I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 933 What is this desert rose?

Jing Shu, on the other hand, was looking for more valuable things in this huge warehouse.

I have to say that this warehouse is really big, but it's not like the Chinese people have obsessive-compulsive disorder and have to sort things out.

It is messy and messy. There is a comparison picture between Asan's wires and mobile wires in India. Asan's wires are as messy as a ball of wool, but people can easily find which is which. It's almost the same meaning. .

Soon, Jing Shu found a bunch of strange things. She pulled Yang Yang and Mr. Zhou over and said, Look, what are these?

Logically speaking, someone like Jingshu who has lived two lifetimes can recognize anything, but she still has no clue about this thing.

You said it looks like a diamond. How can it be piled up here like a mountain of garbage? And whose diamonds all have small crystals that are bigger than sand?

Mr. Zhou looked at it and said, Looks like shards of glass? Who would put shards of glass here when they have nothing to do? It doesn't look like shards of glass. It's quite comfortable to touch.

Jingshu grabbed a handful. If this thing didn't have any energy, she would have suspected that it was energy crystallized.

If it's just rubbish, it can't be put in this big warehouse. Jing Shu said.

Yang Yang sighed and said, You see, you two elders always go out without doing their homework. Didn't we distribute a guide to the Middle East before we came to the Middle East?


Jingshu thought about it carefully. It seemed that there was that thing, but it was as thick as a dictionary. Who would read it? There are a lot of things in it, and she doesn't care about that much. Anyway, she can get everything she can.

Mr. Zhou touched his nose. He didn't have time to play chess with the old man every day. Besides, at his age, he felt sleepy and had a headache when he read. Isn't this a young man? What else is he reading?

Yang Yang said: This is a specialty here in the Middle East. It is called desert rose. It is buried under the sand and will grow on its own. It is similar to living things but not living things. It is similar to crystallized but not crystallized sand derivatives, but it is very precious. A thing.

The two nodded after listening. It turned out to be a precious thing.

Jing Shu then asked a soul question: So, what is so precious about this thing? Can it be eaten or used?

Mr. Zhou also nodded. Now is the end of the world. Things that cannot be eaten or used are not precious.

Yang Yang sighed, Jingshu, it's true, and said:

Before the end of the world, it was rare and precious, and one kilogram could cost tens of thousands of dollars. But even after the end of the world, it may be due to the dark energy that its quantity is much larger.

But they are also very useful. They can absorb all kinds of dust and garbage, and are more effective than laundry detergent. Just take one or two and leave them in the water for an hour, and the clothes will be clean. The key is not only that they will not become less, but they can also be used on weekdays. If you put it in the sand, it will slowly grow in size. After it breaks down, it can be used as two.

Of course, I heard that the upper class in the Middle East are further exploring its other values,

Detergent for washing clothes?

“The more you use it, the more you get??”

You still want to clean up the thief?

Jing Shu's eyes lit up and she almost became a little star. This thing is so good. She grabbed a small handful of crystals, then looked at the mountains of desert roses and said, Mr. Zhou, you said we should take this back home. Okay, selling it for 10 virtual coins is not too much, right? This can always be used as laundry detergent, and it will not become less. The key is that it will become more and more.

Mr. Zhou's eyes also lit up: These are all good things. We don't want anything expensive and rare. What we lack is to provide some good welfare for the common people and get something that the common people can use, 10 Virtual coins are too expensive, I think 2 virtual coins are suitable.

Let's take them all back, and then think of a way to see if we can induce more crystals. In this case, everyone can use this good thing, which can be considered a meritorious deed.

Jing Shu gave a thumbs up: As expected of you, even for 2 virtual coins, this mountain of crystals will probably cost a lot of money. Come back and study it for me to see if you can speed up the process of making them bigger. a process of differentiation.”

Mr. Zhou nodded: Okay, I'll leave Jing to you.

The three of them were in a happy mood.

Especially Jingshu.

Why, because she was basically certain, why were there so few of these things before the apocalypse, and why did there suddenly become more of them after the apocalypse?

there is only one truth!

That is, it must be related to dark energy. If a little bit of dark energy can really catalyze these crystals in large quantities, then this is really a good thing.

The handful Jing Shu grabbed contained thousands of particles. Think about how many particles there would be if it were catalyzed in large quantities, and how many people there would be in the country. Then every family would need some of this stuff, right?

Although it’s not expensive, it’s impossible to buy just a few, right?

Then buy 10 and get 1 free. Although it is said that it will never be used up, it is so small that it is easy to lose. If you lose one today, lose one tomorrow, then in a month or two, you must not run out. Have to buy again?

Therefore, this is a long-term consumable daily necessities. Although the selling price is a bit low, it is profitable in the long term, and that is a matter of steady flow.

So Jingshu planned to do some research and then take over the business.

Insects are not suitable for transporting such small particles. Jingshu handed these desert roses, which were all money, to the Hulk for transportation. Seeing the Hulk transporting all these beautiful little crystals, Jingshu couldn't help but Some regrets.

As the Almighty King Hulk, the advantage is that he is omnipotent, but the disadvantage is that there are too few of them, which is really a pity.

Boom boom boom!

The entire underground warehouse began to shake.

Yang Yang listened to the voice on the walkie-talkie. Since the bodyguard team was so powerful that they killed everyone above them, the other side decided to use heavy-damaging weapons to bomb the area indiscriminately.

Yang Yang said: I don't know how long we can hold on here, but I think it's almost done. Pick up the important ones and take them away. Take as much as you can and forget about the ones that can't be taken. It's almost time for us to withdraw. Their main force has already left. We're back at the pier, if we don't leave, we'll get dumped easily.

Jingshu nodded and said, Then wait for the main force from the dock to come over. Let's all evacuate. Let's make the tiger leave the mountain. When we return to the dock, we can still grab another wave.

Yang Yang showed a tacit expression, As expected of you, Jingshu!

Mr. Zhou leisurely walked around the underground warehouse. Hey, this is the most relaxing time for him as a leader in so many years. He doesn’t have to do anything. His subordinates have all done it. Tell me, if he had such a complete set of subordinates earlier. , and his reputation as the King of Hell will not be infamous. Tell me about this.

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