"I personally believe that since conflict is avoided, everything should be resolved without fighting," Cyd raised slightly at the corner of his mouth, walking towards Bazett at a moderate pace.

"Please, then," El-Melloi II waved.

Gray tilted his head.

"Is something wrong with my friend?" Cyd raised his hand quite naturally and put his hand on Bazett's shoulder.

"Uh... This lady violated the rules. If she can't pay the fine, we can only detain her temporarily," the staff member was stunned for a moment, then said seriously.

"Ah~ I'm so sorry, my friend doesn't understand this much, where can I pay the fine."

Bazett was stunned by Cyd's strong press on the head .

Although she really wants to get rid of Cyd's hand, who are you! But it seems that this person is helping her out, so...

"I'm sorry!"

The second after seeing Bazett, who had a cold face and never went anywhere, be obedient a second. He admitted his mistake, the staff relaxed, and then took Cyd and Bazett to pay the fine, and in the middle of the process, he also explained to Bazett very seriously why they were not allowed to take those seeds to other places.

"That...thank you," Bazett bent down to Cyd with great sincerity.

"You lost your ticket too, right," Cyd chuckled and held out his hand to Bazett, "I'll buy you a ticket, where are you going?"

Bazett watched Cyd moved and took out his wallet.

"Thank you! You're such a nice guy!" Bazett took Cyd's hand gratefully and boarded the plane to Brazil.

"Okay, without the help of the headquarters, she will be impossible to get in our way for a while," Cyd walked back with a smirk, "I think she can try to fall in love with football."

Gray moved her mouth a bit tangled, she simply couldn't imagine Bazett's expression after being tricked into Brazil.

"Gray, I'm doing this for her, too," Cyd raised his hand and wrapped his arms around Gray's shoulders, "You think she's so conscientious and conscientious that she will definitely conflict with us, and she'll definitely be upright. I will try my best to take away the cards in our hands, it would be bad if one of them was accidentally crippled by me, so it would be good to play football.”

Gray tilted his head for a while and then suddenly realized .

“Mr. Cyd is really kind!”


El-Melloi II shook the head and continued to imply that the staff ignored Gray Add in hand.

It has to be said that magic is a very convenient thing, by simply implying that Cyd and Gray easily took 100% prohibited items through security and got on the plane.

Looking at the clouds outside the window, El-Melloi II subconsciously took out the cigar and put it back after hesitating for a while.

"Want to smoke, sadly," Cyd cocked his legs.

"Forget it, I don't know what expression to use when returning to that place after a long absence," El-Melloi II rubbed his forehead.

"Then analyze the intelligence as always," Cyd patted Gray's head with a stiff expression, "If you feel uncomfortable, just sleep for a while."

Gray hesitated.

"It's okay Gray, there are still a lot of battles to come. Even if we have him here, we have to guard against some accidents," El-Melloi II nodded, "Now take a little more rest."

"Good Master!" Gray nodded his eyes tightly.

"Do we need to communicate with the local tyrant in Fuyuki City," Cyd put the air conditioning blanket over Gray, "like that Three Great Families."

" This is not necessary," El-Melloi II waved his hand, "The Three Great Families were hit hard during the 3rd Holy Grail War. After the 4th Holy Grail War, Einzbern said that he would no longer participate in the Holy Grail matter. The other two patriarchs Died in battle, although the Holy Grail spell is still there, the Holy Grail War will basically not start. If it weren't for this observation, Fuyuki City would be an ordinary city."

"fine, abnormal. Even if this city becomes ordinary, it will still be involved in anomalies one day," Cyd spread his hands, and seemed to say casually, "Is there enough natural gas there?"

El-Melloi II trembled. , "Let's talk about it first, I'm fully responsible for this, and I don't have the financial resources to make those reporters and newspapers change their tongues."

"Ah~ so why did you come to Fuyuki City," Cyd curl one's lip, "You should avoid this kind of rude commission as much as possible."

"The reason...? Probably the so-called fate," El-Melloi II looked towards the window next to it , his tired look was reflected in the window, "I want to make sure, among those cards..."

"Is there a king?" Cyd sighed helplessly, "You still won't let go? You see, the battle is bound to happen."

"How could it be let go, if the king really appeared, really appeared in that form," El-Melloi II Close your eyes.

Even though he has decided to move on, the man in front of him is still chasing the silhouette that is out of reach.

He has absolutely no tolerance for that silhouette twist!

"It's up to me to finish, I will never let him lose to other people."

"But you can't beat him."

Cyd Very simply exposed the old bottom of El-Melloi II.

“Zhoubei 6 imitations of squatting and choking on the four fields

“So take me as your pawn,” Cyd held out his hand to El-Melloi II,” Use me alone to defeat that Ionioi Hetailoi. "

"Not a pawn but a companion," El-Melloi II took Cyd's hand, "we'll face it together!" ”

PSHercules’s side story is being completed, it will be released together when he beats him, so stay tuned?( *?ω? )?

Chapter 4 stronghold get

"Then please take care of this house. "

"Well, leave it to me." ”

Cyd threw the key in his hand moved towards a couple and waved his hand.

“Face it together~ In the end, in the face of the high cost, you chose to let your companion face it alone Yes," Cyd tossed the key to El-Melloi II, "you are cruel. "

"cough, I can actually tell them to give up the house with a hint," El-Melloi II coughed a little embarrassingly, "for them, they just have a thought to go Travel, and then temporarily entrust the house to trusted relatives. "

Ten years ago he used a similar method, using a hint to move into a couple's home.

I don't know how they are doing?

"Please, you're Lord in any case, too embarrassing by implying that you eat and drink for free." Cyd took out a leaflet from his pocket and shook it, "I was going to take you to this hotel. Yes, they are said to be cheaper because of previous terrorist attacks. "

"But that's not what I paid for either," El-Melloi II twitched, "speaking of which, how did you pay for that couple's long trip." "

"It's just transferring the money that would be wasted in advance," Cyd mysteriously smiled.

Chaldea at this moment.

"Oh oh oh, Mei Miss Li! "Roman blushed and stared at the cute white-haired girl on the screen, "No, this must be a gift! ”

Roman clicked the pay button without any hesitation.

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