I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 972 Distribute supplies

Jingshu's mind was filled with questions and she felt that the world was crazy.

Zhen Nantian said at a loss for words, At the beginning, it was just a very small box, weighing only a few kilograms. But in just over half a month, it became so big.

Jing Shu opened her mouth, so - what is this?

Jingshu poked at the black boulder and felt that there was a membrane on the outside. It looked like something inside, like a huge egg. What was hatching inside?

Ah, thank you. It must be a lot of trouble to get it here, right? I've caused trouble to you. Jing Shu said quickly.

Zhen Nantian shook his head: Fortunately, according to the original plan, it only grew more than one meter in seven days, but something went wrong in the middle and delayed a little time. When we came over, it was only the size of a car.

Jing Shu nodded: Okay, let's hand over the nuclear bomb first, and then I'll find a way to see this black dome.

Zhen Nantian's teammates were very anxious, and his superiors were also very anxious, so they put aside personal matters later and finished handing over the nuclear bomb first before talking about anything else.

Okay. Zhen Nantian didn't say much, and didn't say much.

But before that, Jingshu took a photo and sent it to Sumary.

I received the gift. I like it very much. I have also prepared a lot of gifts for you. I will give you a choice when I go back. There are too many.

By the way, Mary, what on earth is this thing you gave me? Why does it grow bigger and bigger?

There was still no reply from the other side. Jingshu looked at the time. Oh, there was a time difference. The other side was probably still sleeping, so there was no rush.

It was much easier to hand over the nuclear bomb. Under the witness of Mr. Zhou and Yang Yang, both parties checked the integrity of the nuclear bomb and its sealing. After both parties signed and signed, the handover ceremony was completed.

This huge black iron ball was very heavy. To be honest, Jingshu doubted that if Zhen Nantian wanted to transport it back, he would have to transport it by sea and find a big ship.

But seeing that Zhen Nantian and the others were not prepared for this, we knew that they should have their own way. Looking at the team members, they seem to have special methods.

This is not what Jing Shu cares about. It's like the other party didn't ask how Jing Shu got such a big black iron ball over.

In order to thank Zhen Nantian and for causing them trouble this time, Jing Shu specially sent some dry food before they left.

Just use the big military bags brought from alms, and each bag is filled with various kinds of food. Although they are not expensive things, food will always be hard currency in the apocalypse, let alone Jing Shu. Delicious food in hand.

In the big bag, there are milk dumplings, a few pieces of veal jerky, naan, grilled buns, and the kind of fried oil noodles. This kind of noodles only needs to be melted and stirred in boiling water. Oh, it has that kind of great fragrance. of fragrant paste.

Originally, the people in Zhen Nantian's team still politely thanked them, but after Jingshu demonstrated it on the spot, the seemingly unattractive yellow soil noodles sizzled with boiling water and smelled of fragrant aroma.

Several people took a bite, and the oily batter also contained the precious almonds and various dried fruit particles. When they took a bite, they were mixed with the fragrant batter. This conflict of tastes was salty, fragrant, fresh, chewy, and delicious. The aroma of burnt oil, with distinct layers and rich taste, goes straight up to the sky, and the aroma rises to the sky.

In just one bite, you can taste the preciousness and luxury of the ingredients. You can’t even exchange the contribution points for this thing!

Several people gave a thumbs up, fully affirming Jing Shu's delicious food and fully recognizing Captain Zhen Nantian's decision.

Zhen Nantian took the bag, which was obviously a few circles bigger than the others, and said tacitly: Thank you. This is a gadget developed in the laboratory. It is a disposable weapon. Take it and use it. It is the same as what I gave you last time. The jade pendants can be used together.

Jingshu took a plastic sword that was as small as a finger. Yes, it just felt like plastic. It was similar to the big swords sold for 1 yuan each in the elementary school snack department.

I didn't feel anything when I started it, but Jing Shu was now sensitive to a trace of energy fluctuation, which was very small.

Zhen Nantian naturally saw the plastic jade pendant around Jing Shu's neck. Wearing it so close to her body, it was indeed her fearless style.

However, this is also out of recognition of his strength. Therefore, even if he brings out a small thing that is still in the experimental stage, it can be regarded as reciprocating.

Thank you. Jingshu happily tied the plastic decorative sword and the jade pendant together.

Zhang Yicheng had a strange look on his face. He felt that either the world was crazy, or his boss was playing house.

However, Zhen Nantian's teammates had weird expressions at this time, and their captain was still brave.

He actually gave away something that was kept secret by the state. But Captain Jingshu didn't seem to understand, that--it wasn't actually a leak.

Is this the latest energy-blocking crystal developed by above? Jing Shu asked. It was this small sword and jade pendant, which had a texture similar to plastic.

Zhen Nantian nodded: Put away the energy crystals that Mr. Zhou mentioned. By the time you return home, they should be almost ready.

Okay. Jingshu nodded with an unnatural look on her face. She had used most of her energy, and now she has grown up a lot. She can grow even more when she returns to China——

In that case, the difference is actually not that big, right? You shouldn't be able to tell, right? Oops, no, I still have to bribe Mr. Zhou more, maybe he will be blinded and fooled——

Zhen Nantian left with the nuclear bomb.

The noisy desert is still noisy.

Hurry up and go, they're starting to reward and distribute things over there!

Come on, hurry up. If you go late, you won't be able to pick out anything good!


Everyone was so excited that they even carried a big bowl of dinner. Everyone was huffing and puffing while eating, while surrounding the warehouse on the edge of the desert, where mountains of things were piled up.

Tomorrow, all these things will be auctioned at the Hogos Market, but before that, everyone has to choose good things.

In front of the mountain of supplies, seven or eight people were sitting. There were various computers, pens and paper on the table. The computer was almost smoking.

It was the scorekeeper and statistician who did the final calculation, and everyone was eagerly waiting to divide things up.

When Jingshu saw that Su Mary hadn't replied to her message, she asked the mud mermaid to guard the mysterious thing, and she and her team members began to divide the things here first.

Ahem! Everyone, be quiet! Yang Yang held the loudspeaker in his hand and motioned for everyone to form a circle and stand up. He held the list in his hand and said: Now based on everyone's contribution value, it has been calculated. Now Those who read the name began to choose their own rewards among these supplies.

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