tolerated and it has not reached the point where it is filled with green smoke.

Hogos Bazaar.

This is a huge market in Iran. When Jingshu came here, her eyes were opened.

This place has very strong Iranian characteristics. It is also called the Grand Bazaar. The outside is like a retro Islamic castle. Although the building is carved from stone, the patterns on it are retro and colorful, which makes it very beautiful.

In a daze, it seems that I have returned to the lively days before the end of the world.

Jing Shu glanced again, but keenly discovered that there was not a single old man in the market, and there were only a few children. Most of them were adults.

This shows that in this apocalypse, those who should be eliminated have been eliminated.

Although the sky was dark, the locals used a new dark species here, a firefly-like creature, to catch them together.

Whenever a customer passes by, the locals will shake the creatures in the cage vigorously, and they will emit dazzling light, illuminating the shop.

Jingshu quickly caught up with the large group who were listening to the Iranian brothers introducing local characteristics.

Everyone rubbed their hands together and nodded. Not to mention, although Iran is a bit poor, it does have a lot of interesting and good things.

Here we are. Mr. Zhou nodded to Jingshu and introduced: The brother next to me is Ah Nang, who is specially responsible for receiving the diplomats of our team.

Jingshu looked up and saw a tall, dark and thin Iranian with a long beard and an amiable smile.

Mamahas and Jie looked obviously unconvinced. Otherwise, their colleagues would be wronged!

After a brief greeting between the two parties, Ah Nang said enthusiastically: So we call this lamp a hand-cranked lamp. Just shake it and it will light up. It saves a lot of money compared to electricity-generating and oil-burning lamps. The key is, they It's easy to feed. You only need to eat some carrion insects to survive.

Of course, the only drawback is that the light is not very bright, and it can be shaken every minute. But it’s also cheaper than generating electricity.

You see, if you put the male and female together, they can reproduce themselves every once in a while.

Jing Shu was a little curious. Every household here has this thing. When you use it, it turns on when you shake it. It is really convenient.

Mr. Zhou also nodded: This thing can indeed improve people's happiness. In China, power generation also consumes a lot of energy. Unfortunately, we can't take too much. Give us five thousand and go back to breed. Yang Sheep , accounting.”

Ah Nang looked serious after hearing this: What are you keeping in mind? These are given to China's friendly countries. They are all worthless gadgets. We have many of them here. The children just catch them every day if they have nothing to do.

Yang Yang said with a smile: This thing flies very fast and is not easy to catch. It is worth 1 virtual coin on the market, so we will buy it at this price.

Ah Nang refused to accept it, so Yang Yang stopped talking and prepared to send some food later.

The most lacking thing here is food, and everyone looks skinny. In the past, when the situation was good, most of them could eat, and the babies would jump out one by one. Now in the last days, there are various natural disasters, and even in three years Iranians who hold two babies don’t have babies very often.

Ah Nang continued to lead people forward. The market was very big and there were many things.

The locals in the market are very welcoming. Their women wear all-black robes and cover themselves in the robes. The men were wearing Chinese shirts and jeans from the 1980s, and they looked like they had been washed and turned white.

If it weren't for the unique castle, Yanbian's street products, and dark complexion, Jingshu would have thought she was back in the 1980s.

Speaking of this, Ah Nang also expressed his gratitude very proudly: In the past few years, fortunately, a lot of clothes were transported from China, which helped us a lot. Each one only sold for 3 yuan, which is equivalent to 20,000 rials. It's really It’s so cheap that many people have clothes to wear. Look, many of us are wearing big-name brands.”

The currency here is rial, which has depreciated very much. Before the end of the world, one yuan could be exchanged for nearly 6,000 rial. Here you will feel that real money is worthless.

Speaking of this, the Chinese people looked a little embarrassed.

So many clothes plus transportation costs only cost 3 yuan. You may think it is very cheap. In fact, the source of these clothes is very unknown. Some are ripped from dead people, and some are donated items placed by merchants at the entrance of the community. The merchants want to make money, so The cost of these clothes is nothing but no cost.

This matter is not easy to evaluate now. Mr. Zhou quickly changed the topic, What is this?

This is the date palm that has mutated after the end of the world——

Jingshu was very interested in Iran's five core specialties, dates, oil, turquoise, and Persian carpets, and exchanged some at the market.

The main reason is that when I travel far away, I finally come across products that are not 'Made in China', so I definitely have to buy some. Now that I don't have to spend money to buy these, I naturally buy some to take back to my family.

As for why it cost no money to buy these, it was naturally thanks to Dila for sending the supplies all the way.

After seeing the characteristics of this place, the people in the Huaxia team were very curious and almost bought everything in this market. The Iranian brothers were also very enthusiastic and basically sold half of the products and half gave them away.

In short, neither party suffered a loss.

After visiting the market, Ah Nang took everyone to the huge castle behind the market. Just now, they were surrounding the outer circle of the Grand Bazaar. Now, entering this huge ancient castle, they feel the beauty of Iran. Cultural Features.

Different from the market outside, crystal lamps are used here, and the specifications are several grades higher.

Ah Nang welcomed everyone in: Welcome to the International Crude Oil Exchange!

Listen, this name is much taller.

At this time, there were already many businessmen sitting in the exchange. Most of them were wealthy businessmen from Iran. They heard that they had obtained a lot of good things from the Middle East, and they all looked at the Chinese team with shining eyes.

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