I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 981 Buying and Selling Conference

The clothes that were brought from the base to be moved to the warehouse were all sold out at low prices. It took almost no two minutes for the merchants to buy them all.

Although the businessmen actually don’t have much money, they have a lot of oil!

One barrel of oil can be used to exchange for at least 100 pieces of clothing. This is simply hard-earned money for them, and these 100 pieces of clothing can hire 100 people to work for you for ten days. During these ten days, these 100 people can pick them. How much crude oil?

After such a comparison, it suddenly feels like the profit is thousands of times higher!

Ah Nang quickly started the next commodity exchange, because the Chinese brought nearly two hundred ships of supplies this time, which was too much.

It also includes some of their personal belongings, such as the personal belongings of Miss Jingshu that will be sold next.

Ahem, okay, it doesn't matter if you didn't grab the clothes. The quantity of this next thing is very large. Please see, it is this kind of scrap iron. It only needs to be processed and fused.

And not only this kind of scrap metal, but also this kind of motors and motors can be modified and used as air conditioners.

Oh, there are thousands of these luxury cars. Although they all burn oil, we don’t make cars anymore, and everyone here is not afraid of burning oil, so they are still very practical.

Ah Nang introduced a lot of them, but the businessmen present didn't seem very interested. After all, iron, cars, etc. were not essential items for them.

If you have it, use it. If you don’t have it, you can actually use it without it.

Before the end of the world, these cars cost at least tens of millions of riyals, which could be exchanged for tens of thousands of barrels of crude oil. Even now, if they are transported thousands of miles from the Middle East, they would probably cost several thousand barrels of crude oil. They are expensive.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat deadlocked, Ah Nang said with some pity: Oh, I forgot to mention the price. These luxury cars are of no restriction on brands and are just displayed outside. You only need 50 barrels of crude oil to exchange for one. You can choose whatever you want. , the remaining government will take care of everything.”

After all, the price was so cheap. When Ah Nang first heard about it, he had to ask three times before he was sure it was true. Such a cheap luxury car - 50 barrels? Before the end of the world, I'm afraid it will only be enough to refill a luxury car dozens of times.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent for a moment.

Ah Nang continued: By the way, there are also various scrap metal motors and so on. You can't choose these. They are all distributed and sold at will. One bucket can be exchanged for one.

What?! 50 barrels of crude oil in exchange for a luxury car? Did I hear that correctly?

The intact motor and all kinds of scrap metal can be exchanged for something as big as one bucket?

Everyone suspected that they had heard wrongly, so Ah Nang repeated it several times. After they were sure, everyone went crazy.

They all ran out in a panic and went to the large square area outside to pick out luxury cars.

Just kidding, they are not very interested in buying it at the original price or at a low price. After all, they can’t afford cars.

But 50 barrels of crude oil may be very expensive in other places, but in a place where oil is everywhere, it is not worth as much as 50 barrels of food.

These 50 barrels of crude oil are about the same as 50 yuan. If you buy a luxury car for 50 yuan, it is the same as picking it up for free!

It's almost the same as gold. There's no need to buy a big gold bracelet worth 30,000 yuan. But if you suddenly buy it for 30 yuan a day, why don't you choose 10 or 8 pieces?

Soon, each of these businessmen was like buying cabbage. Each of them picked dozens of cars. They also thought about giving one to that relative today and another to this relative tomorrow. At any rate, it was a car worth several million before the end of the world. Now add some oil and it will start.

The key is that in their circle, the most indispensable thing is oil.

Almost all the luxury cars were robbed, and A Nang kept more than a hundred luxury cars as government vehicles.

As for scrap metal, there was not a single one left.

Oh my god, one bucket can be used to exchange for such a big iron lump. It’s just a waste of money. Take as much as you can.

It was not in vain that Jingshu transported so much scrap metal from as far away as the Middle East, and now it is all sold cleanly.

In a short while, Jingshu harvested hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil, which was directly equivalent to filling two ferries. Please note, it was the ferries that were filled.

There were envious looks from all around. The private ships of the bodyguard team can hold thousands of barrels of crude oil. They are all in large spaces. Unexpectedly, at the beginning, Boss Jingshu filled two ferry cargo ships. How many tons does that cost? ah?

Ahem, okay, next is this batch of canned food. These are military cans. They are full of ingredients. Everyone here knows what this means. However, the government wants to keep two-thirds of this batch of goods, and the remaining Only one third can be sold to you.”

The merchants were a little regretful that they only sold one third, but even if it was one third, they could only just eat it, because these canned meats were too expensive and there were a lot of them.

“Ten cans of meat for one barrel of oil, wouldn’t it be too expensive for us?”

Canned meat has almost disappeared here, and the black market has increased to the point where one can of meat is exchanged for one barrel of oil.

This is already the market price. After all, oil is everywhere, but meat is almost extinct.

Zhou Laohen was satisfied and said to Yang Yang: This canned meat cannot be exchanged for so much oil in China. After all, synthetic meat and giant meat have been produced in China.

Yang Yang nodded: Yes, this is also thanks to Jingshu. Of course, in addition to Xiaowei's insect meat and cockroach meat.

Otherwise, the price of domestic meat would probably be sky-high today.

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