I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 828 Oh my god, two vests fell off at once

So to sum up, I personally feel that Jingshu cannot be the owner of the cigarette factory. Otherwise, how strong the relationship is to become an industry of Wucheng Town Government? Doesn't that mean that Jingshu is from the town government?

That is, after Wu Yu finished speaking, all the students watching the live broadcast heard the gentle young man bow slightly and say:

Now, I would like to ask General Manager Jing Shu of our company to disclose the relevant donation documents.

After saying that, he retreated behind Jing Shu.

Jingshu showed a stack of stamped documents and said: These 10 million supplies are just an initial donation. At the same time, the cigarette factory also provides a thousand temporary worker positions, including food, accommodation and three gifts. If you are interested, Comrades can sign up.

Jingshu was still speaking on the stage, and the class group was in a panic.

Mu Xiaoxuan: Let me just say that Boss Jingshu is not a secretary when he looks at such a strong aura. Boss is indeed a boss. Let those who take citric acid shut up.

Shi Lei: It's awesome. I didn't expect Jingshu to be the boss of the cigarette factory. I haven't seen him for half a year. How come there has been such a big change? What has Jingshu done in the past six months to become the boss?

Wang Chao: Oh my god, the boss of the cigarette factory is actually a classmate of ours. I really can't believe it. Moreover, the cigarette factory is recruiting workers and they are provided with food, housing and free gifts. Where can I find such good benefits?

Zhao Yun: @Wu Yu, @Xie Zihao, you guys are talking. Didn't you just swear that I became a secretary just to get acquainted with you? Now it's a slap in the face, right? Now you also know how powerful the cigarette factory is. , How awesome is the boss Jingshu, right?

Mu Xiaoxuan: I guess the two of them are so regretful right now that their intestines are green. If they hadn't said that just now, they might have asked Mr. Jing to give him the benefits of being a temporary worker in a cigarette factory, hahaha.

Xie Zihao: I, I don't need to beg. What's there to do as a temporary worker in a cigarette factory?

Nima Sang: @Xie Zihao, don't be ridiculous here. If it weren't for Chen Zihan's family, would you be able to afford this house in Nanhai? Apologize to Jingshu quickly.

Only then did everyone remember that Xie Zihao seemed to have married into Chen Zihan's family.

Xie Zihao: None of your business.

Nima Sang: Do you want me to call Chen Zihan??

At this time, Wang Chao @everyone again: Damn it, you guys are watching the live broadcast. It turns out that Jingshu is not only from the cigarette factory, but also represents the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association. Jingshu's hidden identity for so many years Is it too much?

Mu Xiaoxuan: Boss Jing is so handsome. I always remember the help he gave my family back then. If it hadn't been for Boss Jing who moved us to Shiyuan, my family would not be able to be allocated independent housing in Nanhai now.

During the live broadcast, Jingshu took out another document on the podium and said: By the way, on behalf of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association, I will donate pills worth 3 million yuan for various symptoms. If the general public is sick, you can After going to Wucheng Hospital for examination, you can get it for free with your ID card.”

After saying this, Jingshu returned to the position of the entrepreneur in the first row. It can be seen in the camera that the gentle young man has already pulled up a chair for Jingshu. The service is extremely considerate, which further demonstrates Jingshu's current status.

The group was completely blown away.

Six years after graduation, some students are still classmates, while others have quietly joined the town government and become the leading ladies in the industry.

Jing Shu didn't expect that this was originally just a press conference.

Who would watch the press conference if they have nothing to do?

But this little Ma Ge, oh, Jing Shu just saw that the ID Little Ma Ge is actually Wang Qiqi from the Banana Community.

This Wang Qiqi has become a famous Internet celebrity blogger in Wucheng, and the live broadcast has attracted a lot of people. In addition, Wucheng is now attracting attention, so people in the class group are completely aware of her two vests.

Alas, the vest that has been covered for so long is still exposed. Fortunately, only two of them are exposed. Others such as red worms, green giants, clothing factories, and mask factories need to be covered up.

The students in the class group were all thinking about whether they should find Jingshu through the back door and get into the cigarette factory or drugstore.

Liu Yi: Do you think, based on our classmate relationship, Boss Jing can let us be temporary workers?

Nimasan: Yes, yes, we are all classmates in high school. I also studied pharmacy before. I wonder if the Pharmacy Association is still recruiting people now?

Mu Xiaoxuan: Boss Jing is a good person. When we were in Shiyuan, he gave our high school classmates an extra chance, so now there are only three or four classmates still in Shiyuan. As long as they meet the requirements, it will definitely be possible. If you don’t meet the requirements, it’s useless for you to beg her.”

Just when the class group was in chaos, someone else stood up:

Su Mary: @Everyone, what Mu Xiaoxuan said is right, but we are all classmates, don't waste the last bit of classmate friendship. Jingshu doesn't owe anyone anything.

Let’s get down to business. We wanted to get together when we were in Wucheng before, but we never had the chance. I said at that time that when all my classmates migrated to Nanhai, I would invite everyone to come to my new home to have a meal and get together.

Tomorrow, everyone is invited to come to my house. I will invite my classmates to dinner and have a class reunion. But there is one thing. If anyone dares to talk to Jingshu about using the back door at work, please don't come to my house. If he comes, I will kick him out.

Shi Lei: Boss Su is great!

Wang Chao: Brother Su, you are our eternal god!

Wu Yu: Actually, Mr. Su is the real rich man. His family is the largest natural gas and oil company in Wucheng. He is many times more powerful than Jingshu. Mr. Su has treated us to many meals over the years. Jingshu has never invited me to dinner.

All the students in the class knew that there was a rain of red worms that year, and the meal we had at Sumari's house was a state banquet-level meal!

Thinking back on it now makes me drool!

Su Mary: @Wu Yu, you are not allowed to come to my house tomorrow! I said so!

Wu Yu: ???Why? I didn't say anything bad about you! Boss Su!

Su Marie: But you said bad things about Jingshu, and I just don't like it. If you say that again, you won't be able to come to the next party or the next party!

So, Jingshu, who had just finished the press conference, saw a lot of chatter in the group. The key point was that Su Mary punished Wu Yu for her. Jingshu shook her head, thanks to Su Mary being so kind, if it were her Jingshu who took action, he would definitely be miserable.

After all, Jingshu has never been a pot-bellied person.

The next day.

Although Jingshu had to coordinate the ferry fleet and make various preparations to go to the Middle East, Jingshu still had to sit there for a while at the class reunion held by Su Marie.

It's just next door, just two steps away.

No, as soon as Jingshu opened the door of her house, she saw her classmates in groups of three or three, far away but not close, surrounding the high wall of her house like a dreamy forest. They were scared and excited, checking in to take pictures with Internet celebrities.

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