I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 947 The team trapped in the desert

What Jing Shu hasn't said yet is that the weird thing is that she controlled the mud mermaid outside to protect her, but the place where the mud mermaid sensed her was right here, and it should overlap with her, but -

The problem is, she can't see the mud mermaid here. The mud mermaid overlaps with her, but she can't be seen where she is. What does this mean?

This means that although Jingshu and the mud mermaid can sense that the other is here, in fact, she and the mud mermaid cannot see each other.

Just outrageous.

But according to Jing Shu's previous information on the dimensional space of the Rubik's Cube space, this should be the so-called folding space.

The driver stopped the bus.

Mr. Zhou counted the number of people, and it was very good. Judging from the personnel divided into two groups, the people who came here were at least well on these buses.

Everyone got out of the car and set up a simple tent. The weather was really too hot.

Mr. Zhou held a simple meeting.

So the situation is this. Before we find a new route to go out, we must save some fuel. Yang Yang sighed and said.

What?! Are we trapped in the small world again?

Didn't you say it's only an hour's drive away, but it's just a short journey and we've entered an unknown folding space?

Everyone felt that this was incredible. This thing that was more difficult than winning the lottery was actually encountered by them.

Jie shrugged and said, I've walked this road back and forth dozens of times. I didn't expect it to be so good this time that I can't go back.

Dahuangya didn't dare to drink the water from the thermos cup in his hand. He asked a cruel question: Excuse me, did we bring any supplies when we went out this time? If not, how could we survive?

This question is really heartbreaking.

Even Yang Yang was silent for a while before saying: Most of our supplies are on the ships that just arrived. We only wanted to go back in a few hours, so the logistics department only gave us supplies for one day.

Yang Yang had people quickly clean up the supplies, I brought a lot of guns and ammunition, as well as medical supplies, but only one day's worth of daily necessities. There were more than 200 cans of beef, just two for each person.

I’m not worried about the food. It’s really not good, and there’s still Zhang Lang!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Oops, they almost forgot about Zhang Lang. Now they lamented that it was a wise move for the country to bring Zhang Lang here.

I'm starving now. The worst thing is eating cockroaches every day.


Where's the water? Is there no water? People will die if there is no water in the desert.

Yang Yang said: I only brought two boxes of water, and each person can get 500 ml.

Everyone was silent for a while.

Indeed, this is when everyone goes out for a walk. Who the hell would carry a big suitcase with a lot of food and drink? It’s not like traveling.

The ones we brought here were randomly packed by the logistics department, as they were afraid of giving food and drink to hungry people.

What to do in this emergency situation?

Based on my previous experience, once you enter this kind of space, you may not be able to get out for a few days.

It doesn't matter, people can go without food for up to 14 days and without drinking water for 7 days.

But with the temperature in this desert so high, I'm afraid I'll die if I don't drink water for two days, right? Can we last two days with only 500 ml? Can our supplies last until we find a way outside?

We can only ask people outside to find the exit.

How about taking a look in the desert, maybe you can find something alive with water.

Yang Yang coughed: Actually, we have one last solution.

any solution?

Yang Yang looked at Jing Shu, Jing Shu, you've seen the situation. Look at this. It's actually an accident, right? We really didn't expect that in just a few steps, we got lost and got involved. So I didn’t bring any supplies.

You are the most thorough person in the team. Did you bring some supplies? Especially something like water?

Speaking of this, everyone in Jingshu's team looked strange.

Everyone looked at Jingshu.

Can't? Can Captain Jingshu still carry her previous bucket of water in this situation?

Yeah, I don't believe that Captain Jingshu always carries a lot of water with him when he goes out.

Yang Yang thought to himself, then you don't know Jingshu. Every time this person goes out, even for a walk, he packs all his belongings.

Jingshu also coughed and said, I don't know how much water is in this -

Everyone looked disappointed. Sure enough, whoever packs a lot of water when going out must be sick.

But Tank scratched his head and said at this time: But when our captain went out, he brought two large buckets of cold beer, which were still in the body of the Hulk behind. Jingshu, have you forgotten?

Jingshu thought for a while, oh, I remembered.

What? Two buckets of cold beer?

These two large barrels are not enough for more than a hundred of us to have a meal.

Yang Yang knew that things were not that simple, so he said: Then come and take a look, but this is Captain Jingshu's personal belongings. We must use the contribution points to buy it, and we cannot let her suffer.

Mr. Zhou also took the lead in nodding, If we really have extra water and wine, we will use our contribution points to buy it.

How much beer can there be in two large barrels of beer?

Jingshu let the five train cars following the Hulk walk out.

The Hulk can also be regarded as the bodyguard of Jingshu in the team. No matter where she goes, the Hulk follows her, and her luggage is naturally inside.

Jingshu asked a Hulk to open its slime carriage, revealing a large barrel as tall as a small house inside. Next to the barrel was an ice maker, which exuded an icy cold smell. It was extremely cool in this hot sand desert.


Yang Yang gave a thumbs up.

Mr. Zhou gave a thumbs up.

The rest is a thumbs up from everyone.

This god is a big bucket. Is this a big bucket? Is this a small house?

This, this, this, but, ha, what does Boss Jing Shu want to do with such a big beer?

Boss Jingshu, my admiration for you now is just like that person who can't stop talking about it.

Jingshu coughed. She really didn't want to stand out this time. She didn't think about making a lot of money after arriving at Hans, so she brought this with her in advance, thinking about whether she could sell it at a high price, but she met Something like that.

Later, the Hulk kept following her and forgot about it. Tank was still taking care of the chickens. Every day he not only had to massage the chickens, but also collect eggs from the chickens' residence. He almost became Jingshu's full-time housekeeper. , then I realized that Jingshu still had two large barrels of beer.

But Tank was sincere. He knew that Jingshu must have her own meaning and use. No, Jingshu was really foresighted.

Jingshu, who had already forgotten the truth of the matter: Hahaha.

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