I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 814 As expected of you, Mr. Jing!

Ahem, okay, see you then. Jingshu yawned and waved her little hand. After this incident, Jingshu deeply reflected on herself and decided that when going to the Middle East to purchase goods, she must have sacks. If you have enough, the bodyguard must bring it all, but you can't do it like this time. When you go to replenish the goods, you don't take enough sacks. Isn't the excess that can't be taken away a loss?

Oh, it's so heartbreaking that it's hard to breathe.

Ahem, if you are hungry, just eat some naan and beef jerky to fill your stomach. Jing Shu yawned and returned to the Hulk's body. After setting the end point for Xiao Lu, she fell asleep again.

So, when Jingshu woke up, she found that, hey, she had arrived in Chaoshan!

Friends from Wujiang have been waiting early. Then he saw the bald boy running over to Wu Jiang and almost wiped his tears.

Oh, I'm really worried. I saw on the news that the accident happened to the train you were riding on. I burned incense and asked God to bless the 360 ​​gods. Please don't let anything happen to you. Fortunately, they listened. My sincere words, may you all be safe and sound!

It would be really unfair for someone like you, who has more conscience than Brother Conscience, to get into trouble again.

I also thought I was going to rush into the street this time. It's so scary.

Wu Jiang, who had narrowly escaped death, and his friend Bald Huizai hugged each other excitedly, telling each other what happened yesterday with runny noses and tears. The two grown men hugged each other and barely looked at each other.

Zhang Yicheng quietly said to Jing Shu: The relationship between Boss Hui and Mr. Wu is more real than real money. If the person who least wants something to happen to Mr. Wu in the world is Boss Hui, because Mr. Wu has suppressed Boss Hui's three The goods worth tens of millions of virtual coins have not been paid yet.”

Jing Shu nodded clearly, then this feeling was real and not fake at all.

Let's go, let's go. Are you hungry? I've prepared a banquet for you to catch the bad luck!

Hiccup~ Wu Jiang, who had eaten too much meat early in the morning, chuckled and said, Don't worry, I'll take Mr. Jing for a walk first and eat some of our snacks.

Chaoshan, a city that looks ordinary, actually has delicious food hidden in every corner.

When Wu Jiang came to Chaoshan, he entered his home turf. He took Jingshu and others to visit Chaoshan Literary and Artistic Street, and felt the sense of the times brought by the architectural style of the Republic of China. It was just because it was the end of the world, so It looks more vicissitudes of life.

What used to be a food stall for ordinary people has now become a high-end food street. Those who don't have the confidence will not dare to come.

Wu Jiang took Jingshu to eat street cakes, cake cakes, white-cut goose cake soup, pancakes filled with oysters, authentic steamed fish rice without removing the internal organs, etc., and the whole meal was completed. Every food on the street was eaten.

When she encounters delicious food, Jingshu will proudly order another eight portions, just like the oyster pancakes. Jingshu directly rounded up today's portion and ordered five large pots. Jingshu has never tasted such good food. Something to eat!

The safe harbor of not being able to eat delicious food once she left here made Jingshu buy it directly, store it in the Hulk's body, and actually put it in the space to slowly eat it. It felt so happy.

Who can understand the joy of a hamster hoarding goods.

Hui Zai really wanted to save some room for a big meal.

Wu Jiang smiled and thought, good brother, this is all I can do to help you. I don’t know if Mr. Jing is half full. Anyway, my digestion is almost done, so I can start eating.

I padded my stomach with these snacks, and then went to Chaoshan Beef Hotpot, a restaurant owned by Hui Zai.

The store was already crowded with people, and Hui Zai led people into the box.

Beef hotpot is about being extremely fresh, which is probably just a little bit worse than chasing after a cow. There is a large pot on the table, with secret beef broth and some radishes in it, and a special satay sauce next to it. And various hot pot ingredients.

The master sliced ​​the meat on the spot, with a steady and proper hand when raising and lowering the knife, and the slices were uniformly thick. Place the cut beef on the plate at an angle of 90 degrees to the ground and place it upside down. The beef will stick firmly to the plate and will not fall off, keeping moisture from being lost.

After a while, plates were filled with various parts of fresh beef: neck kernels, dragon bones, key kernels, key handles, three-flower tendon, five-flower tendon, and fat callus.

You guys are in luck. Hui Zai only slaughters one cow a week. This shop is only open one day a week. It delayed the opening by one day just to wait for us to come. All the people who have made reservations for this bite have already been queued up for next year. Wu Jiangruo He rubbed his hands, and when he thought of the sweet and chewy dragon, his mouth began to secrete saliva.

Huizai touched the hair that was not there and smiled and said: It should be left for Mr. Wu. Besides, Mr. Wu's friends are my friends. You eat first, and I will make beef balls for you.

Wu Jiang, as half of the host, naturally introduced it: Mr. Jing, this Chaoshan food is about the ultimate authenticity, and this perfection is also reflected in the way of eating, you see.

He then demonstrated it himself, put a plate of meat on the colander of the hot hot pot soup, shook it evenly, and then picked it up: One load of impurities, two loads of blood water, three dips and three dryings, after a few seconds it will be ready. Fish for it.”

This is it.

Jingshu picked up a piece of meat, and the fast-contracting texture tightly locked the meat juice, and the beautiful fat meat and white snowflake patterns were revealed. At this time, she rolled it in the sand tea sauce and put it in her mouth, gently As soon as you chew it, the salty aroma is slightly spicy, and the deliciousness of the beef is instantly catalyzed.

The spoon handle is crispy in the mouth, smooth and sweet; the neck kernel is alternately fat and thin, tender and greasy; the dragon meat is thick, elastic, sweet and chewy; the chest is chewy and has a silky texture.

Each part has a different taste, but they all have the same characteristic, that is, delicious, especially delicious! !

Later, Huizai came in with fresh beef balls and introduced to everyone: Our beef balls are made from selected beef hind legs. Each piece of beef needs to be beaten 888 times to form a delicate meat paddle. If it doesn’t work, then use the ancestral spoon to scoop it up and shape it, and cook it at high temperature. Such beef balls are springy and juicy when you bite into them, leaving a fragrant aroma in your mouth.”

Jingshu can taste it as soon as she eats it. These fresh beef hand-made meatballs are really delicious. They are much better than the piss beef meatballs bought in the supermarket. The firm and meaty texture is simply invincible.

Ahem, Mr. Wu, do you think you can let your friend teach my Hulk how to make authentic hand-beaten beef meatballs? I will be very sorry if I can't eat such delicious meatballs in the future.

Look, is this what people say? I want to eat beef meatballs, but I even think of such a bizarre thing as asking my pet to make hand-made beef meatballs for you. As expected of you, Mr. Jing!

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