I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 876 Get the latest energy crystal with Mr. Zhou! !

Stop bragging. At this level, our lives are important.

Please, let Mr. Zhou do it. It's not that I don't believe in Captain Jingshu - Hey, I just don't believe in Captain Jingshu.

At the same time, there was no trace of dark energy leaking out of the swamp before. At this time, Jingshu felt overwhelming dark energy pouring out.

The originally turbid sea of ​​carrion worms was filled with yellow-orange stars, extremely dazzling!

It turns out that the real dark energy on this island is actually hidden in the collapsed pit!

The giant pit is very dangerous!

The sinkhole in the middle of the island's hinterland is getting bigger and bigger, and the deeper it collapses, the surrounding swamp carrion insect corpses flow crazily into the sinkhole in the middle, as if they want to fill the collapsed place.

At this time, Jingshu was letting Xiaowei's bugs climb forward desperately. Although there was a place with dark energy in the middle, she felt very dangerous!

As soon as the insects approached the sinkhole, they lost their breath, and their bodies quickly withered and aged. It seems that the only option is to send out the mud mermaids.

Fortunately, there is a lot of white energy in the space. She can spawn many mud mermaids on the spot. She can bring her special steel rope as a medium, so that Jingshu can directly absorb dark energy from an ultra-long distance.

After the mud mermaids arrived at the sinkhole, they heard painful whines, and the flesh on their bodies began to rot and dry up visibly to the naked eye. However, because they were originally dark energy and had rough skin and thick flesh, they could still withstand it for a while.

Jingshu used the mud mermaid as an ultra-long-distance medium and began to crazily absorb new dark energy where the mud mermaid was. Its ability seemed to make all creatures close to them quickly age, dry up, and then turn into a human being. Compost material.

Ten minutes was the limit of the mud mermaids' persistence. In the end, the first batch of mud mermaids all turned into dry nutrients and disappeared into the sinkhole. The second batch of mud mermaids continued to collect——

Jingshu's harvest was huge, harvesting several cubic meters of energy.

Mr. Zhou, I discovered dark energy. It is an orange energy under the tiankeng in the center of the hinterland, under the fertilizer of the carrion worms. I have taken a lot of it through special means just now, but - the closer to the center, the more energy there is. The radiation is too terrifying, and all the bugs I sent up have dried up and died.

Jing Shu reported with some regret. There should be a crystal in the center. She has gathered all the crystals of dark energy she has encountered so far, and she really doesn't want to give up this piece.

Unfortunately, the mud mermaid dried up before it even got close. As for the drone machine, which couldn't get under the sinkhole, it was probably submerged as soon as it entered the swamp.

Perhaps only the spiritual spring can resist the dry power at present. Should she consume more spiritual springs and cultivate a few mud mermaids to get the crystals? Although the price is a bit higher...

Girl Jing, just wait, I'll go find you! If there is crystallized energy, we must get it. Tell me the location.

Soon, Mr. Zhou, who was already on his way, came to the place where Jing Shu escaped. Mr. Zhou lowered his fighter jet from mid-air and finally joined Jing Shu and others.

Mr. Zhou held a box made of special material. This is to prevent the leakage of special energy. The helicopter can't get closer. We can only let your bugs get closer to the center. I have a way to get the crystal.

Now that Mr. Zhou said this, Jingshu nodded: Mr. Zhou, I will go with you and let them continue to escape.


Jing Shu took Mr. Zhou and rode a mud mermaid to the center of the sinkhole.

Mr. Zhou joked: Girl Jing, you really have a lot of good things. You even have such a new dark creature. Is this a mud mermaid? It appeared in the mudslide sea in Wucheng a few years ago. I didn't expect to see you again today.

Jing Shu smiled and didn't say much. It's good to know some things well, there is no need to say them out. She has many hidden tricks and is not afraid of exposing one or two. Mr. Zhou didn't know yet that there were so many mud mermaids in the mudslide. There are countless of them, and they are all kept by her now. They will not die if they don’t eat food, but they can live by eating dirt.

If you knew these words, you would probably be sore to death.

When she reached the center point, Jingshu felt that her skin was a little dry. Knowing that this was the radiation reaction area, she immediately stopped.

Zhou Lao concentrated his eyes.

After half a minute, Mr. Zhou suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood and his face turned extremely pale.

At the same time, Mr. Zhou had an orange crystal the size of a fist in his hand. Mr. Zhou quickly put it into the special box.

But it doesn’t seem to be working. It should be working, but it’s not completely blocked!

Mr. Zhou's hands quickly withered, and even Jing Shu felt as if the blood in her body had been drained. It was difficult to breathe, and there was even no air around her.

In an instant, Jingshu snatched Mr. Zhou's small box, put it into the large suitcase she carried with her, then stuffed it into the mouth of the mud mermaid, and at that moment, put the box into the space.

Jingshu and Mr. Zhou breathed heavily. Jingshu immediately drank a drop of the spiritual spring. The warm feeling flowed through her body, and her body slowly returned to its previous peak.

She was not hungry, which meant that the effect of the spiritual spring was fully working.

Jingshu gave Mr. Zhou another drink of water and added two drops of water from the spiritual spring. In an instant, Mr. Zhou's hands, which had felt dry and crying to death, became energetic again, and the feeling of dying and rotting all over his body disappeared.

Except that his face turned a little pale, he actually regained his previous feeling.

Mr. Zhou opened his mouth and said only one sentence: Girl Jing, your medicine is good. Be sure to hide it and don't take it out again. Today it is the old man who has benefited from you, otherwise, the old man's hands will be useless. ”

Mr. Zhou, what are you talking about? If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get this crystal. Before Jing Shu could finish her words, perhaps because the most important crystal was missing, the entire sinkhole actually rolled over, and countless swamps The waves surged.

Hurry up!! This sinkhole is crazy!

Mr. Zhou only said one thing: We must put the crystals away! Let's go!

The two of them were ravaged like ants in the sea. Finally, Jing Shu led Zhou Lai to catch up with the large army.

Captain, Hao Yunlai has taken several teams of insects to collect energy! Shall we wait for him? Tank said anxiously.

Jing Shu shook her head: Ignore him for now. He is protected by his whole family and will not die easily. Let's rescue the others first.

Originally, Jingshu planned to use the spiritual spring to save her, but now that she has orange energy, she can make a knife without using any force. As long as she gently scratches it in the swamp, the glue that sticks together and is like 502 will be separated immediately. .

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