Jing Shu's usual style of dressing was mainly about comfort and safety. She must wear two layers of body armor under her big cotton-padded jacket, so although her face was tender and beautiful, her figure was actually very bloated.

Coupled with the fact that she usually wears a gas mask, people from the elite bodyguard team rarely see her.

But today, Jingshu only wore an extremely noble convertible dress, which outlined her perfect figure. She also had her hair styled like a princess and wore a princess crown studded with diamonds.

Noble, luxurious and extremely beautiful, especially Bai Zhe's delicate skin shows her beauty, like a spotless Snow White.

Such beautiful people are rare before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world. Cleanliness is better than 99% of them.

How had I ever seen such a beautiful princess in a poor place like Mas? She was the shining star next to Mr. Zhou.

In the corner, there were several other powerful people holding cups of boiled water and whispering to each other.

Oh, my God, this is a fat sheep. If you want to rob someone, I'm sure the robbery will be accurate.

How to say?

Look at the princess's clothes. They are complicated and heavy. The jewelry must weigh more than ten kilograms. Although diamonds and gold are not very valuable, they can be exchanged for a lot of money here. And when she walks, she needs someone to carry her. The dress, the high heels she wore were cumbersome and heavy, and she looked so delicate. I thought, even if something happened, she would just cry on the spot, hahahaha.

But in Massenet, no one is allowed to rob.

True, but they'll always go somewhere else.

Go and find out what they are here for.

Suddenly, news spread like wildfire that wealthy Chinese businessmen came to Mas, and these Chinese people actually planned to release tons of beer at the trade fair tomorrow night! !

At this time, Mr. Zhou was talking with the official diplomat, Mamahas, about the official trading conference tomorrow night.

After introducing Jingshu, Mr. Zhou said very proudly: This is my eldest daughter, Zhou Shushu.

Mamahas is a middle-aged man with a long beard, wearing white cloth, and a typical Arab look. He smiled and greeted: Ling Qianjin looks really beautiful.

When Mr. Zhou introduced others, he obviously lacked a lot of enthusiasm, This is my son.

Mamahas looked at the row of seven or eight tall people standing like bodyguards and couldn't help but sigh. There is a saying in China that all the nine sons of dragon are the same. The difference is really a bit big, It's not like him. His son is like a group of bodyguards.

But he still said politely: Your sons are very good-looking. But he had no other words to praise, and he was at a loss for words.

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhou was also angry. You asked him to play role-playing, and he could find a suit to show off his appearance from among the pirate leaders. Why are these subordinates still wearing slovenly clothes?

The most handsome one in the bodyguard team has no fighting ability, and those with outstanding fighting ability are not suitable for the rich second generation. To say the least, he can't let Yang Yang, who has no fighting ability, be his son, right? If you are taken away then, you will really be taken away.

The most satisfied girl is Jing Shu. I didn't realize that Jing Shu, who is usually low-key, looks so amazing when she dresses up like this. She wears all the luxury goods one by one.

At this time, many people in the bodyguard team were looking at Jingshu and drooling, and even refused to let anyone live. Jingshu is so beautiful! Is this the legendary team with funds?

Dahuangya was picking his teeth without any image at this time. He was playing the role of a gangster secretary. After all, he had no appearance and no ability, so he could only be a secretary. He said to the stunned young man:

Have you seen it? In the past, I didn't believe that there were actors who brought billions of luxury collectibles to the TV series. Now I believe it. Girl Jing doesn't even have to play the role of a young lady. Now I want to know, Girl Jing doesn't even have to play the role of a young lady when she goes out. Bring something.

At this time, Jingshu's skirt was specially dragged to prevent her fluffy three-meter-long tail from dragging the floor. Nannan, who had been holding the tail, was so angry that she almost vomited blood. Why should she be allowed to play the role of Jingshu's maid!

But there was no way. As a medic, she was supposed to stay on the ship and wait for orders, or follow behind, but she didn't want to lose her presence, so she said she could play a role, but Jingshu said she still needed a maid to serve tea. Pour water and lift the skirt.

Mr. Zhou saw that the daughter of a rich family must have such a configuration, so he let her come.

In this comparison, Nannan is like an ugly duckling following the noble swan——

What is a rich man? If a rich man doesn't waste his family, is he still called a rich man? So how do you attract prey to take the bait?

So Jingshu stretched out her white and tender hands, twisted the large diamond ring of several carats on her hand, and said coquettishly:

Father, I also want all kinds of jewelry and rare gadgets at the trade fair tomorrow night. I heard that there are all diamond cars and gold toilets here. I want them. Anyway, our family has so much food and drink that I can't use them all. , exchange them all, and besides, did we bring a lot of cigarettes this time?

Mr. Zhou said with a helpless smile: Okay, listen to Shu Shu. Then he turned to Mamahas and said: You have also seen that my daughter wants all kinds of rare treasures, so what are supplies? We There are plenty, but the main thing is don’t let my daughter down.”

Mamahas smiled and nodded, thinking to himself, how dare anyone dare to be richer than us? Then I will ask you to take a look tomorrow night, but he said: Okay, okay, Ling Qianjin is really too frank. I will arrange to summon the more famous big merchants nearby to come and take all the good things in their hands. Come out, let’s trade trade.”

After discussing some more details, Jingshu suddenly asked: Is it safe here? You know we brought dozens of ships of supplies, and there are also many ships of food alone. When the time comes, If we buy so many things again, we will be very scared if someone dares to rob us.

Jingshu's voice was not quiet, at least people around her could hear it. It didn't matter if they didn't understand, she knew she was being recorded.

As soon as he said this, many people's breaths became hot.

Mamahas had a headache and wanted to cover the mouth of this stupid princess. As Mas's official diplomat, he least wanted a robbery to happen. After all, he still wanted to make money in this position for a few years.

Mr. Zhou took out a cigarette and handed it over, smiling kindly and saying: No, this is Mas, and all gun activities are prohibited, otherwise you will be punished by the United Nations.

Mamahas took the cigarette and started smoking it. He was intoxicated. The charming smell of cigarette spread to every place in the hall. Everyone was addicted to inhaling this intoxicating fragrance. It had been many years since they had tasted it. Is this the best cigarette smell?

Miss Zhou said——

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