I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 889 Is there a robbery at such a high-end trade fair?

This is a rich chicken soup that has been simmered for several hours. Although there is less chicken and more soup, the addition of some pepper and MSG completely stimulates the fresh flavor of the chicken soup.

There is a large bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of everyone. The smooth and tender hand-rolled noodles dipped in chicken soup are sucked into the mouth, and then some shredded chicken meat is added, and it goes straight to the sky!

For a moment, the whole dining room was filled with the sound of slurping. After eating a whole bowl of noodles, they drank a bowl of salty chicken soup with a hint of pepper. Everyone rubbed their belly with satisfaction. .

This meal is definitely the most delicious food they have eaten in recent years, it’s so cool!

Nannan didn't stop swallowing. While Jingshu was immersed in cooking, she quietly sneaked over to her Licking Dog No. 1. Licking Dog No. 2 had already been punished for stealing water.

Hey, I'm so hungry, but even after saying a few words, I won't be allowed to eat. Isn't this aimed at me? Some people are so stingy and have no tolerance. I'm the only one who looked at me helplessly this late at night. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to tease me? Hey, hey, hey, I'm so pitiful - Nannan cried as she spoke, making her cry like a raindrop.

If it were the former Licking Dog No. 1, as soon as she said the first sentence, all the delicious food would definitely be given to her. But after she said so much today, Licking Dog No. 1 didn't respond?

When he looked again, Licking Dog No. 1 had already licked the bottom of the bowl clean with the meat and soup. Only then did he seem to hear, a little embarrassed to say:

Nanny, why didn't you tell me earlier? Look, I've finished eating, and there's only a little green onion left. How about I add some water for you to rinse it with?

Nannan was so angry that she slapped him: Who the hell wants you to eat the leftover dishwater! After saying that, she walked away angrily.

Licking Dog No. 1 scratched his head, and he lined up to get another pot of boiling water. Sure enough, he rinsed the bowl again and drank a delicious bowl.

After eating this sumptuous dinner, I could smell the fragrant chicken for miles around.

Hey, someone asked, is a few kilometers a bit exaggerated?

Isn’t that nonsense? How could a few pots of ordinary chicken soup travel several kilometers?

Jing Shu must have asked Wenjun and Guotou to make chicken soup at dozens of nearby places. Not only that, but she also wandered around the city several times while making chicken soup.

No, everyone in Mas knows what the Chinese business group eats in the evening.

Mamahas was in the diplomatic camp. His mouth watered three feet from the smell, and the food he usually ate was no longer tasty. He was saying to his wife: I see those people in China are so arrogant, I'm afraid... We can’t survive here for more than a few days, and chaos will break out here sooner or later, so we’d better escape to another place early.”

As they were talking, there was a knock on the door. Mamahas went to open the door, but when he came back he brought a pot of chicken noodle soup.

His wife asked, So honey, when are we going to pack up and get ready to go?

Mamahas said: Why should we go? We must hold China tightly, ah no, I mean we must live and die with Mars, ah, it smells good, it smells really good.

Mr. Zhou returned to his presidential suite and was discussing with Code Qi, Yang Yang, and Heiying about the information they would inquire about today.

This time, Mr. Zhou, Jing Shu and others were in the open, while Qi Ying and others were in the dark.

Codename Qi put up all the collected information, There are two forces on Mas' side that we need to pay attention to. One is the puppet of the United States and the other is the puppet of Lao Ou.

Mr. Zhou was not originally a greedy person, but at this moment he finally couldn't help but asked: Do you smell the smell of chicken soup? Why is it still there?

Shadow immediately said: I thought it was my hallucination, but it is indeed still there, and it is even stronger.

Just as he was talking, the door was pushed open, and Jingshu pushed the cart. There was a big pot on it, which was full of chicken soup. Different from the pure chicken noodle soup this afternoon, there were various kinds of chicken soup such as pine mushrooms and chanterelles in it. Delicious mushrooms and side dishes.

Jing Shu smiled and said, You haven't eaten enough this afternoon, have you? Let's cook a small stove again?

Shadow coughed: That's embarrassing...then I won't be polite. He didn't eat at night! He had long since starved to death.

Mr. Zhou felt a little distressed: Girl Jing, you should eat these good things yourself. You have already contributed a lot of good things to this mission——

Jing Shu was waiting for this, Mr. Zhou, how can we catch big fish with just a few pots of soup today? Since we want to let the news out, we have to do everything.

So I cooked all the chicken soup nearby, so that the whole city knew about it. You see, it would be a waste if you don’t eat it. If you always feel bad about it, will you let me pick one of the trophies first without violating the rules?

This request was not too much, so Mr. Zhou agreed on the spot: Let you pick two items.

Okay! Jingshu was happy, so were the others, and Mr. Zhou was also happy.

The group of people had another late-night snack and dinner, while discussing with the surrounding forces. Only by knowing each other can they win a hundred battles.

Jingshu is even more profitable here. She already has a big appetite, and she has to support a team like Xiaowei with a huge appetite, so the food is not wasted at all. She originally had to prepare so much food, but today she went to whoring for nothing. Two loot first options.

The next day, after everyone's careful preparations, all the forces and countries around Mas knew that a super big fat sheep had come to Mas.

Therefore, the trading house held by Mas in the evening was overcrowded.

On the one hand, they come to see how fat the fat sheep are, and on the other hand, they come to see what benefits they can get. Of course, there are also people who come to step on it.

Not to mention that Mas is a mixed place, and at the evening trade fair, there are people of four skin colors.

Since the trade fair is relatively private, entry inspection is very strict. You are not allowed to carry weapons. There can be no more than five servants and bodyguards. Tickets are calculated per person. Each person must pay supplies worth 100 liters of oil. If you purchase more than these supplies Anything of value is free of charge.

Yes, in the past, the currency in the Middle East was mainly the rice dollar to settle oil, and the euro to settle daily necessities. After the end of the world, after the currency collapse of the Middle East, oil is calculated here. Naturally, the poor do not have access to collecting oil, and they still have to barter, but the upper class all calculates based on oil.

As a big dog owner, Mr. Zhou naturally brought his daughter and sons in with him. There was no oil, but there was a little more beer. Mamahas is a good person, so he got free admission. After all, this big dog owner saw it. Whatever they take out is worth more than oil.

Watching them pull in supplies one by one, Mamahas grinned from ear to ear. He could get a lot of commission from this alone.

While he was smiling, a voice came: Is there a robbery at such a high-end trade fair?

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