"I'm not mature enough, Little Marie," Cyd chuckled and patted Olga-Marie's head, "you should know very well, I will protect you."

After saying Cyd, he pinched Olga-Marie's nose mischievously and sat back, "The gears of time are turning again."

"clang ――――"

The chime that only Cyd could hear rang, the moving ring stopped spinning, and the hand representing the world time began to turn, but in just an instant it changed back to the shape of the box.

"Wu! !!" Olga-Marie holding head let out a whimper like a small animal.

Roman mouth opened wide, although I don't know what happened, but can he destroy the evidence now.

Just when he was about to remind Cyd to eat the cake quickly, the young man with pure white hair was drinking hot tea leisurely admiring Olga-Marie's lovely appearance, and the cake in his hand. became two.

As if noticing his disbelief in his gaze, Cyd at a moderate pace looked towards him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

[Eat it~]

Roman swallowed, opened his mouth and ate two strawberry cakes.

At this time, Olga-Marie also reacted. The cake that came from the shop seemed to be an illusion. Nothing happened. Instead, she suddenly hugged her head and whined.

What a shame!

Especially the two guys sitting on the bed stared blankly at her.

"Cough, someone's looking for you," Olga-Marie coughed twice, then ran out, covering her face.

"Thank me doctor," Cyd handed another cup of hot tea to Roman, whose face began to get closer to the color of pig liver, "you got less scolding."

Roman raised his neck and poured the hot tea into his mouth very rudely.

"Alive!" Roman patted his chest relaxed, almost choking on his own cake and too embarrassing.

"So don't eat cake in the morning," Cyd shrugged.

"It's not...forget it," Roman scratched his head, "Speaking of Hope, you haven't set off yet? You can't make the guests wait for a long time."

"Maybe it's coming. Looking for you~" Cyd stretched.

“No one will come to me,” Roman dropped his hand and gave Cyd a wry smile that made Cyd a little upset.

"Then next time I'll come to you," Cyd patted Roman's shoulder hard, "so don't make that expression again, you're not alone."

Roman was stunned. After a while, he rubbed his face vigorously and showed the same relaxed and soft smile as before, "That's right, it would be bad if you were worried."

"By the way, watching something strange in the middle of the night Forget about weird websites, remember not to make weird noises," Cyd raised his index finger and showed a gentle smile, "Otherwise I'll unplug your internet cable, speaking of which I'll accidentally take your room when I wake up this morning. A strange thread is ka-cha."

"My Miss Merry!"

Roman whimpered past Cyd and rushed out of the room.

"Being rash, lose one's head out of fear because of a trivial matter," Cyd staggered towards Chaldea's reception room with his hands in his pockets, "This is you, you've already stood there. Long enough, no one will blame you when you lie down, we are not saviors."

Although he said so, he can still be someone's savior, such as being overworked in front of him. El-Melloi II sitting dead on the sofa and Gray standing behind El-Melloi II with his hood pulled.

"I don't think anyone but you can come to Chaldea to find me," Cyd scratched his hair and sat across from El-Melloi II.

"That...please accept this..." Gray took out a delicately packaged small box from under his cloak in a panic.

“You want to buy me a little gift,” Cyd frowned and reached out to take the small box in Gray’s hand, “But if you can make you come all the way here to find me, I’m afraid It's not a trivial matter."

"Forget it," El-Melloi II sighed and took out a map from his pocket and spread it out on the table, with several locations circled on it. "This is Fuyuki City's leyline, and the positions are twisted."

"Is this... unusual?" True-Cyd, who knew nothing about magic, tilted his head.

"These places have created other spaces. After someone's observation, there are Servants in there, but unlike Holy Grail War, it seems to be out of the card summon," El-Melloi II Rubbing his eyebrows hard, "Clock Tower means to collect those cards as soon as possible to prevent some things that will cause stomach pains, so..."

"El-Melloi II, who can handle all cases, wants to Dispatched?" Cyd laughed, "In order to repay the debt that seems to be impossible to repay."

"I'm not good at fighting," El-Melloi II covered his face, "Said it was to recycle the card, That is to really defeat the Seven Horsemen Servant, and it has not yet been determined whether they can release Noble Phantasm."

"So... the one you mentioned did not give you any useful equipment? "Cyd spread his hands.

El-Melloi II's expression becomes subtle as if he's remembering something, while Gray pulls the hood over his head as if to escape something.

"I see," Cyd held out his hand to El-Melloi II, "I'll leave it to me."

"Thank you," El-Melloi II relaxed, if If Cyd wouldn't agree, he'd have the cheek to ask Gray to use that thing.

But Gray should have a deep psychological shadow after being deceived by that thing once.

Otherwise, it's the same as that thing said.

[Although I don't want to make an uncle contract with karoshi at all, it's not impossible if you really want to be a magical girl. ]

What a joke!

“You are one of my few friends in this day and age,” Cyd laughed, “it’s almost time for a new story for Mash.”

Chapter 3 Flight to Brazil The Bazett

Bazett · Fraga · McRemitz, she is a very rigid person at work, let her beat people, she can even use different beating methods to beat the opponent to be inhuman, but other than that Not so much.

For example, sales fraud...

Bazett dragged her suitcase and stared blankly at the ticket inspector who was patiently explaining to her.

Just an hour ago, an enthusiastic man sold her all kinds of useless things. She didn't want to buy them at first, but the man said "very good", and she accidentally bought them all.

As a result, during the inspection, it was found that there were many prohibited items in it, such as products with local seeds. Yes...the ticket is gone! ! !

What to do!

"Bazett · Fraga · McRemitz, that woman... is a fool," El-Melloi II put the sunglasses on his face.

"Probably a hanhan," Cyd crossed his arms around his chest.

Gray looked sympathetically at Bazett who didn't know what to do.

They watched Bazett go from being deceived to being deceived, but El-Melloi II chose to watch from the side due to some personal issues.

"Isn't she your colleague?" Cyd patted El-Melloi II's shoulder.

"No, she's obviously going to Fuyuki to collect the cards too. With the information I have in hand, she's the type who will perfunctory you with lame and crude rhetoric and then blow you up," El- Melloi skillfully used hints to make the staff ignore the [Reforged Pandora] on Cyd's back, "She is undeniably strong in terms of strength, and it is too dangerous to conflict with her, so it is not bad to have her detained like this."

Of course he didn't mind using his meager salary to buy a plane ticket to Africa to send Bazett away.

Huh? This seems like a good idea.

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