I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 891 If I take this out, how will you respond?

Walter was embarrassed. After saying this, it seemed that it was indeed the case. The things he had taken out before were indeed not as valuable as others. He stiffened his neck and said, But my last treasure is worth more than your watch. , if you really like it, why don’t you bid?”

Jingshu's casual display of jewelry was in sharp contrast to Erte's display of expensive boxes.

This thing feels like the things Jingshu took out from the bag at random are much more expensive than the special ones. This reflects from the side that Jingshu doesn't seem to be very interested in these precious things, or in other words, because there are too many precious things, she just I can hold it in a cloth bag.

Hearing Erte's words, Jingshu became even more disdainful. As Jingshu dug out the bag again, she casually took out an oversized diamond.

This thing actually doesn't look like a diamond, but like an oversized glass ball, about the size of a baby's fist.

With a clang, the diamond was accidentally dropped to the ground by Jing Shu, making its unique sound. With this sound, everyone present knew what grade the diamond was.

Jingshu raised her noble head indifferently and said to Mamahas: Oh, I'm sorry, I dropped this thing, can you pick it up for me? It's not convenient for me to wear high heels.

Mamahas picked it up at lightning speed, definitely the fastest speed in his life, put it under the light and said with a trembling voice: This, this is -

Before he could say anything, Erte beside him screamed excitedly, This is the largest diamond mined in Cullanan that year. It is an uncut rough diamond, at least more than 500 carats. Oh my god, this one seemed like this before. It was collected by Steve Jobs in the United States——

The scene became a little noisy for a while, and the wealthy Masas present looked at the things on the stage with red eyes.

Unlike the bodyguards of Jing Shu and Mr. Zhou, they didn't know Mingli because they didn't understand much. They just thought that Jing Shu seemed a bit awesome. What he brought out casually shocked these old haters.

Not to mention, Jingshu herself was a little confused, because before this, she didn't really understand the value of these luxury goods. She only knew that the things in the home of the richest man in the United States were not cheap, so she just took them all back.

Just like this fist-sized diamond, Jingshu often used it as a Frisbee for Fat Chicken to play with. She would throw it out and Fat Chicken would find it again. Master Jing also used the diamond watch as a hook.

Only those who don’t understand are ignorant and fearless.

Just because they understand, the eyes of these wealthy people with a collection habit are red, and they feel even more admiration when looking at Jing Shu's gaze.

Jing Shu shrugged and took out a few random gadgets from the bag, Although I don't have many of these things, they are quite common to me. So I really don't look down on your crappy gadgets. If they are all of your level, don’t show them to embarrass yourself.”

These words were both insulting and a slap in the face.

However, Erte, who had a fiery temperament, not only did not get angry, but said excitedly: Of course, of course, among my collections, how could any of my collections be valuable like yours? He said a lot more, which meant that Jing Jing Shu will bring out some more so that everyone can have a good look at them.

Jingshu was not such a stingy person. As if she was showing off her wealth, she took out a lot of good things from her bag, which made everyone in Mamahas feel like they were wasting their wealth.

Even why some things were dipped in chicken feces, they didn't know what the lady was doing with these things.

Anyway, everyone present remembered the exclamations from time to time, and looked at Jingshu with much more eagerness in her eyes from time to time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mamahas recovered from the shock. He could not let the eldest lady show off her wealth. If she continued to show off her wealth, he might not be able to escape.

So Mamahas hastened to get the theme back and start the real deal.

Others are still a little regretful. After all, this Chinese lady is so rich, so how much does the kind old man standing next to her with a smile have to hide?

Many people have already made up their minds, their eyes are extremely eager and greedy, and those who are eager for quick success have already begun to distribute the spoils.

In short, more than half of the people look at these two fat sheep as if they were two big fools. If they dare to show off their wealth like this in the Middle East, they are not far away from death.

The trading exhibits were transported to the trading booth one by one, and the traders would eagerly look at the eldest lady of China.

However, most of the eldest ladies in China will show a look of disdain and pride. Not only that, they will also wave their hands and ask people to bring her the best substitute.

Everyone took it for granted that it was normal for the eldest lady to look down on her.

This young lady doesn't seem to be here to trade, but rather to show off.

But it doesn't matter, these things of hers will be divided up soon.

Jing Shu was having a great time acting, and a young Chinese man came next to her. He clinked glasses with Mr. Zhou, and then started chatting to Jing Shu and Mr. Zhou in a low voice.

The young man’s name is Zhou Dongdong.

Jing Shu was still wondering what this person was here for. Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongdong turned out to be a person with high emotional intelligence. He came over first to close the relationship, saying that his ancestors were Chinese and that everyone had the same ancestors.

Then he flattered me a lot, and finally asked politely if he wanted to send more manpower. It was not very safe here recently, and he also gave him the contact information of a Chinese weapons dealer.

He is a mercenary here, taking on private jobs. If you are in danger, you can contact him. As long as the money is in place, I will give you my life.

Mr. Zhou declined Zhou Dongdong's kindness and asked Zhou Dongdong what kind of business he did.

I help Saudi Arabia transport and sell some oil, and I am a middleman. Lao Yi has Chinese professionals to handle it. Unfortunately, I have no way out and can only take a wild approach. Zhou Dongdong said with some pity.

Mr. Zhou patted Zhou Dongdong on the shoulder, Not bad young man.

Then you'd better stay in Mas and don't run around.

Zhou Dongdong gave another vague reminder, and finally shook his head and left. This Chinese person is stubborn and has a brain problem. The proverb says that wealth should not be revealed. In the end of the world, has it not been beaten?

If you dare to show off your wealth like this in this place of Mas, all of them will probably be dead within ten days.

Don’t you say that Chinese people are very smart? Oh, what a pity.

Jing Shu raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said to Mr. Zhou: Isn't this kid's path a little broader? Now he has a way out? This time we are missing someone who is familiar with the local area and reliable.

Mr. Zhou nodded and said, We have to test it again.

After testing the waters in the early stage of the transaction, it was almost done. Mamahas finally clapped his hands and said, Ladies and gentlemen, pay attention, the big thing is coming, everyone is watching, what is this!!

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