I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 827 Do you understand what the CEO of the cigarette factory represents? One by one.

So in the following days, not to mention the people in Wucheng who migrated from outside were busy, even everyone in Lao Jing's family began to run around in circles.

Jing Nai started to prepare various kinds of food for Jing Shu every day, and they were always cooked food or fast food. She was afraid that Jing Shu would go to the Middle East and get hungry, tired and lose weight.

Jingshu also knew her appetite well, so she also secretly increased the amount of cooked food in her space.

Especially for hot pot, which is simple and convenient. Just frying the dry ingredients for hot pot requires hundreds of kilograms. Then you add water and ingredients and you can eat it directly. Maybe you can sell some at a high price. I don’t know about the Middle East. Do those people eat hot pot?

By the way, two cubic meters of cooked hot pot ingredients are also prepared in the space, such as wide vermicelli baby cabbage, duck intestines, beef rolls, meatballs, etc. You can take them out and eat them, especially in the dead of night. A late-night hotpot, not to mention how beautiful it is.

In addition to hot pot, it is enough to prepare some other cooked food as a late night snack. Bring more fresh ingredients and seasonings for the rest. After all, our boss Jing has brought a Shunde magic chef. When he has nothing to do, let Liang Xing cook more delicacies. Stored secretly in space.

Hey, I forgot that Xiaowei, the big eater, is still here, I’m afraid there won’t be anything left that can do it.

What a sin, brother Liang Xing's trip to the Middle East this time is probably more tiring than cooking for hundreds of people in his hotel.

Having said that, Jingye also had to keep building livestock houses, basements, and re-tending vegetable gardens and orchards. He also had to free up his hands to do some crafts for Jingshu, improve the portable toilet, and build a few more water containers.

By the way, Xiaowei also had to get a large sedan to accompany her. From the outside, Xiaowei looked like a normal person with only her upper body exposed, but inside the sedan were her huge body and the soldiers who were carrying her.

Third aunt has to go to the city to take charge of several canteens under her jurisdiction, and tens of thousands of people eat every day.

Wu Youai had to take over the management of the thousands of people in the original community, allocate food, housing and transportation, and clear out the piles of carrion insects in the main city. If the standard was met, the people in the community would have a place to live, and she would have to meet her mentor from time to time. Go study and collect some of the work assigned above.

Jingma manages the Ministry of Agriculture in Wucheng and has a heavy task. The indicators for vegetables and crops will start next week.

Dad Jing is similar. Every day he is either busy with the postpartum care of the sows or the cows are not producing enough milk. Is it because of postpartum depression? Is it because the cow’s husband is not nice to her or because she is drinking less soup? These are major issues related to human livelihood.

In short, everyone has found their own thing and what to do in these last days.

As the boss of the cigarette factory and the vice president of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association, Jingshu, of course, had to attend the donation event when the people from Wucheng successfully arrived in Nanhai.

On this day, there was a strong wind blowing in the South China Sea. Although it was still pitch black, under the illumination of a row of big lights, the dock in the South China Sea looked extremely lively.

One by one, ferries arrived at the pier, and groups of people dragging their families with them and wearing rags finally set foot on the land of the South China Sea. The camera flashes clicked, recording this historically symbolic moment.

Internet celebrity Xiao Ma, who was broadcasting the live broadcast, said excitedly to the mobile phone camera:

I have been at the press conference on the successful relocation of Wucheng in Nanhai. I can see that more than 20 ferries have arrived at the pier. This time, 100,000 people in Wucheng can be transported. Every person here can be allocated a piece of food when they leave the pier. Gift packages of real estate materials sent from all over the country.

Now let me show you what is included in a big gift bag. There is a very small Tianjin cannabis flower, which smells crispy and fragrant, as well as Shandong burritos, this small piece of Wuhan hot dry noodles, and Shanghai green noodles. Tuan, pot helmets from Shaanxi, freeze-dried mountain vegetables from Guangdong, etc. It seems that netizens across the country have donated their own delicious food. Brother Xiao Ma would like to thank everyone on behalf of the people of Wucheng!

In addition, there are subsidies from the local Wucheng. As you can see, sitting on the stage are some entrepreneurs from Wucheng who have made relatively large donations to the people, and the mountains of materials next to them were donated by them this time.

With that said, Brother Ma shifted the camera to see the entrepreneurs sitting in a row at the press conference, with a row of staff behind them.

There is a podium in front of the camera, specially designed for everyone to come on stage to report the donated materials to the whole country. I saw a gentle young man wearing black-rimmed glasses reporting the data:

Our Wucheng Cigarette Factory is expected to donate materials worth 10 million virtual coins this time. The specific materials are as follows

at the same time.

In the group of Jingshu’s high school classmates.

Xie Zihao: The first batch of us have arrived in Nanhai and have allocated houses. Have you all arrived? {Picture}

Shi Lei: I'm still waiting for the ferry at the pier. It will arrive in an hour. Damn, Xie Zihao, your family is so rich. You actually have a separate and clean house. I'm so jealous.

Liu Gang: Envy +1. Our commissioner has allocated a house, but we have to clean out the carrion bugs ourselves. And it is said that the house is very tight. Ten families have to squeeze into one apartment, and one bedroom is divided into one large family.

Wang Chao: @Everyone, take a look. Behind the man who is speaking at the Wucheng press conference, is our classmate Jing Shu standing behind him?

Mu Xiaoxuan: It's Boss Jingshu. Boss Jingshu is dressed so cool and handsome. His aura is so strong. Boss Jingshu always wore a big cotton-padded jacket at gatherings in the past. I almost almost looked so formal and handsome. I can’t even recognize him.”

Wang Chao: By the way, isn't Boss Jingshu the shareholder boss of our Shiyuan? Why is he related to the cigarette factory?

Wang Zihao: Is it possible that Jingshu is just someone's secretary, or is it embarrassing to show her face? After all, the people speaking on such occasions are entrepreneurs. As for why it is related to the cigarette factory, you know Wucheng Cigarettes How awesome is the factory now? Everyone wants to get involved.

Wu Yu: Yes, yes, Wucheng Cigarette Factory is very famous now. If anyone can get Wucheng brand cigarettes as gifts, it will be a big deal, not to mention how many people want to squeeze in because of their connections. , that welfare package, tsk tsk.

My cousin's daughter-in-law's neighbor's nephew's friend works in a cigarette factory. The welfare benefits are simply amazing, even better than those in Shiyuan. Not only does he support the whole family by himself, but he also gives out all kinds of delicious food from time to time, which is very useful. Yes, I was jealous when I saw it.

Mu Xiaoxuan: But looking at Jingshu's aura, why do I feel like the person standing in front of me is her little brother?

Wu Yu: Although that's what I said, do you think that classmate Jingshu is the same age as us, and she doesn't look like a big boss at all? No matter how powerful she is, she will only be the minority shareholder of Shiyuan. Oh my god,

Can you become the boss of a cigarette factory?

Do you think it's possible?

Do you know how hard the relationship between cigarette factories is?

Do you understand what it means to be the boss of a cigarette factory?

Will the boss of the cigarette factory attend such an event in person?

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