I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 813: I picked up money with a sack, but the sack can’t hold any more money. Please tell me.

Oh, it would be a pity if you have a hot weapon. You'd better get more before leaving.

Hey, Jingshu regretted not bringing all the mud mermaids with her. She just went out to buy some food. Who would have thought that she needed sacks to carry money?

This is too damn sudden.

Well, that's pretty good. I'll leave these people to you, go ahead. Jingshu clapped her hands and saw that these passengers had already boarded the truck very quickly and put their luggage on it. , the bench toilet and other things on the train were moved up.

Huh? Comrade, what about you? The four-eyed boy looked at Jingshu in surprise.

Jingshu smiled and then coughed: Oh, I have to keep looking here. If there are bugs overflowing or escaping, I am not allowed to punish them on the spot? The responsibility is as great as the ability, and I don't It’s just a short amount of time. And we’ll be arriving in Chaoshan soon. We’ll get there by ourselves in my Hulk, and you guys don’t need to worry about me.”

Wu Jiang and Zhang Yicheng followed Jing Shu tremblingly. They almost knelt down when they heard Jing Shu say this. Oh my god, boss, why don't you just run away and stay here!

What’s there to see here? ! Please, run away, bugs are so scary!

The four-eyed boy's eyes shone with admiration: As expected of you, comrade, then I will stay and look at the situation here with you. The people sent over there have also arrived.

After evacuating ordinary people, only Jing Shu, Hulk, Wu Jiang, Zhang Yicheng, bodyguards and surgeons were left on the scene.

After a busy day, Jingshu was so hungry that she couldn't bear it any longer, so she randomly took out pieces of golden-yellow, soft, crispy and fragrant pancakes, sprinkled with thick sesame seeds, and shared them with everyone, and ate them with the spicy and refreshing beef jerky. stand up.

The four-eyed boy can't eat spicy food, but after taking two bites, the food became more and more delicious. The four spicy-eyed boys were in tears and couldn't stop eating.

When a dozen trucks came again, a woman who could spin spider silk fell out. This was what she saw.

The four-eyed boy shushed and introduced: Comrade Jingshu, this is the comrade who sells silk quilts in the purchasing group. You can just call him Sisi. If you need silk quilts, you can find her.

Then he turned to Sisi and said: This is the cigarette factory recruitment agent for the purchasing group, and he is also Comrade Jingshu. Today's incident is all thanks to Comrade Jingshu, otherwise no one in this group would survive.

Hello, Comrade Jingshu, we must help each other in the future. Hey, as good and invincible as I am, I am not as popular as cockroach balls. I can only make silk quilts. It is rare that I can use them today. It’s my time.”

Sisi was wearing a black tight-fitting suit, with an eye-catching curvy figure. She looked more like a normal person. However, she clapped her hands and saw a dozen trucks with their hoods open. There were densely packed piles inside. The white silk threads, somehow her hands moved, these dense webs of spider silk flew up by themselves.

Jing Shu could see that in Silk's hands, there were two very thin threads, controlling the entire spider web, flying towards the dense black iron worms, and Silk was also hanging on the spider web, flexibly. The same as spiders.

So, shouldn’t the silk quilts sold by Sisi be called spider silk quilts? Aha, I digress~

But I saw a few melon-eating people eating beef jerky, drinking milk tea, and watching Sisi perform her unique skills. I saw the overwhelming network being pulled from the truck like yarn, constantly being pulled over.

Spider silk is very light, thin, and very tough, but it cannot hold up as many as a dozen trucks. And to control so much spider silk, it must be several tons. The ability of silk is still very powerful.

Four Eyes Boy said: The original plan was to throw down the iron net to catch these bugs, but you said they eat iron and spit out gallium, so the plan was cancelled. The fishing line does not have the toughness of spider silk. , and it’s not easy to control, so we can’t capture it in large numbers, and the silk threads can’t be cut, so we found her. We are all on our own, and we have to look after each other when we go to the Middle East.”

That's natural. Jingshu nodded.

Only a few hundred meters away, the huge spider silk web shrouded the iron worms that were eating. The iron worms were unable to move due to their feet stuck to the spider silk web.

Just as they spread their wings and prepared to cut these spider silks, more silk threads extended from these spider silks from all directions, directly binding them tightly.

This is fine, just tie the wings and wrap them around a few times to stop the electric fan from spinning, and they will just stop eating.

It is indeed much easier to let Sisi catch these bugs.

However, there are also some bugs that still fly away. At this time, the four-eyed guy will look at Jingshu and chat, and shoot a precise laser with a pair of eyes.

Jingshu swallowed the food in her mouth, and then saw the iron bug flying away being cut into two halves in the blink of an eye. The most awesome thing is that the two eyes on the four-eyed guy's head can also bifurcate and shoot lasers. It's awesome. force.

After all, China has a population of more than one billion. It is normal and there is nothing wrong with the emergence of such a few new humans that do not conform to common sense? Jing Shu could only comfort herself in this way.

Seeing Jingshu so surprised, Siyanzi explained: Actually, my eyesight is not very good. I can't see static, but I can see movement very clearly.


Catching insects in the clear sky, catching those on the ground. Sack after sack of worms pulled by the silk net were dragged little by little into a big truck, and then taken away. One night, truck after truck of iron worms were transported to the unknown place. where.

Jingshu secretly hunted for insects. A mud mermaid that merged with the earth could eat more than twenty insects. After eating the insects, the mud mermaid disappeared until the stomach of the mud mermaid she brought this time was full of iron worms. One night The time has passed.

Then, Jingshu, who was already sleeping in the Hulk's body, was shouted out.

Comrade Jingshu, wake up, our preliminary mission is over, it's time to go back. The four-eyed boy gently knocked on the door of the green giant.

Jing Shu's eyes were drowsy: Hmm? All the iron seeds have been arrested now? Weren't there a lot yesterday?

Oh, there are still a lot of them. The silk threads are not enough. We have to go back to replenish some. Also, they have escaped into the underground cave. It is no longer easy for us to find them above. We need to send more people down below. , there are still a few teams left here to be on guard.

Well, ok, now that it's safe we'll leave, let's talk later. Jingshu waved her hand, a little regretful that she couldn't catch the boss of the Iron Worm all night, but the Mud Mermaid was really brave enough to show off. It’s not going down anymore, you can leave.

It’s really annoying to go out and use sacks to pick up money. There are not enough sacks. It’s just as distressing as not being able to pick up money thrown on the ground.

Comrade Jingshu, you are such a good person, a good person who is dedicated to saving the world for the people. Looking forward to our trip to the Middle East. Goodbye!

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