I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 877 The Rubik’s Cube Space is finally upgraded again!

Jingshu asked people to use new energy to rescue people, and the large force finally fled to the fleet where they came from. At this time, this place has become the highest area, and the rest of the area has collapsed into the sinkhole, constantly swallowing everything!

In the center of the sinkhole, there are endless rolling and churning black corpses, rolling crazily in the sinkhole like a huge mixer.

However, the large fleet of boats got stuck at the edge of the mouth of the sinkhole. Looking at the huge crater hundreds of meters below the waterfall, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken!

Report, we are already at the edge of the area, and now we want to go out but are blocked by a huge wall of air!

The sinkhole is still sinking and swallowing. Now even the island has been completely swallowed up. If we don't find a way out, it is very likely that the entire fleet will be swallowed up by the sinkhole and everyone will be wiped out!

According to the situation coming from the intercom, the situation of the fleet is not good at the moment!

The newly rescued elite bodyguards can be said to have just stepped out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den.

Where's Captain Jing? Can't you cut the air wall? Hurry up and cut the air wall so that our fleet can escape.

Yes, yes, if we cut a road now, we can still escape. This damn place is actually surrounded by a wall of air. Isn't this just letting the dogs out, leaving us with nowhere to escape?

Jingshu pondered for a moment and said: I can only cut the cross-section that is not very big. If it is too big and you can't see the end at a glance, it seems like it is a whole existence now, so how to cut it? It's useless even if it is cut.

What should we do?

It seems that we are going to be swallowed up by the sinkhole. We new humans with special abilities are fine, but the crew members are in danger.

The key is that if the ferry really fell into a sinkhole hundreds of meters away, it would probably be smashed to pieces. If it got closer to the central energy zone, it would probably be over. Everyone would die.

Mr. Zhou frowned and said thoughtfully: It seems that I can only let Mr. - Before she could finish her words, Jingshu coughed.

Mr. Zhou's ability is that of a nuclear bomb. He usually doesn't dare to use it at will. It is too harmful and has too strong side effects. If he uses it, it will be a bomb. Therefore, it is better to let Jing Shu waste some energy.

Jingshu expressed her thoughts: Actually, although the barrier of this air wall is too big to cut, I can insert the anchor into the air wall upside down, so that even the edges are affected, and there is a stress point. At least it won’t fall.”

Is it possible? If the edge area here is completely swallowed up, the anchor will not be enough to support the weight of the entire ferry.

Jing Shu said: It's not a big problem. Use a spare anchor to secure it. At least it won't be washed away.

The old man with yellow teeth gave a thumbs up: As expected of you, Girl Jing, you are such a talent, you can think of fixing the anchor in the air wall.

Mr. Zhou nodded: We have obtained the crystallization of new energy. Too much energy fluctuation may cause the entire island to go crazy. Let's wait and see what happens.

Jing Shu nodded: Then I will open a slot hole that the anchor can go in. You have people put the anchor in.

Jing Shu also had selfish motives for doing this. Escape now and enter the Mirror Sea again. She doesn't know when it will be. While people are here, she can still send the mud mermaids to get more orange new energy. It is estimated that Mr. Zhou had the same idea as him.

It’s the end of the world, who would object to the abundance of new energy?

Jingshu began to use the previous method to drill holes in the air wall. Soon, all the fleets used anchors and other things that could be fixed to the air wall.

By the time the sky was gray and a little brighter, the angle between the edge of the air wall and the sinkhole had already reached a complete 90°. In other words, all the ferries that Jingshu and others took were now basically tilted, completely leaning against the boat. The anchor is stuck in the air wall and supported by the slanting carcass of red thread worms. The anchor can prevent the ship from being washed into the sinkhole.

Everyone on the boat also tilts like this when drinking water, eating, and going to the toilet. Just be careful to aim your poop at the hole, otherwise you will - cough.

Everyone rested in fear for a few hours. There was a creaking and swaying sound from the ferry. Others were afraid that the few thin anchors could hold such a heavy ship.

However, neither Jing Shu nor Zhou Lao was idle. Both parties began to frantically think of ways to get rid of the new energy hidden under the sinkhole, and batch after batch of insects absorbed energy in the sinkhole.

Other capable elites also used the method of eight immortals crossing the sea to show their talents, and obtained a lot of orange energy. However, the energy obtained by others had to be turned in in exchange for contribution points, and Jing Shu had long been with Mr. Zhou. There is a contract, so there is no need to turn it over.

Except for one unlucky guy whose hand was completely withered and one whose foot was missing because he was too close to the center of the sinkhole, overall the fleet's harvest was very great.

Especially Jing Shu, even though she hadn't closed her eyes for three days and three nights, Jing Shu's mouth was grinning so much that it reached behind her ears.

Jingshu has been frantically collecting energy and air walls in the past few days. She has dug holes in the air walls so that the fleet can swim out. She is just waiting for the sinkhole to warm up and calm down, and with sea water, the fleet can escape from this place again. The dangerous mirror sea.

Hao Yunlai had the greatest credit. After he went into the sinkhole that day, he even brought back crystals the size of fingernails to Jingshu.

When he came back, the black energy and the orange crystal energy in Hao Yunlai's hands were fighting with each other. They eroded each other, making Hao Yunlai's hands almost exposed with white bones.

After collecting the crystals, Jing Shu immediately gave Hao Yunlai three drops of the spiritual spring to drink, and then restored her original hand.

However, as soon as the crystal reached the space, it immediately sucked in the orange energy crazily, and the crystal became larger and larger. When it became the size of a fist, it merged with the crystal held by Mr. Zhou.

Jingshu's mouth opened so wide that she only had time to say Wocao before she could no longer move, as if fate had clamped down on her neck!

And this is indeed the case. The space of her Rubik's Cube is changing crazily at this time. The previously blurred boundaries have become clear, and the Rubik's Cube has begun to rotate crazily. After the rotation, rows of cubic spaces have appeared. .

The transparent boundaries of the cubic space became clearer and clearer, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of cubic meters were rotated.

And there is an extra row of spiritual fields in the field.

This means that her current space will be several hundred cubic meters more!

Within half an hour, Jing Shu felt that her mind had become clearer than ever before, and her whole body was filled with lazy power as if filled by a god.

Jingshu’s Rubik’s Cube space has finally been upgraded again!

This time, after frantically absorbing the energy of the air wall and the energy of the orange crystal, her space appeared in an unprecedented enhanced state.

And Jingshu finally knew that this time her Rubik's Cube space had completely absorbed the power of the seven-dimensional space, and from now on it would completely overlap with this orange seven-dimensional energy!

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