I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 884: The poor fleet that shakes its head when pirates come VS the first stop arriving in the

Anna couldn't help but almost vomited. What was hidden on the boat? So smelly? As soon as Anna opened the door, she was overwhelmed by endless stinking corpse insects. She instantly felt like she had fallen into a shit pit.

Anna coughed violently, and when she saw all this clearly, she couldn't help but gag again.

who is it! Such a luxurious ferry is filled with all these dirty things! Why put these useless carrion bugs that even dogs won’t eat? Isn’t there a lot in the sea? Why put it all on the boat?

After Anna was submerged, she finally escaped from the shit pit. Her loud voice just now did not attract the guards——

What does this mean? It means there must be no guards.

It gives people the illusion that the things here are not valuable at all!

But in fact, it must be a cover-up. Because if the ship owner had no problem with his mind, he would not release so many useless carrion insects.

There are so many ships. According to Anna's many years of pirate experience, the draft is very heavy, which means that the cargo transported is very heavy. It is impossible for all the hundreds of ships to be filled with these carrion insects, right? To put it bluntly, these people can't be spending high fuel costs just to transport these stinking corpse insects, right?

Yes, that must be the case, Anna comforted herself, and then began to explore one by one.

But, next——



Anna has become stinky. Every time she opens a door, they are all filled with rotten corpse insects. She can no longer remember how many ships she has explored. She does not believe in evil. She has seen every ship, but except for this rotten In addition to the carrion insects, there are also several ships that are all strange plants.

She thought these plants were some kind of food, but they were completely soaked in putrid carrion insect mucus. She endured nausea and ate some of the plant fruit peels, but a burst of acid reflux finally made her vomit them all out.

It's sick. This hundred-man fleet is fucking sick. They brought so many things, but they are all filled with these rotting corpse insects!

The pirates were excitedly waiting for Anna to come back. Who knew that what was waiting for her would be Anna who smelled like shit and was covered in shit.

Yue, Commander, this fleet is seriously ill! Anna cried bitterly and told her story.

Just as he was talking, the alarm bell on the pirate side rang——

Enemy attack! Enemy attack!! The screams echoed throughout the sea.

Anna's expression tightened, and she saw that the original hundred-ship fleet was now divided into countless small teams, like wild wolves that had not seen meat for hundreds of years. Cruel tears flowed from the corners of their mouths when she saw them——

For a moment, Anna was a little confused, who was the pirate? ?

Talk about both ends.

Jingshu and his group were laughing in the conference room of the main ship.

The whole room was laughing so hard that they almost cried.

On the middle screen, what was shown was exactly what Anna had just seen one ship after another.

Tell me, it's really not easy for us to get these pirates to take the bait. We even opened the door to our house, but they didn't even take the bait.

This woman is also funny. After watching one ship, she refused to give up. She actually looked at every ship. She walked a few ships further and reached the place where the wine is stored. Why didn't she look forward?

Then she may be desperate. There is really nothing on our ships that would attract people to rob. When people come, they can't rob the carrion worms one by one, right?

Hey, this time I attracted the three melons and split dates. Other big ships won't take the bait.

This battle ended in just a few hours. A total of more than a dozen small broken ships and one large ship were seized. Not to mention, the pirates were quite wealthy, and at least the food on board was better than them.

The elite bodyguards who have tasted the sweetness are like hungry wolves, constantly pretending to be pitiful at sea and looking for pirates.

However, I don’t know who walked the news. The pirates themselves also have their own way of communication. Within ten days, no pirate on the entire sea dared to approach this dirty, smelly, and poor fleet.

In the pirate circle, there is a rumor that there is a fleet that specializes in Qiu Fengqiongbi fleet. They fill the ships with carrion bugs in order to draw deep water and lure other pirates to rob them. In fact, it is just for the sake of taking advantage of others.

Therefore, in the next few days, even if the fleet released many small fish and shrimps, and released the news, they also gave them some beer, so that the pirates could see that they were really not poor. We really have supplies, come and rob them quickly, they really can’t afford to eat.

Unexpectedly, it made all the pirates retreat even more.

There's no desire to even get the pirates to band together and fight them, which is really disappointing.

Okay, since the pirates are not fooled, what can be done is to speed up and reach the Middle East.

These days, Jingshu has not been idle. She has cleaned up the space of the Rubik's Cube again, leaving a lot of spaces, waiting to fill them up when the time comes.

The second thing is to make beer, make beer like crazy.

First of all, as a young man with good thoughts and morals, we must be honest and polite when visiting other countries. We must stand on the commanding heights of morality, right? We are all good people, very good people. We are just a group of wealthy Chinese people who came to the distant Middle East to sell some Chinese characteristics.

We just have a little money, and we are all very fat sheep. Come and kill us quickly! Then, hey hey hey, and then reveal his demonic fangs.

Yes, as a Chinese saying goes, we are just fishing and enforcing the law.

Therefore, before going to the Middle East, you still have to put on a show and act like a rich man with a lot of money. Then, such a wealthy businessman with money and supplies turns out to be short-handed. Who would show his greedy saliva?

For this reason, Mr. Zhou pretended to be the president of the Huaxia Zhou Group, personally came to the Middle East to develop performance, and wanted to acquire a large piece of land in major regions in the Middle East.

The rest of the group were naturally the bodyguards acting as bodyguards, and the rich second-generation sons and daughters of the CEO.

Why do we need rich second-generation sons and daughters? It’s naturally because this is the ‘weakness’. Do you think anyone might think of taking hostages?

Then they robbed these seemingly dandy rich second generations and took them back to their lair, and then went to blackmail the rich CEO. Only then did they realize, Wocao, if you don't respect martial ethics, how come these rich second generations have all the abilities? ? Directly.

And what a coincidence, as the second generation of rich people, they need to be extremely powerful. Therefore, Jing Shu plays the role of the eldest daughter of the president. To the outside world, she is the most beloved Miss Zhou of the Zhou family!

So, our first stop in the Middle East has arrived. Let's go to a small country first and let the news out. I think many people don't know about our arrival yet, right??

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