[Insufficient balance]

Looking at the naked words, Roman fell silent, then opened his wallet with trembling hands, and sure enough... all his cards are gone.

"Ugh Ahhh! Hope you can't do this! How did you guess the password!"

Roman holding his head wailed, there is no bank in Chaldea to help him report the lost bank card , which means that he can only watch a white-hair keep using his salary.

Otherwise, he can only find a way to give Meili a gift at the moment the salary arrives...

"Hope don't underestimate my love for Miss Meili!"

Roman clenched his fists, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

"By the way, please pay Dr. Romani one day in advance, he is also working very hard, ah~ as expected of Little Marie, really a lovely child, now you must be proud... ah , hang up," Cyd shrugged put down the phone, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Is that Miss Olga-Marie?" Gray tilted his head, clutching his clothes.

"Yes~" Cyd chuckled and sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, "Gray just treat this as home for now, don't be so restrained, take off your cloak. "

"Well, I'll try," Gray nodded, but had no intention of taking off his cloak, "Where is the laundry, please."Cyd glanced at Gray The clothes in his hands were all men's, and it was self-evident.

Gray, you're not El-Melloi II's maid.

Although Cyd wanted to say so, it is estimated that Gray, the child, would only say that she voluntarily.

"Gray, there's a washing machine," El-Melloi II, taking off his suit and wearing a white T-shirt that looked old, came out of the bathroom.

"Well...Master, I think it's better to let me wash it by hand, I'll wash it very clean," Gray hugged El-Melloi II's clothes reluctantly, "and in case the washing machine If something goes wrong, the only pieces of Master's clothes are gone."

"Don't worry, it won't break down, just take it easy if you can," El-Melloi II picked up a box and put it away. by the TV.

In the end, Gray reluctantly stuffed his clothes into the washing machine, then sat on the small bench with his knees and stared at the running washing machine with some resentment.

"ah ha ha ha, the job was taken away." Add in the cage stimulated Gray's nerves as always.

Gray stopped the washing machine expressionlessly, threw Add in, and restarted the washing machine.

"Ugh Ahhhhh!"

"ka-cha ――――"

El-Melloi II turned off the boring news very skillfully The TV is connected to the game console, and then I lie on my side in front of the TV and start rubbing the handle.

"I said..." Cyd was a little speechless, "What about work?"

"I have already determined the positions of those cards," El-Melloi II waved his hand, "Just wait until the evening to finish them off one by one. Do you want some senbei?"

As El-Melloi II said, he pointed to a plate of senbei placed beside the game disc.

"It always feels like you're a little different than I used to be a workaholic," Cyd narrowed his eyes.

He had been roommates with El-Melloi II for a few days, albeit for a short time, but El-Melloi II was definitely the type to bring work home, and he never met El-Melloi II -Melloi II will show such a lazy look.

“You’re not slacking off while you’re out and about,” Cyd lifted his eyes, “and brought the game console and CD with him.”

El-Melloi II fell into an eerie silence, and the motion of rubbing the handle was not as quick as at first.

"Can you be lazy about killing time?" El-Melloi II said somewhat guilty.

Although he accidentally left the unfinished documents in the office, it does not mean that he is here to be lazy, he is just to kill the boring time during the day!

"Forget it, I'm going to visit the neighbor next time, do you want to join us," Cyd shook the fruit he bought with Roman's card on the way.

"Ah~ we left in a few days anyway," El-Melloi II curl one's lip, "no need."

"You're reluctant to let go of the handle, right?" Cyd rolled the eyes, "Gray's words..."


Gray sat on the small bench with his knees and stared at the washing machine.

If there is a little problem, she will immediately grab the Master's clothes back, and then ask her to do the laundry, so...

Hurry up Go wrong!

"Ugh Ahhhhh!!! So dizzy!"

Add is still screaming.

Cyd silently exited the bathroom.

It seems that he can only go alone.

"Doorbell doorbell, ah, here it is," Cyd rang the doorbell lightly and stepped back so that the person on the other side of the door could see him through the cat's eye.

"ka-cha ――"

The door was slowly opened, and a boy with orange red hair appeared in Cyd's field of vision.

"Who are you?"

"Hello~ I just moved here and I live next door to your house," Cyd shook the fruit in his hand, "I came here specially. Say hello."

"That's too polite," the boy waved his hand a little sadly, but Cyd still firmly shoved the fruit into his hand.

"Please come in and sit down," the boy opened the door. "It happened that I made some snacks. If you don't dislike it, you can bring some back home."

"Thank you very much, "Cyd lightly nodded with a smile, "Excuse me."

Chapter 5 The Legendary Harem Male Lead Template

A surprisingly ordinary family...

Cyd sits on the sofa and looks around.

What a ghost!

"My name is Shirou Emiya, please don't be restrained, the dessert will be ready soon," the boy with orange red hair skillfully tied an apron.

"Hello, my name is Sella, I'm the maid of the Einzbern Family," Sella with dead mom hair bowed politely.

“Leysritt~” Leysritt said lazily, scratching his hair.

"My name is Illya, Illyasviel von Einzbern," the white-haired little loli waved.

Is this... a Life Winner Template?

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