I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 826 Chapter 914 Shu, tell us what else you need to take with you before you leave, and we’ll

When Jingshu opened the door of the villa, the whole family was shocked by the scene in the house.

My dear, have we entered the palace of a European rich man? This was Jing's father's first reaction.

Look at this luxurious decoration. This is a larger and more open area than the Wucheng Villa. A family of more than a dozen people looks extremely empty when standing in it. There is also a large dining room and an oversized two-in-one kitchen.

Girl, this big crystal lamp that looks as good as a diamond is quite nice. Jing's mother immediately took a fancy to the luxurious crystal lamp she got from the United States.

Jingshu chuckled, this is not the same as a diamond, this is a diamond, but you still don’t tell Lao Jing’s family that it looks like it, for fear that it will be burdensome for them to use it.

Of course, Jing Nai and Jing Ye’s focus is on the garlic seedlings, leeks, green onions, coriander and other flowers and plants planted on the balcony of the hall.

There is also an oversized kitchen, oversized refrigerator room, and oversized storage room that makes people feel full of security.

My dear granddaughter, are all these houses filled with food? Jing Nai pointed in disbelief at the supplies with the doors wide open, and the neat supplies vaguely exposed inside.

Jing Shu shrugged: Go and see for yourselves. These are the things I went to Yangcheng to inspect the work a few days ago. The food there is delicious and cheap. I thought that although our family is not lacking, the more the better, so the food, I have brought back a little bit of dry goods, crops, saplings, etc.

Jing Nai and Jing Ye pushed open the storage rooms one by one. Oh my god, these are so full of all kinds of grains and oils that they can last for another ten years, a full range of condiments, and all kinds of weird foods. In short, Lao The Jing family will not have to worry about food in the future!

Okay, okay! Don't panic if you have food in the last days. No matter what happens next, we already know it!

Jing Ye clicked on his cigarette and said, I think the city wall is not high enough yet. Jing'an and I will strengthen it in the next few days.

Dad Jing stumbled and almost fell.

Jing Shu swallowed her saliva. The prison wall, which is four to five meters high and one meter thick, is not safe enough?

Master, grandma, what we should consider now is that I accidentally filled the villa with all kinds of supplies, but I'm afraid there is no place to put the various supplies you brought from Wucheng, so, how about... , how many basement storage rooms will you build first?

Oh yes, it's true. Cunning rabbit has three caves. In order to prevent accidents, we still have to hide some food underground.

So, the people from Lao Jing's family followed Jing Shu to the backyard to check out the fruit garden to see where the 700-square-meter area was suitable for building a basement.

But everyone is not very enthusiastic about the fruit garden.

Shu, it's not what Mom said. Mom has been working in the Ministry of Agriculture for so long. Fruit trees are the most difficult to cultivate. As the saying goes, it takes three years for a tree to grow and five years to bear fruit. I'm afraid your orchard has been deceived, let alone... What kind of exotic durians, cherries and other trees, if they can really produce these, they will be kept as treasures and will never be sold.

Master Jing also nodded: But I think the growth is okay, and we'll have to look at the situation. If it doesn't work next year, I'll cut them all off.

Jing Shu shrugged indifferently, hoping that your jaws wouldn't drop in surprise.

After looking at the orchard, they looked at the livestock pen. In order for Dahua, Ermao and Goudan, the family's livestock treasures, to live in a house as soon as possible, Jing Nai immediately asked Jing's father and Jing Ye to build a livestock pen.

Anyway, in the end we couldn’t decide where to dig the basement.

As long as she doesn't dig the cellar into someone else's house, Jing Shu doesn't care.

On the first day that Lao Jing's family came here, they were so busy. Hey, why do you say it's so fast?

Because when the fat chicken got into Jing Nai's arms and acted coquettishly and begged for a hug, and performed in front of the public by laying twenty eggs in a row to defend its unshakable status as a fat chicken in the family, wouldn't the next step be a mess?

The fat chicken followed Jing Nai proudly, laughed at Dahua who was still constipated despite laying eggs, fought with the two cows that were producing milk, and snatched some vegetable leaves that the rabbits were eating. In short, Huo Huo's entire old Jing family was not in peace. .

Dinner in the evening.

A large family was sitting in the large two-in-one restaurant, with a sumptuous dinner on the table, a lot of which Jingshu had packed and brought back from Shunde.

Jingshu specially served everyone a bottle of Sprite, which was a formal opening ceremony for this new home.

But the aroma of a table of delicious food was not worth the roar of Jing Nai.

What?? You have only been in Nanhai for a few days, and you are going out again in a few days? Are you going to such a far place? Isn't this too dangerous?! Jing Nai's roar echoed in Lao Jing's house. The fat chicken shivered in the corner. This time, it didn't want to go out.

I've been out for a long time, so I don't feel comfortable at home showing off my power.

At home, I was given food and shelter, laid eggs while lying down, and my little brother yelled at me.

Outside, I run around, lay eggs, carry things as a little brother, and occasionally act as a fighting chicken.

Nai, isn't it that the higher ups go out there specifically to purchase goods? They just bring back boatloads of food and supplies. There is nothing dangerous. I only have connections, so I can follow behind and bring back boatloads at the lowest price. A boatload of supplies, think about that scene.

Master Jing clapped his lips: Isn't it dangerous?

There's really no danger at all. Yang Yang is going with us.

Wu Youai's glasses, which had returned from the dock, reflected light. She felt a little helpless, but she didn't say anything about it.

In order to lighten the atmosphere, Wu Youai talked about today's events: The troops from Wucheng will arrive in batches tomorrow, and donated materials from all over the country will also arrive here. There are all kinds of things, and everyone is really lucky. Yes, we will also be given some subsidies when the time comes.”

Sangu Jinglai also smiled and said:

The coordination work done by the town government is almost ready. Each community has been allocated a place. But everyone has just moved here, and the old city area has not been cleaned up yet. There are still too many carrion insects occupying it. I guess We all have to work hard for four or five days. We will all be very busy by then and won’t come back for dinner. Jingshu, before you leave, what do you want to eat? I’ll pickle some vegetables for you, and bring some sugar and garlic to eat.

Yes, talking about this, those old Maozi's things are definitely not delicious. I still have to bring you some dry goods and delicious instant food, such as dried sweet potatoes and roasted seeds and nuts. You have to prepare some for snacks and then fry them. It’s also good to order dried small fish with twists to pad your belly, stew pork intestines, pig faces and ears, duck wings, duck intestines, duck feet, etc. as a side dish.”

Jing's mother nodded in approval: Girl Jing likes to eat meat, so we need to buy more spicy beef jerky, cumin beef jerky, smoked sausage, five sausages and the like.

Mr. Jing knocked on the cigarette rod: Think about anything else you need, and I will do it for you.

Look, how did this topic become like this? Jingshu looked at her cousin Wu Youai with a smile, and then at everyone else.

Today is the 20th, Jingshu’s birthday. There are activities here at the starting point. Please check out the activities. Thank you everyone~

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