I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 859 My fleet also suffered heavy losses!

What kind of magical speed is this!

At this time, everyone was only protecting the Eight Treasure Tea in their hands. They were never like Mr. Zhou who protected it all in one go.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Zhang Yicheng would have jumped up and shouted 666, Mr. Zhou, I'm calling for you. After all, there are many boss Jings of Babao tea, but there are not many boss Jings who are so pretentious teapots!

etc! Zhang Yicheng couldn't help but reflect on himself. If he thought this way, wouldn't it show Boss Jing's rich material and strength from the side? In that case, he would have to say it casually next time to show off to Boss Jing!

A qualified bad-ass secretary must inadvertently show the boss's magnanimity and strength on various occasions!

As for Mr. Zhou, when he saw everyone looking at him in surprise, he coughed in embarrassment: You don't have to pour tea everywhere, and you have to clean it up.

Jing Shu gave a thumbs up. Mr. Zhou was really fast, and he kept his strength hidden.

@Team 3 and @Team 5 come with me to find out the situation! Codename Qi nodded to Yang Yang and drank the rest of the tea in one gulp, not even missing the ingredients inside. After leaving a message in the elite group, he got up and went to see what was going on outside.

At this time, the main ship was shaking so violently, not to mention the small boats brought by others, which were even more swaying.

Even when reporting the situation in the group, a ship was hit by an unknown object and sank!

Report, this is the ship of Team 14. The ship has suffered serious damage. The bow of the ship has hit something and is flooded. Please ask for support to repair the bow of the ship!

Report! The generator of the ship of Team 8 was damaged and it can only float now. Please support the tug chain.

The ships of each team suffered more or less losses. As the group continued to report losses, everyone felt heavy.

The more serious news is that the official ship actually crashed a water storage tank and lost more than ten tons of water.

After hearing the news, Mr. Zhou's face turned as dark as black, and the other members of the elite team were as frustrated as if their father had died.

It's over, it's over. One of the large water tanks of this official ship was damaged. We could have had a maximum of 25 days. I'm afraid we can survive for ten days. It's not bad.

This place is really evil.

What's going on? Have you found out?

I went for a swim in the sea and found nothing. Everything read normally!

Mr. Zhou's expression also became serious. He raised his legs and started to leave with the shadow. He thought he had something important to do, but after taking a few steps, he turned back and asked Jingshu:

Girl, is the water on your boat okay?

The water on Jingshu's boat is their last trump card, nothing can happen!

Jingshu shook her phone and said: Report, water resources are all normal, and other losses are barely within the acceptable range.

Hearing that Jingshu had lost quite a lot, Yangyang hurried over. Is he afraid that he had lost some food?

And Mr. Zhou actually took a look at the private group on Jingshu's phone. He was a little dumbfounded when he saw it.

The black shadow was a little curious and came over to take a look. At this look, he was dumbfounded again.

The corners of Yang Yang's mouth began to twitch.

I saw this written in Jingshu’s mobile phone group:

Boss Jing, everything is normal on the hull of the Blue Moon. Although it suffered a huge impact, there was no loss because of your foresight to secure all the supplies and put buffer foam around it!

Boss, everything on the Dabao's water tank is normal. When the collision just occurred, the water tank was not damaged and spilled because of your previous arrangements!

Report! The Erbao suffered heavy losses!! One hundred plates and bowls were lost!

The shadow looked at it for a long time and murmured: Girl Jing, the big loss on your ship is the loss of a hundred plates? Is this called a loss??

Everyone looked at Jingshu.

Jing Shu nodded sheepishly: I brought so many bowls with me when I went out. If this one breaks, I'm afraid I won't have a bowl to drink soup from, and I won't have a plate to eat. Hey, these people are so careless! They can even throw away the people eating. , just use your hands to catch it from now on!”

After saying that, Jing Shu also sent a message, and she really said that.

This, this, this, you listen, do people say it?

Even Mr. Zhou thought it was too much!

His main ship lost so much water, and as for countless other resources, he didn't say anything. Jing girl only lost some tableware on three large ships. Is this a huge loss? ?

However, Mr. Zhou was really curious. He asked with a strange expression: Girl Jing, when you went out, you secured everything on the boat? I saw that you also made a series of arrangements?

Jingshu nodded even more embarrassedly: Hey, our family was driving an RV during the earthquake. You don't know, everything fell down in the earthquake. Plates were shattered on the ground and there was no room to buy. There was no other way, so my father fixed everything and added various means, so when I go out in the future, I will also be used to placing anti-collision foam and making various preparations.

Mr. Zhou gave a thumbs up: We should also learn from your travel habits. Let's sit down together and have a good chat later. I still have things to deal with. Chatting is the next best thing, but you can drink Babao tea. It would be great to eat some nuts.

Mr. Zhou was really about to leave, but Jing Shu stopped him again and gave Zhang Yicheng a wink, so Zhang Yicheng took out the black plastic bag in the next second and put the eight-treasure tea and the remaining nuts for today.

It's hard to refuse Jingshu's kindness.

It’s really hard for Mr. Zhou to refuse Jingshu. Wouldn’t it hurt people’s hearts to refuse her again? So Mr. Zhou reluctantly accepted it, scolded Jingshu not to do this again next time, and walked away with a flutter on his feet.

Jing Shu's face gradually became serious.

The ships still collided with something from time to time, but after everyone slowed down, it was not as serious as it was at the beginning.

Codename Qi led two elite teams to search in all directions, but could not find any reason.

Gu Gu Gu~

The four-eyed boy's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Jingshu just returned to her hometown from the mud mermaids scattered in the seabed.

The four-eyed boy coughed: Captain, how about I go back and have a meal first?

There was no rice, but he brought some fried rice with him and went back to the cabin to eat some to fill his stomach.

Jing Shu waved her hand, and Zhang Yicheng took back a few lunch boxes from the Blue Moon and distributed them to everyone.

Hurry up and eat something. There's no need to run away. I'm afraid I won't be able to rest tonight. I have to be alert all the time. Besides, I won't have to gather for a meeting again soon. Jing Shu said, opening the lunch box and eating.

Today's lunch box is quite ordinary, just egg fried rice. By the way, I added some diced ham, thumb-sized shrimps, and green chives.

But when the four-eyed boy took his first bite, tears flowed down his face.

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