I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 931 Dare to bomb us? Shall we go give them a big gift in return?

At this time, Mamahas no longer cared about the fact that he was only wearing big underpants, but stood up and asked: Dear Mr. Zhou, what's your return gift? What's going on now? And what's more? , and where is the official armed team I brought with Mas?

Mamahas is anxious. The teams he brought are all from the top. They are usually very precious and provide them with delicious food and drinks. If they are lost and killed, it will cost a lot of money.

Mr. Zhou raised his head and pointed to a place not far away, They are all over there. There may be a few unlucky ones who didn't escape. There's nothing we can do about it.

Mamahas finally took a breath, but when he walked over to count the number of people on his side, he almost died of anger.

Not only were there less than a dozen people who did not escape, but most of those who escaped were fished out by people from China.

At this time, he was lying on the ground and groaning.

Even the others who were fine had at most taken out their weapons, and most of them, like him, who had no clothes on, had nothing at all.

Mamahas said: Where are the satellite launchers and some other important equipment? Those are used by the higher authorities for us to call for help!

Several big men looked guilty: We slept so hard that we only had time to carry some small things, and it took another minute to get dressed. The other things were too big and were not carried out.

Look at yourself, and then look at China.

If there was no comparison before, Mamahas felt that it would be good to escape from such a terrifying explosion, but now, the Chinese people would rather go naked and loot the hotel, and even protect their own belongings. Even a rich man like Mr. Zhou carries two big bags with him.

You bunch of trash! There is nothing now, and there is nothing we can do if we die in Hans! Mamahas roared.

Mr. Zhou counted the number of people here, and there were a few people missing. However, those few people went back to carry some things, which wasted time, so it was not a big problem.

Mamahas then asked Mr. Zhou: Why did Jie blow up such a good hotel? There are so many people in it?

Mr. Zhou said in a deep voice: Maybe it's for the supplies on the more than a hundred ships at the dock. If we all die unexpectedly, do you think that with so many things on the dock becoming ownerless, they can just take over them openly.

Mamahas didn't understand even more: But you have to spend money on more than a hundred ships of supplies, and you can also put them in their pockets. And he blew up such a good hotel, it's not worth it.

Mr. Zhou pondered, yes, such a good hotel cost countless billions to build. It is still preserved today and the power system is still functioning. Why did it need to be blown up?

Mamahas's voice was trembling at this time: If it was really Jie who gave the order, and if we went to find him now, would he directly give the order to kill us all? Let's run away and return to the horse. Si, this place is too dangerous.

He added: Jay and I have been good brothers for many years, but I never thought he would become like this. Maas and Hans have always been friendly, but now - there must be something... what happened.

At this moment, Mr. Zhou's phone rang. He answered the phone and heard a voice codenamed Qi:

The docks in Hans are all blocked. The official said that they will take over all the cargo ships on the dock. There are more than 2,000 ships, large and small, including more than 30 ships that the exorcists put in Winter's hands. It seems-- We just fell into the whirlpool.

Now other merchants are resisting, and a war has begun on the dock side.

Mr. Zhou pondered for a while, and then asked: I'll let people go find out what's going on. You should protect yourself first and don't join the melee. If the official is shameless, then we will find a solution then.

While Mr. Zhou sent people to find out the situation, he asked Mamahas: Yesterday, we saw many white-skinned foreigners in the hotel. Is there anything big going on here recently with Hans?

Although they had prepared a strategy when they came, they couldn't always know everything, and there would always be some surprises.

Mamahas shook his head and said: Hans is a place where merchants from all over the world gather. It is more appropriate to call it a trade market, but there is indeed an annual trade fair in recent days. I also want to bring it with me. Go and see if there is any place where you can trade.

boom! !


In the distance, there were several more explosions and various shouts.

Jing Shu sneered slightly at the corner of her mouth and said: We may have just entered a pig-killing plate. Hans's officials may want to catch all these businessmen, fatten up, rest and recuperate, block the news, and then come back to the next wave.

Mr. Zhou nodded: It's very possible.

Then what should we do now? If the biggest robber is the official here, then we will be in dire straits -

It's a bad start!


Groups of armed vehicles were driving down the street, carrying pitch-black guns.

Soon, Jingshu attracted the attention of the other side.

Mr. Zhou, are we now-- Resist or escape?

Yang Yang glanced at Jingshu and said, Has the tunnel been dug?

Jing Shu nodded: It's dug, it just leads to the dock, and there are a few leads to where Jie lived yesterday. She said with a smirk.

Everyone understood instantly.

Mr. Zhou said without hesitation: Then you escort Mamahas to the dock first. Let's go and give Jie a big gift.

Mamahas looked at these Chinese people who were half-talking, but didn't understand what they meant. He couldn't help but wonder what part of his Chinese language he didn't understand.

However, he didn't need to know anything. Soon, he was wrapped in a quilt and thrown into a dark and soft place.

He came to appreciate it now. These Chinese people seemed to be far more than what they seemed.

As a result, the troops divided into two groups in the tunnel.

All the way to the dock, they met up with the large group of ships.

A group of people were driving towards the place where Jie lived yesterday.

In the big dark tunnel, even Mr. Zhou had to admire Jingshu: Is this the secret why you transported so many supplies from the military base at that time? We just arrived in Hansi yesterday, and today you even dug a tunnel alright.

Jingshu smiled slightly. Originally, the burrowing worm was not that fast, but didn't she add some medicine?

The place where Jie lives is not far away, but it is a cave-style earthen fort typical of the Middle East.

Just dig a very big hole and then build a hard wall with stones. This kind of earthen fort can effectively prevent artillery attacks and level 10 bombings.

It can be said that as long as it is not a secret weapon such as missiles and nuclear bombs, such an air-raid shelter-like bunker is very safe.

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