I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 971 Jingshu’s mouth gradually widened as she grinned to the back of her head, surprised

I’m afraid I won’t be able to bring this big thing back home by then, right? It was a pity that they had to go through so much trouble to bring it - but they couldn't take it back.

Wait and wait, wait and wait.

Finally, the Chinese team arrived at the handover point.

I heard that they got a lot of good things this time, especially Jing Shu, who played a big role. She caught a lot of things by herself, and there were many bugs to help her transport the goods.

It seems that in just a few years at the end of the world, not only he is growing up, but his former partners are also growing up. The mysterious veil of the woman a few years ago is also constantly being pulled down, and now it can no longer be covered. ——

If Jing Shu's insect brigade happened five years ago, it would have been shocking to the world, and would even have been studied, but now - ha, no one can stop it, let alone anyone else.

They're coming!

Zhen Nantian drank the wolfberry tea from the cup, which Jing Shu insisted on giving him last time. He accepted it because he couldn't refuse. He stood up and asked, Are you here?

After a while, I heard my teammates say again: It's just that the forward troops have arrived, and Captain Jingshu will have to wait for a long time to arrive. They said she had too many things, so she left behind in the end.

Zhen Nantian: ...

Sure enough, it was still like Jingshu's style. He shook his head, sat down again, and waited quietly. He knew without asking, Jingshu, I'm afraid he got a lot of good things again, right?

After waiting for a while, Zhen Nantian asked his teammates to get ready. After they handed over the secret weapons, they rushed back.

Because each country's nuclear bombs are different, experts have asked 800 times a day where they are. They expect to rush back within a week and hand over this thing to the above.

The weapons this time are not very valuable, but their strategic significance is extremely important!

You want to say, how much does it cost to build this thing? How many millions or tens of millions? However, the academic issues and various knowledge secrets contained in it are indeed priceless.

It’s too much to say, even a scumbag like Jing Shu doesn’t quite understand it. Anyway, if this nuclear bomb is dissected and the core technology inside is researched, for example, it involves tens of thousands of knowledge points and patents, Move all these things back to your home.

In the future, not only will the Chinese themselves be able to produce this type of nuclear bomb, but the most important thing is that if anyone threatens China with this thing in the future, it will be useless.

Because China can now produce a batch of anti-nuclear bomb weapons for this kind of nuclear bomb, which means that these weapons will be useless in the future.

So can the experts not be excited?

Zhen Nantian was excited just thinking about it.

Thinking about it, the team members said excitedly: It's here, it's finally here. Captain Jingshu has arrived with a large number of scraps and scraps, and people must be arriving soon.

The team members are also very anxious. They must complete this task quickly and go back to receive the rewards.

Zhen Nantian: ... He was speechless.

He didn't hear clearly and asked again: What did she bring?

The team member confirmed the news and then nodded: Captain, you don't even know that this friend of yours is awesome. He brought back as much scrap metal as several automobile cities, as well as various luxury cars. This is pretty good. The key thing is, she also brought back a lot of scrap copper and iron, and I heard she was going to sell it to the locals.”

Zhen Nantian: ...it seems like something she can do.

The team members covered their mouths, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh. The other bodyguards of the Huaxia team were now visiting the spectacular car market. It was like a trip to Saudi Arabia, and I don’t know how many cars were transported here.

Zhen Nantian coughed and said, Don't laugh at me. Do you know that after selling so many things, you can get back a few ships of oil? You can't compare to your ten years of hard work.

This sentence is really heartbreaking, Lao Tie. As expected, the team members couldn’t laugh anymore and looked sad.

At this moment, hearty laughter rang out from outside, and the woman came in carefree. As soon as she came in, she slapped Zhen Nantian hard:

We meet again, Zhen Nantian.

The force was so painful that Zhen Nantian gasped in pain, but he still said calmly: Mirror, we meet again.

Jingshu laughed loudly and was in a very good mood. She had just counted some of the supplies she had brought. The more she looked at them, the happier she became. These were the things she had worked so hard to build. She was in a good mood when she saw so many good things. .

As a qualified secretary, Zhang Yicheng naturally held milk tea in one hand, poured milk tea for others, took out snacks, and handed sweet potatoes to everyone.

Normally, the boss would not be so generous.

But today is an exception.

Zhen Nantian only drank a cup of milk tea. He, a native of the imperial capital, was originally not used to the salty milk tea in Wucheng, but he and Jing Shu often drank it, and now he is used to it.

Jing Shu almost forgot about Zhen Nantian at the assembly point. No, she remembered Su Marie's gift, so she hurried over and said without any nonsense: Where is the gift that my friend brought?

Zhen Nantian stood up and said, Follow me.

Jingshu was curious, why did she still have it with her and put it in a secret place?

Zhen Nantian walked in front and asked in a strange voice: Do you know what she brought you?

Jingshu scratched her head: I don't know, she just said she wanted to give me a surprise.

Zhen Nantian: Oh.

The further I walked, the worse I felt. I was getting farther and farther away from where I lived.

They were at the edge of a desert. There were very few carrion insects here. Due to drought and lack of water, there were also very few people living there. After the end of the world, there were basically no people here.

But since it belongs to a national border, there are still teams stationed here, so there are some simple equipment.

However, it is very close to the Hugos Market, the largest market on the border, only half an hour's drive away, so this is just a temporary stop.

We're here, right here. Zhen Nantian finally stopped.

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is a very dark, large, and strange boulder here, which sounds cool.

Jingshu leaned on the boulder, folded her hands on her chest, and said with a bad smile: Okay, what did my friend give me? Take it out quickly? It's already here, no one can see it. Why are you still doing it? Mysterious.

Zhen Nantian coughed lightly: That's it.

This??? There's nothing here, just this stone——

Well, it's this huge boulder. Zhen Nantian covered his face.

Jingshu's mouth gradually grew bigger and bigger, and then she quickly jumped out a few steps, ran a few more steps, and ran a few more steps, and then she saw the full shape of the boulder.

This? This has to be as big as a small villa, right? How did you transport this thing from China? And what the hell is this thing? It's impossible to give me a stone, right?

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