I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 812 You young people can’t run away at the critical moment, hey!

That's great, we are finally saved!

We survived, we survived!!

I'll follow your command. Whatever you say will be yours, as long as we stay alive.

Jingshu finished dealing with the bugs in the carriage and clapped her hands: Let everyone pack their things and bring everything they can. I don't need to tell you about bedding and food. I believe you are all experienced. We Get off the train and stay away from this area and wait for rescue, the special rescue team has already arrived.

The conductor nodded vigorously, nodded, and nodded at the end, wondering: Huh? If we don't wait for rescue at the train station, will it be more dangerous if we go out and wait for rescue? Don't be angry, I am. I'm a little bit curious, it's okay if you don't tell me. The train conductor was humble online.

Jing Shu explained: This kind of bugs specializes in eating metal and rails. You have seen it before. Their saliva can melt metal and produce a substance that breaks into pieces when touched. Their rations are all over the train. You feel like staying in their rations. Well, it’s just like tripe meat. You can eat both the outside and the inside. Do you think they will eat you by the way?

On the contrary, if they have food, they will not attack humans rashly.

Although there are Jingshu's mud mermaids here who are constantly hunting iron worms, don't forget, there is a huge hole under Carriage No. 10. Jingshu doesn't allow their large army to directly drill out from under that big hole. , indeed more dangerous.

Oh, oh, that's it. It is indeed more dangerous in the train. I will arrange for everyone to start evacuating.

They are all people who have lived in the apocalypse for five years. They are very experienced in taking things out and evacuating them. It is as easy as plucking the feathers of a goose.

In addition to bringing their own bedding and luggage, the table boards between the seats, the benches embedded in the train, the toilet in the bathroom, the pots and bowls for cooking in the restaurant, and the buckets for drinking water, etc. As far as I could see, I brought everything with me.

Jingshu evacuated everyone on the train. Everyone was carrying large and small bags, carrying strange things, and some even removed the generator of the locomotive.

Jing Shu showed admiration, looking at people who know how to live a good life, while Wu Jiang's mouth twitched, everyone was exaggerating. Isn't it too unsociable for him to carry a charging cable with nothing?

Jingshu placed the injured on the Hulk unit price, and a group of people walked to the outside in a mighty manner.

Come this way, everyone, follow me.

Everyone had only walked four to five hundred meters, and some of the older people didn’t want to leave:

By the way, you said that the train is dangerous and there are bugs everywhere. We followed you down. We have already walked this far, right? We have old arms and legs and we can't walk too far. In fact, I think this is a wilderness. It’s still safe on the train.”

Yes, no matter how dangerous the train is, it is safer than the wilderness, right? Besides, we can't compare to you young people. We are still moving little by little with big and small bags. We can't move anymore. How about letting the green monster help us? Just take the luggage and bed boards.

Just as everyone was arguing, there was a loud noise behind them. Someone turned on the flashlight of their mobile phone. The train, which was several hundred meters long, collapsed and then disappeared. Countless iron bugs poured out from it, making a buzzing sound. Buzzing sound.

The terrifying sound of the densely packed, black insects vibrating their wings once again reminded everyone of the fear they had just been dominated by.


Run quickly, there are so many bugs.

Damn, it's too dangerous here, let's run away quickly, the bugs are catching up!

Jing Shu stood still and sneered: Didn't you just say that it's quite safe here? Those who don't want to leave, just stay.

The conductor ran over and wiped his sweat: Shall we hurry up? Hurry up, there are too many bugs over there. Fortunately, little girl, we escaped. Otherwise it would be too scary!

Everyone nodded with deep feeling. Looking at Jingshu, they felt that she had foresight.

Don't worry, there is so much food to eat, they won't come. Besides, can you run fast with so many things on your shoulders? Jingshu left a lot of mud in the middle, but the mermaid was not afraid. She just said After finishing speaking, I saw that the person who had just passed the call that his arms and legs could not walk because he had too many things was already running faster than anyone else, carrying large and small bags.

Jing Shu shook her head. There is a kind of person who really won't shed tears until he sees the coffin. When he sees the coffin, he will run faster than a ghost: Let's go, the rescue team has arrived. Let's go find them to join them.

Hurry up, hurry up, it's so slow. I told you young people to exercise more and exercise more, but you just disobey me. At this critical moment, you have to stop eating. You can't run anymore, right?

Soon, the flow of people became polarized. There were a group of middle-aged and elderly people running in the front, and a group of young people running in the back carrying various household items.

Jingshu stopped at the end and looked towards the place where the train disappeared. Where did these bugs come from? It feels like it suddenly appeared in this area.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a rumble in front of me, and a dozen trucks were coming! And two armored vehicles. The armored vehicle stopped, the lights were turned down, and a strong man with a small yellow braid stepped out.

As soon as Jing Shu saw this person, she knew that he was the four-eyed guy in the group.

Because the four-eyed boy is not an ordinary four-eyed boy, but a real four-eyed boy, a four-eyed boy with four eyes and two pairs of eyes.

A normal person has only one pair of eyes. The other pair of eyes of the four-eyed boy is on the forehead. It is a big bulging eye like a frog. It is very smart. He seems to have night vision. Anyway, when Jing Shu raised her hand and waved, he He noticed it and ran over.

Excuse me, comrade, let me take over now. You just told the specific situation in the group, is there another large-scale insect riot later? The fourth-eyed boy looked at Jingshu with his eyes, and raised his eyebrows Eyes looking into the distance.

Jing Shu shrugged: You should be able to see that, the situation is like this, you just don't have enough people to fill the gaps between the teeth, so you should hurry up and get more people, but I still don't recommend using thermal weapons. , after all, these bugs can spit gallium, do you know how valuable that thing is?

I only found out after hearing what you said, comrade. After reporting it to the leaders above, they also took it very seriously. Then I will leave two teams to start guarding, and let people transport these ordinary people away first. At this level of war, ordinary people It is no longer possible to intervene, and the higher authorities have already begun to implement two plans.

One is to take samples for drug testing to see which poison bomb and tranquilizer bomb they respond to, and the other is to send people with special abilities of spider silk to tie them up like your method. Finally, if it doesn't work, use hot weapons.

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