I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 934 Caught a big shot?

The warehouse is indeed pretty much the same. Even if you haven't taken it away, it's still something that even Jing Shu doesn't like.

After Jingshu asked the insects to collect the last batch of carpets, she took people and insects to the cave to evacuate.

Speaking of which, carpets are still a characteristic of the Middle East.

This carpet is not an ordinary specialty, but a very exquisite and beautiful carpet woven from various animal hairs.

Hey, the point is it’s expensive.

Ordinary Chinese people may not understand it, but Jingshu, who is from Wucheng on the border, is very familiar with these carpets. For example, in Kazakhstan and Arab homes, not only are carpets spread on the floor, but also those hanging on the walls. Fancy rugs.

This kind of handmade carpet costs tens of thousands per piece. Of course, in the end of the world, this stuff is almost moldy in Hans's warehouse. Jingshu just accepted it all, took it back and spread it on the ground, stepping on the comfortable and soft carpet. That was also very comfortable.

After taking the last batch of goods, the insects hurried forward. Jingshu and Zhou Lao followed behind. Yang Yang, who had no fighting ability, followed the insects first. He wanted to coordinate the details of the next battle.

After a while, many members of the other bodyguard team came back with injuries and limping, and a few were carried back. It seemed that the injuries were not serious, but at last everyone came back. Zhou Lao Ye slowly spoke out:

Everyone is back, let's go.

The leader of the man from Shandong, codenamed Burrito, was carrying a familiar figure. He spoke with a Northeastern accent: We have found a boss. Let's leave quickly. It's too late if we don't leave. The brothers are all seriously injured. There are a lot of older people up there, and there are a lot of monsters.”

Jingshu waited for everyone to leave, and arranged several bombs at the entrance of the cave. When they walked more than a hundred meters, the bombs were detonated. With a bang, the entire underground cave collapsed.

This time, they couldn't catch up.

Let's go, let's go, there's no time to explain, hurry up and get in the car!

Of course, there is no way to get on the bus. The most you can do is get on the Hulk.

And since this tunnel is newly dug and the entrance is not big, it is difficult for anyone to stand down. Naturally, everyone is like a sleeper, being swallowed into the belly of a burrowing worm, shaking back and forth and running away quickly. After all, it’s over here, but there’s still another game over there.

Never mind whether the burrowing bug is dirty or not.

But the good news is that the burrowing worm, like the maggot, has mouthparts for both the front and back openings. It is long and large. When it pupates in the tunnel, it is extremely fast.

Isn't this too exciting? Mr. Zhou, Captain Jingshu, please tell me first, did you get a lot of things from this trip to the warehouse?

Someone was not honest in the belly of the worm and asked loudly.

Jing Shu and Zhou Lao were sitting in a Hulk-branded small train. There were not only comfortable sofas and chairs, but also a tea table with snacks and milk tea on the table.

Jingshu drank a whole pot of milk tea before taking a breath and loudly replied: It was worth it this time. I almost moved the entire warehouse. Moreover, I also found a few very good things. Wait. It’s safe, let’s talk again!”

At this time, there were two people sitting reservedly in the Hulk's corner.

One person is Shandong Rolled Pancake. This is the first time for him to ride in such a luxurious car. He is a big man of 1.9 meters huddled on the small bench, not daring to make any movement, not even to have tea and snacks on the table. Move.

He swallowed and looked at Jingshu seriously for the first time. The group's ratings of Captain Jingshu were polarized. Some thought she was very nice, mysterious and generous, while others thought she was too flamboyant and inconsistent with her strength.

After all, we are all elites promoted from across the country. Why are we rated as B-level and A-level because we are all capable people? Why are you, an incompetent person, rated as S-level?

Isn't it too unfair?

But as time went by and during this period of contact, everyone became more and more in awe of Jingshu.

Captain Jingshu, an ordinary person who seems to have no abilities, but seems to have all abilities and everything.

Especially after arriving in the Middle East, she demonstrated her extremely powerful power, being able to evacuate an entire military base in just one day.

He thought it was over, but he didn't expect that now, he was sitting in the belly of a monster, but the monster's belly had everything, food, drink, and various decorations, in this luxurious little space Here, it seems like another paradise.

While they were still thinking about how to eat better and have a lot of money, Jingshu already had everything and was enjoying life.

Captain Jingshu, what else does she not have?

Of course, why can a rolled flatbread sit on a small train? Naturally, it was because he carried an old acquaintance, Mamahas's good brother, a fierce-looking man with a prosthetic leg.

At this time, Jie was sitting silently in the corner, his eyes were complicated and shocked.

Mr. Zhou drank the milk tea with enjoyment, and then slowly said to Jie: Tell me, what happened, why did you blow up the hotel and kill all of us, just for the supplies of the more than 2,000 cargo ships on the dock?

Jay, like Mamahas, also speaks Chinese.

At this time, he smiled bitterly, and did not answer Mr. Zhou's question, but asked: So, I just saw the modus operandi and methods you are familiar with. You are not from China to do business, but to rob, right? Hans There are so many things in the warehouse, and when I arrived just now, they were almost all empty.

By the way, you also took the lost things from Mas, right? I just said, that stupid person Mamahas praised you for how stupid and fat sheep you are, I just don’t believe it, because Chinese people never do business at a loss.

Mr. Zhou and Jing Shu smiled and said nothing. They drank tea and looked at Jie quietly.

Jie sighed and finally said: Well, I'm not that short-sighted. Hans is originally a commercial capital. If the reputation is ruined, the city will be ruined. In fact, I was kidnapped. Hans has long been More than a month ago, it was in the hands of another mysterious organization. They have a large number of people with special abilities and can easily take over all my armed forces.

But just now, I was actually arrested on purpose. I thought, rather than being controlled by these people until death, it would be better to make a deal with you Chinese people.

I paid for my life, but you got a lot of supplies for free.

Mr. Zhou didn't say anything. Jingshu raised her eyebrows, said oh, and then asked jokingly: You recognize the reality very well and know that begging for mercy is useless. Only benefits can move us. But - have you made a mistake? .

We have already taken away the things in the warehouse. We will go to the dock in a while. We will not rob those who have owners. We will only take the things that your armed forces have grabbed. It is enough to just take a wave and leave. After all, there are too many and we have no one to take them. Walk.

So, what else do you have to impress us?

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