I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 878 New Ability of Rubik’s Cube Space

This is a brand new power, a brand new Rubik's Cube, and all abilities have been improved as never before. Although the Rubik's Cube space has only been upgraded by one level, its space has increased in a geometric manner.

Not only has the space increased, but there are six more spiritual fields in the middle, which means that she will use the spiritual springs of six more spiritual fields for free. As long as she grows some crops every day, her supplies will continue to increase. Give her the most secure sense of security in this apocalyptic world.

So what to plant?

Jingshu pondered for a while and chose to plant hybrid rice modified by the country in the apocalypse. This was the seed obtained from the last transaction. It would be a waste if not planted.

The disadvantages of this kind of seeds are that they cannot be saved, are disposable, taste unpleasant, and waste fertilizer and water.

Of course, the advantages are also obvious, because the yield is very large, and the yield per mu can almost reach the yield when there is sunshine before the end of the world. In comparison, this kind of hybrid rice has almost become the food of the middle class in China.

After it is planted, because it is easy to sell to the public, you can either sell it to small businesses and exchange it for things in the Middle East, or sell it domestically. In short, it is a hard currency.

After planting hybrid rice in the new spiritual field, Jingshu estimated that it would mature in ten days and a half. Jingshu turned her attention to the center of the Rubik's Cube space, the spiritual spring.

Although Lingquan has been producing every day these years, she is also using it, so there are still so many. At this time, several kinds of energy surrounding Lingquan have an orange crystal larger than a fist, which is Completely fixed in the Rubik's Cube space.

There is a certain kind of balance between them, the energy checks and balances each other and outputs each other. Once Jingshu wants to use a certain kind of energy, she can split and become very ginkgo-like.

It's over, it's over. The crystal can't be taken out.

Seeing such a beautiful energy crystal, Jing Shu felt a headache. This is the crystal that Mr. Zhou paid for with his life. How can I explain to them after returning to the country?

Although this thing can split into smaller pieces, but give them a crystal the size of a pigeon egg?

What else can we do? Use as much energy as you can to make the pigeon eggs bigger. Jingshu had a headache and became more and more afraid to sleep, so she started to use orange energy like crazy.

So much space in the Rubik's Cube suddenly became vacant, which increased Jingshu's confidence in this trip to the Middle East. After all, she could get more things back.

In addition to the above changes, the Rubik's Cube Space also has the most important ability change.

Mentioning this, Jing Shu's expression turned strange.

The main energy of the seven-dimensional space represents time. The closer you are to the vortex of time, the more terrifying the passage of time is. It can directly wither the bones of life and death, but on the contrary, it can also absorb the passing time, thereby eliminating Change the thing itself.

Jingshu had made a conjecture. If the orange energy of the seven-dimensional space is used to absorb the injury on a person's body, it will not cure it, but directly absorb the period of time. Then will the person's body return to the state before the injury?

Of course, this is just Jing Shu's conjecture and has not been confirmed. If it can be confirmed, the world may not end.

As for the use of this orange energy, it can both make time pass directly and reversely absorb time. Jing Shu still has to spend a lot of time to verify her conjecture. After all, this power is too overbearing.

Of course, those words may still be far away, but the orange energy did give her a surprise because of its products.

At the beginning, there were always strange voices in Jingshu's ears. The voices were male and female. They seemed to be talking and quarreling. They were ethereal and illusory, but they really existed.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like having a certain recording played in my ear. Yes, that’s what it feels like.

When Jing Shu followed the sounds, she suddenly discovered that the sounds were actually human-shaped plants that Dan and Guotou had collected at that time.

Because of time constraints, they just picked all the fruits so that they could open a brewery when they returned home.

But now, the pollen shed by these fruits has taken root and sprouted on the quiet ship, and the ship has been soaked by the dense carrion bugs under the sea for a few days, and things like thick moss have sprouted.

Ah! Guotou yelled in fright, It turns out to be Boss Jing. He stayed up in the middle of the night and suddenly came to our boat. He scared the shit out of me!

Jingshu used a flashlight and shined the light on the boat. Only then did Guotou realize that the entire boat was covered with these weird things. She couldn't help shouting: Sister Jing, what kind of thing is this? Ah, these are not these eyeballs. Why did the legs and legs sprout? Why are they still growing hair?

Jing Shu pondered for a moment: I was originally thinking about how to open a brewery in the future, but now I seem to have found some direction. If my guess is correct, we can open a brewery after we return.

Guotou, go and notify the other people on the ship and ask them to come to the ship we captured. This ship was first used to grow these plants.

Guotou scratched his head. He didn't know much. He just knew that he might make a lot of money again, so he immediately called Wenjun: Wenjun, get up quickly. We are going to make a lot of money. Get up quickly!

Others may not be able to directly use orange energy to grow these weird plants, but Jing Shu might actually be able to.

This ship was first used by Jing Shu for experiments to verify her conjecture. If orange energy is really used, maybe by the time it reaches the Middle East, it will be able to cultivate new weird plants?

After the Rubik's Cube space was upgraded, Jingshu clearly felt something different. Maybe it was due to the integration of the power of the seven-dimensional space. Her speed increased a lot. The most obvious perception was that the people and things around her seemed to slow down. a little.

But Jingshu knew that it was not that the people around her were slower, but that her perception of the surroundings had become faster. Although she was still a little unaccustomed to it, her awareness of danger was also faster. It was always a good thing to save her life.

Of course, one of the biggest benefits after the Rubik's Cube space upgrade is that this ghost place is no longer so repulsive to her. Other team members dare not approach the center of the sinkhole because it is filled with the power of a terrifying whirlpool. At worst, her hands and feet will die, and in severe cases, she will die. Not even a life.

But Jing Shu found that as she approached the center of the sinkhole, the terrifying power had become much smaller.

Therefore, she took advantage of such a good opportunity to approach the sinkhole and went crazy to collect the orange energy outside Liuli.

She didn't know how much energy others had collected, but Jing Shu, hehehe. But she still had to find a way to get an energy crystal that was similar to Mr. Zhou's. Otherwise, it would be difficult to compare if the difference was too large. Now after getting so much energy, it should be almost done, right?

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