I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 949 This desert is a bit weird

Jing Shu also nodded and said: Don't worry, everyone, we have enough food. As long as there is no danger from the outside, it doesn't matter. Now, since everyone feels that they are in a hurry, why not divide into several teams to explore the one kilometer surrounding area. With more people and more power, we might be able to find something?”

Yeah, yeah, find something to do so you won't be so anxious.

Jingshu also thought that there was strength in numbers, and three cobblers formed one Zhuge Liang. Anyway, idleness was idleness, sitting in a daze and thinking, why not take a look around to see what new discoveries could be made.

Since we have enough food, we are not afraid of consuming it, so let’s get busy.

Fortunately, this time we came out to rob, ah, no, the ratio of the purchasing team was also relatively reasonable, and there was also a logistics department.

The logistics department was busy managing everyone's food, drinks, and toilets. They didn't bring any tents, not even pots, pans, condiments, or anything else, but it didn't matter, Jingshu brought them all.

Don't worry about why Captain Jingshu brought so many things after being out for an hour. Anyway, the logistics department is busy making fire and cooking now.

The investigation department conducted long-distance investigations, and everyone in the bodyguard team used their abilities to perform their duties. For example, Dahuangya asked Situ Xiaoye to start digging sand.

Dahuangya's idea is very simple: There must be an end under the sand, right? If it doesn't work, can we dig it out?

Jingshu clicked her thumb, but unfortunately she didn't bring many bugs. Some were mud mermaids, some were Hulks, and the tiny burrowing bugs didn't come in, because the burrowing bugs had already dug their holes and were already there. The destination awaits.

The blame lies in this.

There were obviously many other bugs around Jingshu, but maybe because they came in at different times, the bugs didn't come in together. As a result, Jingshu could obviously feel that the bugs were around her, but the problem was that she couldn't see them. Invisible and intangible.

This shows that the entrance is very small, or perhaps the space is very small.

Jing Shu called Yang Yang over and stated her thoughts, Take out the map. Based on the time we disappeared and the location of the insects that came in, I can roughly deduce where we disappeared from.

Yang Yang's hand-drawn map is even more standard than a ruler. He draws it quickly and accurately, almost as good as the Gaode map.

Jingshu circled a route not long after setting off, All the bugs from here have come in, which means that this place is the place where we disappeared, and people from outside can start looking for it from here.

Yang Yang nodded and said thoughtfully: If people from outside can come in, it will be easier. It means that the entry point is there. We only need to look for the exit at the entrance. I'm afraid-

What are you afraid of? Jing Shu asked.

Yang Yang sighed and said: I'm afraid that we can't find the entrance, so we have to rely on ourselves for the exit. If we do it on our own, we haven't brought in any equipment or anything -

Jing Shu hummed, I'll let the bugs start a carpet-like search outside. As long as the bugs can get in, it will be easy to handle.

The two discussed it and found that the weather was too hot, so Jingshu decided to let Zhou Laohe live in Jingshu's Hulk train car.

Old Zhou is old and can't stand such high temperatures, so the rest of the work will be left to the young people.

Mr. Zhou was so moved that he almost wanted to cry, and he had already silently added a lot of points to Jing Shu's love for the girl.

Mr. Zhou, let me show you my little train.

Jing Shu didn't bring many Hulks with her this time, so at least the supplies on the surface couldn't be exposed too much.

What was prepared for Mr. Zhou was a guest bedroom, which not only contained comfortable ice cubes, but also a soft bed, a sofa for the elderly, a coffee table, a small toilet, complete daily necessities, and a small stove on the coffee table. Bubbly milk tea is brewed.

When the meeting is held, the Hulk will turn into a large thin Mongolian tent that can accommodate dozens of people inside. Although it is a bit crowded and there are no seats, the temperature inside is low and comfortable. Everyone sits on the floor and is still comfortable. Being able to drink a glass of cold beer is so refreshing, it almost makes everyone forget that they are still in a desperate situation.

Everyone waited for several hours, and the sky turned from dim daytime to pitch-black night. The night in the desert became much colder, and the temperature dropped from high temperature to about zero in an instant.

Even the sand began to freeze, and people breathed out when they talked.

But fortunately, there is such a big green giant yurt, where everyone sits on the ground and eats roasted cockroaches with beer and warm soup, which makes them feel much more comfortable.

Jingshu's team hid in the corner and did not dare to show off. When the team members nearby were discussing the problem intensely, they only dared to bury their heads in the food.

There was no other way. The other teams were eating braised cockroaches and cockroach meatball soup. Only Jingshu's team was eating rice with meat floss and eggs.

Zhang Lang, in particular, felt so guilty that he finished three large bowls of food with tears in his eyes. He said that he should make up for it so that he could produce more food for others.

As for Jingshu, she was even more low-key, holding a basin and eating hard. Even the team members next to her didn't know what she was eating.

Yang Yang said: Captain Qi, code-named, has led people to search outside, and has basically determined the scope of our disappearance. But the bad news is that hundreds of points have been tested so far, including that they also passed by that location. But so far, it seems that we have not entered the place we entered.

In other words, the entrance we entered could not be found. Although we had made detailed positioning, our current location was on the road we set out for today, but we did not exist at the position shown in the positioning.

These words made the hearts of those present feel cold, and even the smelly beer-burnt cockroaches in their mouths became even more difficult to swallow.

Yang Yang continued: However, the above has invited an expert team to conduct remote video to find new solutions. We must also save ourselves. Can you tell us what we discovered today?

Dahuang Ya was the first to say: No, we have dug more than two meters of sand. The further we go down, the harder it becomes. It's just like stone. But let's keep digging down and see what's there.

Macau gambler: The gold tooth does not point to the direction of life. It is spinning in circles. This is the first time I have seen it in so many years. However, if it is a treasure hunt, it does point to several directions. I plan to go treasure hunting. Maybe it is different. harvest.”

Patrol Team 3: We searched. We searched in a large circle. We consumed dozens of liters of oil. It felt like we had driven hundreds of kilometers, but we couldn't get out. It was all desert. But we found that, maybe it was an illusion, it felt like As I walk, the surrounding environment is the same.”

What a joke, the environment in the desert is different? Aren't they all the same?

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