I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 948 What the hell is this place?

Come on, now that we have water and are not hungry to death, and the problem of survival has been solved, we can now freely find a way out.

Mr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief quietly. Although he looked calm just now, he had actually figured out how to organize people to dig underground water. If it didn't work, he would use his abilities.

But it should be said that he really saves worry and effort when he goes out this time. With an almighty king like Jingshu here, it is so worry-free. Who recommended it to bring Jingshu along and give him the S-class rating?

Now it seems that giving this girl Jingshu an SSS rating is not too much. With Jingshu here, there is no surprise!

Yang Yang took the lead and brought a glass of iced beer, which felt so cool. In this hot desert, he could only squint his eyes comfortably. He said: This glass of beer can be sold for 25 virtual coins in the Middle East. We ourselves, 3 It’s a contribution value, isn’t it expensive?”

The old Taoist priest took a large cup in his thermos cup and smiled with his yellow teeth showing: It's not expensive, it's not expensive. Then I can reserve 100 cups. No one can compete with me. I still have a group of people to support.

Not all of the old Taoist priest's zombie troops came, but only seven or eight. He also felt melancholy: Don't be trapped for ten and a half days. Although those villagers also have various liquids from me, if it takes longer, the inventory will be used up. , it can only become a zombie.

The old Taoist priest needs to save more liquid these days, otherwise the zombies will have to suck him dry when he gets out.

Jing Shu also sighed. The team led by Zhen Nantian to deal with the nuclear bomb was almost here. She was not in a hurry for the reward. She was just anxious about the gift that Su Mary brought her. It was mysterious. Now that she was trapped, she could not see her. reached.

Fortunately, she has enough supplies. In addition to the things in the space, the Hulk she carries with her also has a lot of supplies on the surface, so she can survive well even in the desert.

This kind of space is usually accompanied by dark energy. It would be a good thing if dark energy can be found. The value of dark energy is greater than mission materials.

But who would have thought that if you just go out and buy some goods, you can fall into space within an hour's journey. The space point in this world is becoming more and more unstable.

Perhaps, we really need to upgrade the Rubik's Cube to a 9-dimensional space or above as soon as possible. In that case, if it is completely integrated with reality, the space can be inhabited by people, and I won't be afraid of the end of the world. At least I still have one last refuge.

Jingshu is a very insecure person, so she decided to practice the Rubik's Cube tonight, upgrade the Rubik's Cube, and achieve a habitable situation as soon as possible.

Everyone in the Huaxia team drank cold beer to beat the heat and ate a can of beef.

Zhang Lang was called by the logistics department to give birth to some cockroaches, and then the back kitchen began to prepare some cooked food, such as beer-roasted cockroaches, braised cockroaches, and cockroach cakes, to ensure everyone's energy.

Then started making plans.

Yang Yang had already made a plan with a random notebook, gathered everyone in a cool place, and said through the loudspeaker:

Now we have contacted the compatriots outside and come to the place where we disappeared to find the entrance. For now, we are repairing in place, conserving our strength, and waiting for the compatriots outside to see what is going on.

If people outside still can't find us at the same place, then we can find the exit from the inside.

I know, someone asked at this time, there is no boundary wall here, so if you keep walking in one direction, can you find the exit?

Let me tell you clearly here, based on my experience of entering this five or six times, it is impossible to find the exit even if you keep walking in one direction.

We are likely to be driven in circles by various influences.

The good news now is that we can still get in touch with the outside world. We can ask foreign aid to pass the positioning, and then calculate the deviation position, and perhaps we can find the exit.

Yang Yang said a lot, and most people couldn't understand it. However, somehow, everyone felt safe after hearing what Yang Yang said.

Now that there is food, water, and contact with the outside world, everyone is less nervous.

Yang Yang continued: Now, what we still have to do is to be careful of the dangers from this space. Although it seems like a desert at the moment, according to my rich victimization experience, there are definitely other dangers hidden here. .

Just like when mirroring the South China Sea, once you get close to the power in the center, your body will dry up quickly.

Everyone nodded.

Some people also said: But there is water and plants over there, so there is danger. I'm not telling you, there is nothing but sand in this desert. How can any living thing live in it?

Mamahas reminded from the side: Ahem, didn't we encounter desert fish before?

There used to be a lake over there, and that was a mutated fish. I didn't even see a single blade of grass here. This means that this is a place of death!

After saying this, everyone quickly turned on the lights and saw that there was no grass as far as the eye could see except the desert. Those cacti were so fleshy and there was nothing.

Everyone became silent, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Jingshu said: If there is not even a single insect or plant in a place - then this place is in danger.

Yang Yang said: Everyone, hurry up and look for anything alive, be it insects, earthworms or sandworms.

Everyone quickly started digging sand.

They even sent out a motorcycle team to look for someone around.

This search made everyone feel a little cold.

I looked for it, but there was nothing.

“I dug three feet into the ground and found nothing but sand, but only rotten roots, which must have been the previous plants, all dried up.”

Isn't it terrible that there is not even a single insect life in such a huge desert?

What the hell are we in?

The question now is, what is the situation that prevents even an ant from surviving in this place? There is not even a single insect in this damn place. What kind of danger is it that can exterminate all living things?

Someone said: This shows that living things cannot survive in this place.

Then why can't creatures survive in this place?

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while.

The horror of the unknown is truly terrifying.

Mr. Zhou waved his hand. He was the only one who could stabilize the morale of the army now: Okay, don't scare yourself. As long as we can contact the outside world, we can survive. Since this place is not suitable for biological survival, then we will not survive. As long as we find a way out Just do it.”

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