I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 973 As fate dictates, I really need this black egg?

Jingshu stood up naturally and stood in the first position, laughing.

When transporting supplies before, Mr. Zhou said that those with the greatest contribution should be picked first.

As expected, when Yang Yang read it, the first one was Jing Shu: First let Captain Jing Shu choose materials with a contribution value of 400,000, and then the members of their team. Hao Yunlai selected materials with a contribution value of 10,000, and Tank selected materials with a contribution value of 5 Materials with a contribution value of 1,000, Four Eyes picked materials with a contribution value of 20,000, Longmen Array selected materials with a contribution value of 3,000, Zhang Lang selected materials with a contribution value of 5,000——

Jingshu and the team members came up happily.

These materials are considered unnecessary materials from above. It does not mean that these materials are not valuable, but they are not city-sized. The scattered materials are not easy to store in an orderly manner. There are also some messy materials that are not considered strategic materials. , so take it all out and send it out as welfare.

It just happens to be the New Year’s year-end bonus.

The other team members all watched with envy. Jingshu selected materials with a contribution value of 500,000 yuan. You must know that a can of beef only has a contribution value of 1. You can imagine the contribution value of this. The purchasing power is terrible.

Hey, I won't say anything about Captain Jingshu. Along the way, we relied on her insect army to transport so many supplies. Without her insect army, we wouldn't be able to get so many supplies.

Yeah, and the tunnels dug by her bugs are not the same kind as the bugs she transported. Plus the Hulk,

And ah, you don’t know, when we emptied Dila’s lair, when there were almost no bugs left at the end, a bunch of bugs with bodies like mud came in again. This shows that Captain Jingshu has at least There are four types of bug armies.

Her insect army is simply the core combat force this time. Therefore, Captain Jingshu has so many rewards. In fact, I am not jealous at all, I am just envious.

In the supplies square, Jingshu walked in front, followed by four or five members. Jingshu lit a pile of supplies casually: I want this, I want this, and yes, there is this pile.

This look is like going to the supermarket, pointing and saying: Well, I want all of these, pack them up.

This feeling of being able to buy things without asking the price made the rest of the team envious.

Now I not only envy Captain Jingshu, I also envy his team members. Don't you think his team members are too lucky?

How do you say this?

Hey, whoever follows Captain Jingshu will have good luck. Look, the bastard Longmen Zhen, what has he done? He has done almost nothing, but somehow he got a few credits, and now he has thousands of contributions The value is higher than the contribution value of some captains.”

Yes, the Dragon Gate Formation was originally sent to protect Zhang Lang.

Speaking of this, look at Zhang Lang. He is originally an important figure who has no combat effectiveness in logistics and even needs a team to protect him. However, how much contribution points he made following Jing Shu. This time, because of his contribution to commanding the insect team, he will be rewarded even more Quite a few.”

Everyone nodded. This was true. Who would have thought that a logistics staff member could contribute more than them?

Also, Four Eyes Boy, a B-level ability user, is far behind the seven or eight A-level ability users here. However, he followed Jing Shu and discovered Dilla's The large army of ability users directly annihilated many ability users, and in the end, we captured so many of them alive and directly gained tens of thousands of contribution points!

For a while, many people were discussing whether they should be transferred to Jing Shu's team next?

Unlike Jingshu who waved her hand and pointed the way to the country, which one she wanted to be bold and heroic, the team members had limited contribution value, so they had to pick and choose.

However, the purchasing power of the contribution points is really good. Tank bought a lot of beautiful clothes and jewelry for his sister, and only spent 500 contribution points. The rest, Tank bought a few boxes of canned beef, a few opened bags of rice, and other scattered items. of daily necessities.

I changed several shopping carts of supplies.

Hao Yunlai was afraid of trouble, so he only said: Mirror, I will give you the contribution value, and then food and midnight snacks will be included, okay?

Jing Shu smiled and nodded, Okay, okay.

The purchasing power of the contribution points is too great, and she earns it with blood.

Hao Yunlai curled up his lips, he was the one who made a lot of money, and tens of thousands of contribution points would be exchanged for the delicacies in Jing Shu's hands. It was really great, and after Jing Shu's food was eaten, his strength would increase a lot.

Behind Jingshu, Zhang Lang shyly asked about the contribution value of the materials, and then hesitated before taking some materials. He wanted to arm his cockroaches. Through this time, he successfully inspired Zhang Lang's inner desire.

He suddenly felt that using his cockroaches as food was an unusual behavior.

Just like Xiaowei under Jingshu, the insects in her hands are used to carry, fight, protect, and finally sell them as food.

Of course, their advantage is that they are large and have a lot of meat, but their disadvantage is that they are small in number, only a few thousand at a time.

The advantage of Zhang Lang's cockroaches is that they are large in number. Although they are a bit small, he can give full play to their advantages.

Fight? Who says I can't do it!

From then on, Zhang Lang also embarked on a road of fighting. The cockroaches he cultivated became bigger and bigger and more powerful. However, cockroaches did not live long and could be used as food after fighting——

Zhang Lang constantly optimizes cockroaches to bring out their maximum effect.

This is something to talk about later. Jingshu had almost finished the order and asked several times: How much more is left?

The captain still has 210,000 contribution points.

There is still 100,000 contribution points.

Jingshu walked around, but she hadn't spent all the money yet, so she walked around again. There were some things she didn't want, such as some expensive food, which she couldn't even finish.

Reluctantly, I asked for some employee benefits, such as clothing and supplies. I planned to take these scattered materials back to give benefits to the soldiers, and then the contribution value was spent.

However, she did not find any special supplies hidden among the supplies, and Jingshu was not discouraged. After all, these supplies had been screened several times.

Ah, dear, I just woke up and saw your message. It's so great. You finally received the gift I gave you!

At this time, news from Su Mary came.

After Jingshu saw it, she smiled, walked away from the material warehouse, and came to the huge black egg.

How come after just a short walk, this black egg has grown again? Where will it grow?

Sumary sent another message: I think this must be destiny. When I see this thing, I know that only you can control it, and you need it very much. Although I don't know why, But you know, my sixth sense is very accurate, so I sent it to you immediately.

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