I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 890: You look down on us Chinese people and just bring out these worthless things?

who is it! He actually said such disappointing words. Do you know that these words are very clumsy!

Mamahas cursed in his heart, wishing he could give the intruder a slap in the face. If he really came to rob, how much would he, the organizer, have to lose and how much mess he would have to clean up.

Moreover, the fat guys at the United Nations who think with their butts will only point their fingers at him and scold him for not holding this trade fair well. They will even hand him over as a scapegoat if they have no choice but to do so.

Mamahas' originally dark face immediately brightened up and smiled when he saw the owner of the voice. It turned out to be Miss Zhou!

He quickly came to Jingshu and Mr. Zhou, and smiled flatteringly: Oh, my dear little princess, don't worry, I have been preparing for this feast all day long.

Not only have we prepared translators from several countries for you, we have also mobilized all the surrounding armed forces.

Look, everyone will follow the bodyguards of our embassy. If you are afraid of danger, although I cannot arrange more bodyguards for you, I can arrange for more than 20 people to help you carry your things.

Mamahas waved his hand, and bodyguards armed to the teeth and holding shields came over and surrounded several people, with a serious attitude.

Mamahas is not stupid if he can climb to this position. On the contrary, he is very smart. He understands that these people in China are his God of Wealth. Only by protecting the God of Wealth can he have more things. Therefore, nothing can happen to the God of Wealth.

And he had to protect the God of Wealth who was so stupid and leaked money.

Mamahas continued: Don't worry, not only is the trading venue safe, but the outside is also well organized. I have mobilized troops to wait outside to ensure your safety.

I hope so. Jingshu stretched her noble swan neck, raised her head and left.

Mr. Zhou patted Mamahas on the shoulder, used a little strength, and made a pun: Good job. It really caused trouble for us.

But it wasn't a big problem. Jing Shu also wanted to see if those hungry wolves would dare to come forward and catch their attention under such security.

The fair will start soon.

As expected, Mamahas arranged for the rich natives around him to bring up all the collections at home. His original intention was to show off his wealth and let the Chinese people see who is the most luxurious person in the Middle East. synonym.

So these things have high price tags, but in fact, they have little practical value.

Dear gentlemen and ladies, this exhibit is the collection of Mr. Walter Paul. It is a bracelet composed of thousands of rare yellow pink diamonds and more than 20 grams of rare pear-shaped diamonds. It was worth more than 5,000 yuan before the end of the world. Ten thousand meters in exchange for supplies of the same value.

Not surprisingly, this thing failed to sell. Erte looked at Jingshu's direction for several times. He specially took out this collection just to let this scapegoat exchange supplies, but she didn't respond at all.

Later, Mamahas took out several similar collections, which were worth tens of millions of meters or hundreds of millions before the end of the world. Unfortunately, everyone is not a fool now, and they use so many materials to exchange for such useless items. Useful jewelry.

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore.

When the last piece of jewelry came on stage, Mr. Shirt personally introduced it: This is the collection I am most proud of. It is the Graff Pink Diamond, a 30-carat pink diamond cut from emerald. It is still flawless. Pink diamonds are worth hundreds of millions of dollars before the end of the world, I wonder if anyone is interested.”

There were many voices of exclamation. Natural pink diamonds of such a large size are so rare, and what’s even rarer is that they are flawless.

Today, everyone present can be considered as having seen the Hao from the Middle East.

The people in Jingshu's bodyguard team even clicked their tongues. Just listening to these histories and how much money these people spent to buy these things before the end of the world, they felt that there might be something wrong with these people's minds. Sure enough, rich people don't Treat money as money, this is the end of the world, do you still want to exchange these things for materials of equal value? Dreaming.

There are people who like it, but no one bids.

Walter said to Mamahas: Dear Sir, you said that today there are super rich people who are interested in these, so I brought the precious exhibits at great risk.

Even in the end of the world, these things are not so valuable anymore, but there is definitely oil worth tens of millions, but now it seems that no one dares to bid, so you are basically bragging.

No one here could afford it.

In particular, some people have released news about how rich they are, but in fact they can’t afford anything, right?

It was obvious who he was talking about. Many people looked over and wanted to see what Huaxia Sheep had to say about this matter.

Did he get excited and then directly buy all the goods, or did he remain silent.

After the translator next to Jing Shu finished speaking, everyone in the bodyguard team turned dark.

Nannan gloated over the misfortune and told you to pretend, now it's better. You can't afford other people's jewelry, so you are being ridiculed now.

Mamahas was a little embarrassed. He wanted to slaughter a fat sheep and show off to the Chinese people, but this is not the way to kill a fat sheep. Only those of you would want those things that are so expensive.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Miss Zhou was so unprovoked that she walked up step by step. Her expression was so bad that even the servant behind her who was holding up her skirt could hardly keep up.

Jingshu walked up, picked up the microphone, and said in Chinese to Mamahas and everyone in the audience:

Dear Sir, I thought you were going to hold this trade fair to see what good things you can get, but you ended up showing me these things that can't be put on the table? I've already said, as long as I can like it, let alone the same price. Well, what if I bought it at a premium of several times?

Supplies? That doesn't matter to me at all.

Do they look down on us Chinese people or question our supplies? Just use this thing to fool us? Please translate it to them.

He raised his head as he spoke, extremely noble.

Nannan behind her was extremely shocked: Jingshu was crazy and said such arrogant words!

In fact, today I learned that the Huaxia team was coming, and many people came to visit with Chinese translators. After hearing this, some people smiled jokingly, some were disdainful, and some looked greedy. How many supplies do these people in Huaxia have? .

Especially Mr. Walter, he said on the side: Miss China, I'm afraid you're talking big words. You don't like these things? I'm afraid you can't afford them? You must know that these collections of mine are unique!

Jingshu smiled disdainfully and took out an extra-thick, all-diamond watch from the inconspicuous big cloth bag she carried on stage.

Your broken necklace only has a few diamonds, but my watch has thousands of big diamonds, and the middle dial is made of more than thirty carats of diamonds. What did I say? Can I like your broken thing?

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