I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 860 Jingshu’s missing family

At this time, in the villa of Lao Jing's family in Nanhai.

Jing Nai brought out a plate of naan-wrapped meat from the kitchen and placed it on the dining table. Seven or eight dishes were already placed on the dining table. Today, the family is having a dinner, and San Gu and You Ai will be here, so she simply made a table. After putting down the dishes, Jing Nai called out to the back room with some anxiety: Old man, has the girl not replied to your letter yet?

In the room, Master Jing also frowned, clutching his phone and scrolling through something. He shook his head and responded: No... Well, I told you that the signal is not good. Think about it, after so many days, something must have happened. The borders have been crossed. In this environment, you think everything is like our country, trying every means to restore this and build that. Don’t worry, the girl will be fine!

Despite what he said, he was still scrolling through messages on his phone. Although the operation was a bit clumsy, the old man's anxiety could still be seen.

Not long after, Jing’s father, Jing’s mother and third aunt Youai all came, and Jing Nai just brought the last coconut chicken soup to the table: “Soup first, soup first, this is Wenchang chicken stewed in coconut water. This is a special delicacy here. It’s my first time making it, so you can try it.”

Jing’s father used a big ladle to serve soup to Jing Ye, and at the same time he looked at the ingredients scooped out of the ladle: “Hey, Mom, we have some stale chicken at home, and we also have coconut water, but the fresh tangerines here are local, right? This is not easy to exchange.

Master Jing took the soup bowl and said proudly: Hey, you guys are so busy that you don't have time to take a look. In the backyard of our backyard, which is the newly cleared area, I have planted something! Not to mention green It’s orange, jackfruit, mango, longan, all kinds of things, I planted them all! I also planted Thai lemongrass, and when it grows later, I asked your mother to make lemongrass prawns for you!”

Dad Jing was a little surprised: Hey, I really haven't seen it. But, dad, where did you get these saplings?

While drinking the soup, Mr. Jing proudly stretched out a finger and said: In exchange for 1 pack of cigarettes, a pack of 20 cigarettes, I exchanged 20 seedlings. Your mother said this is the best value I have smoked in my life. A pack of cigarettes~hehe”

When it comes to exchanging cigarettes for supplies, other people may have to think twice, but this is what Lao Jing's family does now. In the last days, when the order is stabilizing and the country is vigorously recovering and rebuilding, more and more people are pursuing more than just food and clothing. Cigarettes are already hard currency.

Oh... that's a pack of cigarettes. It's not a big deal in our family. After saying that, Jing's father seemed to remember something, and turned to San Gu Jing and said: By the way, speaking of cigarettes, come Jing, Last time you asked for chili peppers, I first asked someone to go to Sichuan, Sichuan and Yunnan-Guizhou to inquire about it. I planned to exchange it with tobacco. Unfortunately, the chili peppers there are either not produced now or have no spicy flavor at all. Later, I thought for a while, I should go to Ganpo to look for things like chili peppers! Hey! Sure enough! I replied to my letter this morning. The main thing they sell now is hot peppers. I have already ordered 30 tons for you to try. If it is suitable, This line is also a good deal. I calculated that these 30 tons of chili peppers, including shipping and labor, are only worth one cigarette if they are exchanged for our cigarettes.

After hearing this, Sangu nodded: Yeah! So many people have migrated here, and now they can all have food, so they start asking for this and that. There are many people who like to eat chili peppers, and it's still wet on the beach, and there's no one. The sun. The demand for peppers is increasing. If we get this price, we can triple it and sell it here without worrying about selling out. If this batch of peppers in Ganpo is suitable, then our family will have another way to make money. Hey, brother, how much does this cigarette cost? I have to give it to you!

Jing's father waved his hand straightly: What's wrong...although your brother's and my money are all under the control of your sister-in-law, can your sister-in-law allow you to contribute such a small amount of money? We'll decide later! That's right, wife.

After Jing's dad finished speaking, he quickly turned to look at Jing's mom like he was trying to please her.

Jing’s mother, who had been silent at the dinner table, finally spoke. Only then did everyone realize that Jing’s mother had been wrinkling her eyebrows: “Oh... whether it’s money or not, it’s all trivial. I started sending messages to Jingshu yesterday, but she didn’t reply. I also know that foreign signals may It's not good, or there may be various objective reasons... But in my heart, I always... As she said that, Jing's mother subconsciously covered her chest.

Jing's mother's words made the whole family fall silent. It turned out that no one could contact Jing Shu. Although it was only two days, these two days seemed extremely long.

Jing's father quickly hugged Jing's mother's arm and comforted him, saying, It will be okay. This is not the first time that our Jingshu has gone out to represent the country. There have been so many storms, and she has never come back safely. Besides, I heard that the country has gathered the top experts from all over the country to go together this time, so there won’t be any danger. I’ll find someone to inquire about it later and see what’s going on. Eat, eat, ah, don’t worry too much. , Jingshu will be fine.

Although Jing's father, who has always been clumsy, is a little worried about his daughter, he can only change the subject quickly to prevent the family from getting anxious.

By the way, have you heard about it? The 'clear the clouds and reveal the sun' project that our country has prepared before will be implemented next month! Dozens of satellites have been deployed to absorb and remove the haze in the atmosphere bit by bit. Soon, After that, the sunshine will slowly return!”

Jinglai also echoed: I've heard it, I've heard it. What's annoying is that Lao Mi actually jumped out at this time and said that our country's doing this will endanger their country's security! They want to use their satellites to prevent our action of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun. It's really disturbing the earth. Shit stick! I’m so angry that tomorrow I’ll take down the embassy and consulate they used to have here and turn it into a pigsty!”

Okay! Please pay attention to this!

Only Wu Youai finished his meal silently and went to stay on the sofa next to him. While he was scrolling through his phone intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, she also saw the news that the fleet sent by the country to the Middle East had temporarily lost contact, and also sent a message to Jing Shu, but she did not wait for a reply.

In the WeChat dialog box with Jingshu, the content of Jingshu’s last message was the content of Wu Youai’s chat with her one night. Jingshu wrote at that time:

Everything is fine here, don't worry. If I really can't come back from this trip, I should just move to another place to stay. Although the supplies left at home are limited, fortunately our family is so Over the years, I have gained the courage and ability to survive tenaciously. I believe that the clouds will eventually disperse, the sky will open, and the sun will definitely rise again!

Wu Youai's hand gripped the phone tightly. No, she will be fine! Something could happen to anyone, but nothing could happen to her! She must come back safely!

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