I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 932 Empty their warehouse!

However, they encountered Jingshu who had no moral integrity and dug a hole directly from deeper below and got through.

Who could have imagined this? What was Jie doing at this moment?

Let Jingshu take someone to take a look.

Devouring the entire team of Hans' other businessmen, this kind of crazy thing would definitely not work if it were put aside before the end of the world.

It is estimated that the public opinions of various countries can spray them to death, but now that the apocalypse is over, what kind of shame do you need? A country that lived a good life before the apocalypse is not shameless by releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater?

Of course, in fact, according to Hans who has been in charge of Jie for many years, it is impossible for him to do such a thing that will ruin his future job. After all, Hans is not only the junction of many places, but also a convenient trade port. If we annex all the incoming and outgoing ships now, we will only get temporary benefits.

The reputation was so bad that it scared away the businessmen. If Hans didn't make the product, it would become more and more dilapidated. This was undoubtedly killing the chicken to keep warm.

But there was nothing Jay could do.

At this time, Jay was controlled in his office, and his personal bodyguards were enjoying spicy food. One of them, lying on the ground like a lizard, with his long tongue rolled out, was eating frantically.

Jie was silent for a while before asking: After you finish this job, you can leave. In the short term, Hans will not have any more businessmen coming to his door.

Leave? Why are you leaving? We have decided to live in Hans. There is food and play here, and my little cubs can grow and develop faster. I declare that Hans will be mine from now on. It’s the nest!”

There were two black women nearby. They came up and personally fed the lizard man lying on the ground and said, Brother, drink some beer. This is something from the Chinese team. It is said that they still have a lot of this stuff.

The lizard man rolled up the liquid in the cup with his tongue and smacked his mouth. The taste is just average. Since I became a human being and a ghost, my taste has also changed. It seems that I like to eat strange things more. .”

The black woman next to him continued: You think it's ordinary, but this thing is very expensive and very valuable -

The lizard man's eyes lit up. Although the task given to him by the organization was to disrupt the Middle East, it was not impossible to seek some benefits.

Chinese? Where are they now? After the lizard man finished speaking, he let go and shook.

The two women exclaimed:

What happened?!

Is it an earthquake?

Jie frowned. The sound came from the underground warehouse!

At this time, the underground warehouse.

My dear, I didn't expect Hans to be the fattest sheep. There are so many things in this warehouse.

Although there are a lot of military supplies, these canned food are really valuable, but the food here in the Middle East is really not good. It tastes terrible.

Speaking of Middle Eastern food, other people in the team nodded in approval. It looked like a mess mixed with messy sauces and messy food.

After eating, I didn’t know what I ate. After it enters the mouth, hey, it’s really hard to describe.

Jingshu briefly looked at the things and said, There are quite a lot of things. The noise just made was a bit loud. We have to cover the insects to move things. We can move as much as we can.

Hey, Captain Jing, just carry it and leave the rest to us.

Yes, yes, although we can't move many things, we can turn the place upside down.

A group of elite bodyguards. Although there are only three teams here, the configuration of each team is very balanced and comprehensive. It is very useful whether it is a diversionary battle or anything else.

Yang Yang took Mr. Zhou and Jing Shu to check and see which ones with high value should be transported first.

Look! This thing - Yang Yang pointed to a black round lump that looked like a mountain, something that looked like a stone but also looked like a potato.

Jingshu also squatted down, picked it up, and crushed it. The starch in it was quite high, and it had a familiar fragrance.

Mr. Zhou's eyes lit up: This thing must be the contents of the food we all ate yesterday.

Jing Shu nodded: This thing should be a kind of mutation of dark creatures. It can make people fall asleep after eating it, but it doesn't seem to have any side effects. The key is that it tastes good.

Yang Yang nodded: This thing is quite good as a sleeping pill, but I don't know if there is still such a market now.

Mr. Zhou's old face nodded unexpectedly: It's very marketable, and it's very useful for an old man like me.

Jingshu added: It's quite convenient to drug others. At least so many of us didn't notice it yesterday.

Speaking of this, everyone blushed. In fact, most of the people in the elite bodyguard team can no longer be counted as human beings. Poison is of no use to many people. Just say Situ Xiaoye, you can't poison a zombie. It's no use.

But even so, this dark food still made a large number of people fall asleep unsuspectingly yesterday.

Then take all these things away too. They may have high medicinal value.

Look, what are these? Jing Shu found dusty boxes and boxes of sealed things in the warehouse where the insects were moving. They were all covered with dense English.

For Jingshu, a poor student, this is simply fatal.

Yang Yang only glanced at it and said in surprise: It's antibiotics. This is a good thing. There is a shortage of this thing in China now.

Mr. Zhou nodded: It's not just a shortage at home, it's a shortage all over the world. Not only is food tight now, but it's also very difficult to produce medicines after the crops are gone. These are all treasures.

Since the end of the world, medicines have been discontinued. I have been carrying colds and fevers, and will die as soon as I can't resist them. There are very few medicines. No matter what the disease is now, just take antibiotics.

So antibiotics are equal to hard currency, that is, money.

Yang Yang counted and found that the amount of antibiotics was very considerable. Even when they came out, they just picked up a few boxes and found that there were thousands of boxes here. And this is produced by the pharmaceutical company over there in Laomi, isn't it? If the preventive medicine is genuine, it will be much more effective, and the country has a big loophole in this regard.

Mr. Zhou also nodded with great satisfaction. Look, although it is a little difficult to build a car at home, you can pick up everything when you go out?

Be careful when transporting this. Some antibiotics come in small glass bottles that are easy to break.

Without Yang Yang's reminder, Jing Shu gave them the highest treatment and let the soft green giant consign the goods.

After all, this thing is indeed valuable.

Soon, a rumbling sound came from above, but in this underground warehouse, there was indeed a rare order and order, and bugs kept transporting things from the tunnel——

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