I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 885 About the brother country picking up a big treasure in the desert

Now that the first stop has arrived, it’s time to plan the route and follow-up plans.

As for this route, it is actually very particular. Why do you say this? Dongdong contains more than 20 countries, and the area is very large, and there are wars here all the year round. It can be said to be very chaotic. The rich places are rich to death, and the poor places have oil. To put it bluntly, there is oil, and even after it is extracted, there is no trace After that, it was transported away.

So the route must be towards those rich places.

Yang Yang drew another circle on the map, The scope of this circle is our retreat. If there is any danger, or there are too many things to carry, we will go to this circle. This is also our temporary refuge. Reserve warehouse.”

To be honest, although the force they brought with them on this trip is very strong, no country is as strong as Sa. Besides, after robbing everything, ah no, after the alms are finished, why not plan the escape route and the escape route in advance?

This is one of their fallback options.

Yang Yang continued: The range of this circle is the range that Lao Yi protects us from attacking. It is about 1,400 kilometers. Everyone must have an idea.

Everyone nodded and understood. Some people rolled their eyes inwardly, including most of the things. Does this mean they want to be unscrupulous? Jingshu actually did her homework before coming, so she also knew what this meant.

Why do Mr. Zhou trust this place so much? Do you even dare to put the things you received for alms here?

Speaking of this, we have to mention that we have four brotherly countries, and they have very good relations with each other.

Hey, someone asked, this is the end of the world, people don’t care about you and your brother’s country, do they really care about you? Hey, this is really true, the relationship between these brothers will be better after the end of the world.

What's the matter? You have to shout in these countries, I am Chinese, and the standard of treatment has to go up and up, and food has to be free.

Therefore, this time they go out, if something happens, they are chased, hit by missiles, etc., this Lao Yi will probably be eager to protect them. Even if nothing happens, Lao Yi can't wait for something to happen so that he has a reason.

Therefore, if they really store things here first, maybe when they leave, there will be more things unexpectedly.

Why pinch? it's actually really easy.

I won’t talk about other messy things. Let’s just say that Lao Yi, who has been at war all year round, knows that he has been baptized by the war. The one who was bullied at the beginning was simply terrible.

Later, Lao Yi was diligent and studious, and through his continuous efforts, he acquired a strong military force, and even developed extremely advanced supersonic D bombs.

Although this is the end of the world, Lao Yi's weapon not only has supersonic speed, but also has terminal mobility, which means it can change ballistics, change targets, etc.

Doesn’t sound like much? But everyone knows that Tie Qiong, who has the best defense, can't defend against Lao Yi's thing.

Although, these weapons are not that unusual for China. They are just several generations behind. As for how many versions behind, Jing Shu is not very clear. She just asked Mr. Zhou at that time:

Even this version is a weapon that can move sideways here. So what version do we have in China now?

Zhou Lao sighed, Even if the apocalypse comes, if everything falls, weapons cannot fall. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. So our version will be updated a few generations. As for where we can hit, hey, it's not very powerful. You can do whatever you want. Point it out.

Jingshu swallowed her saliva and asked where to hit?

Yang Yang squinted his eyes and smiled: I can't say that this is a state secret. It's far, far away anyway.

Jingshu nodded, tacitly understanding.

Anyway, through continuous hard work and the guidance of noble people, Lao Yi is now quite good at cruising and anti-shipping. If the military is strong enough, no one will dare to bully him.

Then someone asked again, how did Lao Yina solve the air quagmire effect and create such an advanced weapon without even having a wind tunnel? ?

It's not that I couldn't help being lucky. One day, I picked up an instruction manual in the desert. After picking it up and taking it home, I received guidance from a noble person. This old Yi completed the copying of the test paper from 0 to 100.

Don't ask, just ask because you picked up a treasure in the desert with the guidance of a noble person and good luck.

What? How could you find such a big treasure in the desert? What's the matter? Didn't Lao Ba also pick up the same model in the desert? Very strange?

Besides, old Saudi Arabia was lucky and picked up Dongfeng Express. Did they say anything?

Therefore, if you have weapons and backing, you will be more confident. After Yang Yang drew a circle, everyone began to make detailed plans.

This time, we made four major plans ABCD, and countless other branch plans.

After finishing, everyone divided into two groups and began to stop in the small country of Mas.

The ships of Yisou Sou stayed on the shore, while the warships of Yisou Sou were hidden behind and waiting for the opportunity. Since they were trying to be a fat sheep, the warships could not be exposed, otherwise who would take the bait?

Jingshu brought most of her strength with her, leaving almost no one on the ship, only those who were responsible for the reception and operation, and the rest were protected by mud mermaids.

She even brought Xiao Wei and Wenjun Guotou with her. As a coward who was afraid of death from aliens, Jing Shu immediately let Xiao Wei's bugs start to settle down when they landed.

These days, Xiaowei has laid countless eggs and kept them, just waiting to hatch when they come ashore. The cunning rabbit has three burrows. This time, wherever she goes, the burrowing insects will dig them. The other bugs were temporarily hidden, while Xiaowei continued to be in the ball.

Maas is a small, neutral and chaotic country, with a mixture of people and well-informed people. Because it is close to the sea and has a large coast, it is also a place for the transportation of oil, carrion insects and other materials.

There is a lot of trading here.

Due to frequent chaos and wars, this place is now under the joint control of the Dulian Kingdom and weapons are strictly prohibited. However, it has been maintained well this year.

But the dock today was obviously very lively. There were black, white, and yellow people here. They all stopped what they were doing and watched as dozens of deep-draft ships docked. A group of brightly dressed people disembarked.

And they actually brought their own bus and drove towards the city of Mas after getting off the pier.

As mentioned before, this is a place under the joint jurisdiction of many countries, so people from many forces here saw it, and the news spread instantly.

In the official reception hall of Mas.

Mr. Zhou was wearing a neat suit today, with his gray hair slicked back, looking somewhat like a wealthy chairman.

Jingshu, as the eldest lady of the Zhou family and Mr. Zhou's favorite daughter, smiled and held her arm with him, but today Jingshu really took her luxury to the extreme.

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