I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 861 What is the air wall?

the other side.

What kind of fairy rice is this?

This rich aroma must be created by frying the shrimp heads in shrimp oil and adding salted egg yolks. Finally, overnight rice and fresh eggs are added. Only the smooth and tender shrimp meat can have such a taste!


It smells so good!

Jing Shu remembered that Longmen Formation was eaten in Sichuan and was spicy, so she threw over a small bottle of hot sauce.

At this moment...

Attention to all units, attention to all units, all ships are anchored and docked on the spot, all ships are anchored and docked on the spot! Pay attention to all units, pay attention to all units... Announcements from official ships were constantly ringing from the loudspeakers of all ships.

On the sea, there are no monsters, no pirates, and no reefs. There is not even a breath of wind on the sea in this area. The entire sea was strangely calm.

As for the fleet, except for some ships that were rescuing damage caused by the collision, most people were staring at each other. What happened?

The green tea girl's boat seemed to be the most severely damaged. It was originally a quite exquisite little cruise ship, but it was beautifully dressed up. There was also a gorgeous high nose bridge in front of the bow, but I don't know what made it look like a garlicky nose. The hull of the ship was also slightly deformed by the impact. Fortunately, the water leakage was not serious and the sailors were working to remedy the situation. The most distressing thing for Nannan seems not to be that the boat was hit, but that her makeup box was scattered all over the floor due to the sudden impact. The licking dogs finally picked up everything, but it was inevitable that there was still some damage, especially It was her favorite coral grass lipstick that she picked up, and it had been broken into two pieces!

Oh!! No!!! This...this tastes like curry!

Nannan was a little angry. She clutched the broken lipstick and remembered that she had just seen someone's voice saying they didn't like her in the comment section of previous episodes. I’m so angry that this girl hasn’t touched her makeup for 7 minutes!

No! I don't allow anyone to dislike me!!! I'm angry!!!

When Nannan said this, her state was already changing. The licking dog next to her looked at each other in horror. It's over, she is going to transform... quickly and quietly retreat. Dog licking is work, and keeping the dog's life is more important! ! They know how terrifying this woman is after she transforms!

After the two licking dogs exited the cabin, they saw that this girl's whole person had changed. Her hair was originally black and long, but now it looked like it had been permed. It had big curls, and the muscles all over her body were also bulging. Her long and slender legs were originally in the cheongsam. , now it’s like Zangirv has a few pieces of cloth tied around his body. If you don't know who Zangirv is, it means you are still young... The most terrifying thing is that her eyes are also full of murderous intent.

So, what exactly... hit... my boat?!

After that, the transformed girl got up and hung a long-handled weapon on the wall. This artifact has a resounding name: Moonlight Treasure Shovel for Digging, Plowing, and Digging. With a bang, he jumped out of the cabin, rushed to the bow of the ship, and reached out to touch it. The bow of the ship was obviously stuck in something after being hit. He couldn't see it, but he could touch it. Thinking of being disliked by others and thinking of her curry-flavored lipstick, Nannan completely exploded. She picked up her weapon and fired at the invisible thing.

Ah! No wonder the dog lickers all retreated to save their lives. This woman was really crazy when she went crazy. The Yueguangbao shovel used to dig ditches and dig holes was replaced with a propeller, and the fire was flying! But Jing saw that Nannan was working hard here, but she didn't see any four, five or six.

There were more people watching the excitement on the boat nearby. Lao Zhou was also holding the freshly brewed eight-treasure tea and said while tasting it: Do you want to help me? It might be a good idea to test it out, just use up some of the extra weapons on the ship and make some space to store things later?

Codename Qi nodded, okay, I will arrange it!

In fact, Codename Qi has long been tired of it, especially when she is stuck here with nothing to do and doesn't know why, and there are a lot of people watching a girl banging on the bell, and she is idle. Codename Qi clapped her hands and took out the walkie-talkie. Speaking of: Little ones, practice!

Yang Yang asked from the side: Um, do you want to arrange for more people to join you?

Codename Qi finally showed his first smile since his appearance: No, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary harm.

After that, he turned around and went out.

In order to ensure the safety of the official ship, code-named Qi took several hand-picked men on a small boat and sailed on the sea toward distant waters.

Soon, everyone on the fleet side first saw a bright flash of light in the distance, and then felt the entire sea surface shaking! Immediately afterwards, a huge shock wave came from the direction code-named Qi, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in the distance!

Damn it, someone dropped a nuclear weapon?

Unlike nuclear weapons, this should be a release of huge energy.

What the hell are these one by one!

Oops, my makeup box has been knocked over again!

While everyone was discussing, they heard a tired voice codenamed Qi coming from the intercom: Something was wrong. These are some air walls. Although they cannot be seen, they actually exist. They have no rules and no shapes. They are simply unshakable existences.

Everyone is even more confused, air wall? What exactly is this!

Jing Shu was also a little puzzled at this time, and also a little angry. What’s puzzling is that like everyone else, I don’t know what an air wall is. What makes him angry is that he fired such a big blow without saying hello, and the mud mermaid arranged there was crushed to pieces.

Fortunately, the codename Qi went far, and Jing Shu's mud mermaids were also arranged in a radial pattern. The farther away they were, the fewer of them were arranged, so the loss was not too great. On the contrary, before the mud mermaid over there was blown to pieces, Jing Shu was told what the codename Qi was capable of - well, it was not a loss.

But when it came to the air wall, Jing Shu actually felt that it should be something similar at the first time, because the originally swarms of mud mermaids under the sea were divided into small groups in the east and small piles in the west by unknown things. The key point is that they didn't sense any threat, they were just blocked by something. It seems that these air walls should be causing trouble.

But what exactly is this air wall? How to crack it? Jing Shu also had no clue.

At this moment, the ship gradually stabilized after the big waves that came over from Code Seven. Jingshu walked to the bow of her boat and thought about what this air wall was.

At this time, Zhang Yicheng came over holding a mobile phone. Because in order to deal with the boss in the conference room, Jingshu had no choice but to temporarily turn off the message do not disturb message of the Middle East purchase group, but now the mobile phone left in the cabin was beeping non-stop, all of which were discussed in the work group. thing. Next to him, Zhang Yicheng saw that his boss went to the bow of the ship without his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was thinking. His mobile phone kept ringing with messages. He was afraid that the boss would delay things, so he quickly took the phone over and handed it to the boss.

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