I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 930 Escape, exciting!

The number of 5 minutes is decreasing crazily, scarlet and eye-catching.

Jingshu's heart was pounding, and the beeping sound was particularly harsh.

Holy crap! Bomb!

Jingshu was forced to curse, then turned around and ran away. With her speed, which had been single for more than 30 years, it was naturally too slow. The hotel was going to blow up, so she simply summoned the Hulk. Rolling and crawling, he ran with her.

Recycle home appliances, electrical air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, motorcycle batteries, paper cans and other old home appliances at high prices!

It's the big speaker played by Jing Shu, and this is it when you turn it on.

Jing Shu didn't care about this and put it directly on the broadcasting station in the monitoring room.

So the whole hotel was filled with the sound of loudspeakers recycling household appliances, and she used this to wake up some of the sleeping bodyguard team.

Not to mention, many people were awakened when they heard this familiar voice. This was simply a childhood nightmare.

Jingshu also yelled on the intercom: Emergency! This hotel is going to blow up. Hurry up and tell everyone to escape from the hotel. If you can, just jump out of the window. Don't take the elevator! If you can't, run the stairs! Also! 5 minutes! Yes, make full use of the five minutes and catch whatever you can easily!

At this time, a team responsible for the night vigil immediately called for their teammates without saying a word. Unknowingly, everyone's trust in Jing Shu increased a lot. They knew the seriousness of the matter without even asking.

For a while, the hotel was buzzing with excitement. Last night, not only people from the Huaxia team stayed here, but also the official Mamahas escort team, and even some other bosses who were discussing matters.

However, when others are just thinking about escaping, the Chinese people subconsciously think that 1 minute is enough to escape. Leave 1 minute to reserve time, and you have to catch something in the remaining three minutes, right?


Regardless of whether they were exposed or not, their true colors were finally revealed.

Jing Shu Saya kicked open the door of the presidential suite, Old man, you're still sleeping. Get up quickly, you're going to be blown up! Yang Yang, hurry up, get up!

Before Yang Yang's eyes opened, his body moved first. He twisted around and put on his clothes, then grabbed his luggage, and then quickly packed the hotel's cups, towels, small drinks, and even the quilt into the snakeskin In the bag, he opened his eyes.

Mr. Zhou was about the same. By the time Jingshu entered, Mr. Zhou had already packed all his things. The entire presidential suite was suddenly missing a lot of things.

Let's go. Mr. Zhou didn't need to ask anything.

Jump out of the window. We have the Hulk as a buffer. A dozen floors is not high. Jing Shu said directly. At this time, the elevator must be blocked and the stairs are full of people.

Mr. Zhou suddenly paused: Where is Mamahas?

Jing Shu slapped her forehead and said, I missed him. You guys get off first and I'll go find him. This is an important person. As she said that, she gave them a Hulk.

The troops on both sides divided into two groups.

Jingshu took the stairs again and ran two floors before finding Mamahas' room. She kicked open the door of the junior suite. Mamahas yawned and looked over with his head raised.

Oh, what time is it? Dear Miss Zhou, it is very impolite for you to break into a man's room like this.

I'm polite to you~! #@¥. Jingshu grabbed Mamahas and put him in the quilt and sheets.

Mamahas, who looked confused, had no idea what was going on. He only felt the surroundings go dark, and then suddenly felt a free fall in a daze.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!

He was all too familiar with this feeling of falling from a high altitude.

Isn't he going to die?

Did Miss Zhou throw him out of the window? Oh my god, this is a tall building with more than ten floors!

A thud.

Mamahas felt like he fell into a soft bed. He was not injured. On the contrary, he bounced several times, which was quite fun.

He struggled to get up, but before he could sit firmly, he was rolled over by a buttock. Then, he felt that he was in the belly of something, and the thing was running wildly, and then he staggered around.

Ugh~ I'm so dizzy!

However, after a while, just as he was taking a breath, he heard an earthquake and a shaking sound. Something exploded!

His heart was pounding, and he didn't know what happened, but it seemed really dangerous now!

After a while, the quilt covering the package was opened, revealing a gleam of light. He could see clearly around him. He was under a former residential building. In the distance, thick smoke billowed, and a mushroom cloud exploded over there.

Mamahas was stunned, swallowed, and asked with difficulty: What happened?

Mr. Zhou dug through his duffel bag, took out a thermos cup, drank some wolfberry water, and exhaled: That good brother of yours, Jie, blew up the hotel.

Exploded?? Mamahas opened his mouth wide, How is it possible? How could it be possible? Why would he do this?

At this time, this area was already under an abandoned residential building and was filled with people from the Chinese bodyguard group.

I saw everyone carrying large and small bags, not only on their backs, but also in their hands. What's more, most of them used the sheets as luggage bags, which were filled with various things from the hotel.

Bedding, sheets, towels, toiletries, and combs are all trivial matters, but they didn’t leave anything behind that could be taken. Some even carried the small refrigerator in the hotel.

Mom, I secretly went to the kitchen. I wanted to pack something, but there was nothing in it. It seems that they had planned it a long time ago. I'm so angry.

Old Zhang, are you afraid you came back empty-handed?

That's okay. I took out the pots, knives, and all the stainless steel kitchen utensils in the kitchen. I almost took down the gas stove as well.

Don't mention it. I knew something was wrong when I heard the news. I went to the warehouse specially, but it was empty. There were only some broken pots and quilts, and some disposable shampoo and so on. I also picked them up. coming.

Hey, luckily I'm the speed type. I just took out all the bedding from the room on the floor where I live.

Mamahas was stunned. For a moment, the image of the prodigal rich man from China collapsed in his heart. When he saw these people not only running for their lives, but also moving all the things out of the hotel, his head was filled with questions.

So, his good brother Jie wants to blow him up, and these rich and lavish Luo Xia don't even let go of the little things in the hotel. What's wrong with this world?

At this time, Mr. Zhou stood up and said, Okay, let's count the number of people and see if everyone has escaped. Then, let's give Jie a good gift in return.

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