"That... I'd better leave," the girl who Bell called Haruhime shrank her neck and took a timid step back, but her right hand held Bell's body tightly. corner.

"No, since Bell picked you up, he has the obligation to be responsible to the end," Cyd glanced at the collar on Haruhime's neck and closed his eyes, "Remember to repay him well."

"Well," Haruhime nodded hard.

Bell sighed in relief and handed Hades's Helmet to Cyd, "Sensei, this is back to you."

"It's not your time to relax yet," Cyd put the helmet on Tucked into the scales, "Have you figured out how to convince your Kami-sama?"

Bell blinked, then gave a confident thumbs up, "Kami-sama is a good one. People!"

"Who knows~"

Hestia should be irritable by now.

Ishtar Familia was beaten and forced to disband, and I was forcibly thrown back to God World. This red light district has also become a land of no one. It stands to reason that this site should be the favorite of Ishtar Familia who abused it. The Loki Familia, Freya Familia and Apollo Familia are equally divided.

[Well, let's just give the site to Hestia Familia, who almost became a victim. She has been poor for so long and it is time for her to taste some sweets. It's not a problem for Hero's Apprentice to live in a broken church. She doesn't. It's shameful, and we also find it ugly. ]

ah ha ha ha , thank you so much!

Hestia laughs haha, but she is desperate.

Let her manage this red light district? Did you make a mistake! She's a Virgin Goddess!

[But what about the children who live here? Hestia's kindness will not drive them out, right? ]

Loki's sharp punch puts Hestia in a dilemma.

She's definitely not going to do something displacing, but she can see that these children, they're not forced to become Berbera, they're sinking into desire out of their own will, and she won't. Therefore, I look down on them, everyone has their own way of survival, she is not qualified to judge them, but...

It is absolutely forbidden for Bell everyday all to pass through the red light district!

Bell is a good child, but I let him get used to the morning meeting every day, and then as it should be by rights, the Thieving Cat already gave her a headache, and now I have to stuff a bunch of them ?

Absolutely not!

Just when she had a headache to confirm the Ishtar Familia member, Bell brought a bulge, the delicate fox girl came to her, and she just turned to the fox girl. Page.

Then Hestia exploded.

Of course this is Bell's own personal business, he wants to save Haruhime out of his own will, then he must be responsible to the end, maybe he can easily persuade Hestia, but next time?

With Bell's character, he may pick up some other weird stuff next time, he must be on his own, in the face of women.

"What a frowning look," Cyd quietly walked to Lili's side while Bell was being trained, raised his hand and rubbed her head.

"No...is...is that obvious?" Lili lowered her head.

"It looks like she is about to cry anxiously," Cyd shrugged, "You think it will drag Bell down, so you didn't say anything right."

Lili was stunned. He was stunned and then lowered his head, "Yes, if you tell Bell-sama, Lili will be a burden to him, if possible, Lili wants to solve it alone."

"Then you can pretend to be something Continue to take risks with him as if it didn't happen, right," Cyd exhales one breath saying, "What a fool~ That's why I'm worried."

"I'm sorry," Lili bites lips.

"Why the apology? I'm willing to entrust Bell to you just because you're who you are," Cyd chuckled. It's alright, with that guy's help it's all done."

Lili blinked in confusion.

"Lili, Bell wants to be a hero, but he's too simple, that's not wrong, because the enemy of a hero shouldn't be a human, he just needs to overcome the impossible to save," Cyd lowered his eyes, "But you should understand, the human beings saved by heroes are themselves the most difficult trials for heroes to overcome."

"Lili...Understand," Lili clenched his fists.

"But it doesn't matter now," Cyd patted Lili's head, "he will probably encounter a lot of difficulties, but at least until he becomes a hero who can be trusted by everyone... ..."

Cyd looked towards the little boy circling around Hestia, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Humanity will no longer be his trial."

"This is the last shield I, a not-so-skilled novice Sensei, gave him."

PS(?O')(*?`*)?( *?ω? )?q( ???)??_(??ω?? ”∠)_

PS It's so uncomfortable to change the season, it's cold and hot for a while, thanks to this, my voice has become so masculine?_?, I don't want to be praised for being mature because of this! =???? =???? ?( ?Д`)?

Chapter 61 Don't Underestimate Humans

Zannis is panicking now, as Soma Familia's The Captain had seldom been so flustered as he held almost the entire Familia firmly in his hand.

But now he panicked and wanted to pack up and run away.

Originally he just wanted Lili's transformation magic and Ishtar Familia wanted to get Cyd better, plus they cooperated with them for reasons that men understand, he controlled Lili, and then Ishtar Cyd is controlled by Bell so that both of them can get satisfactory results.

The result collapsed.

He's not a god, he doesn't understand what God is thinking, but he can't even imagine that so many gods would go mad because of this.

Maybe desire can blind people for a while, but when the only tenderness is gone they go mad, The Gods shows that well, usually laughing hehe, instigating madness The whole Orario is in trembling.

He knew when the Ishtar Familia was completely destroyed, this Orario had a new rule out of the way of Hero's Apprentice's attention.

Anyone with discernment can see that Hero's Apprentice Bell is a naive but gentle guy, he is more willing to stretch out his hand to help a fallen person up than to step on others, as long as he is a normal person will not willing to hurt him, the rule is obviously superfluous, however...he is accidentally classified as a rule breaker.

The Soma Familia will not follow in the footsteps of the Ishtar Familia and suffer repeated abuse from other Familia.

Many gods are thinking about Soma of Soma, and Zannis is afraid that some gods will blatantly steal their things under the banner of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.

After a night of trepidation, two people entered their stronghold, one was the owner of the transformation magic that he was thinking about but he couldn't even think about now, and the other was the pure white Hero Cyd. The last person he wanted to see right now.

"You...what do you want..." Zannis, who was pushed out as a scapegoat, shook his legs like a sieve.

Lili looked at Zannis with responsible eyes.

Once upon a time, this man in front of Soma Familia one hand shrouding the heavens, although it is only LV2, but the power is monstrous, Soma Familia will become the current stench is also caused by him, because no one can do anything Resisting Soma's temptation, so no one dared to resist him, and he would probably have thrown a random guy out as a scapegoat as usual.

But now he was forced to stand at the front.

The fear of the tragic end of Ishtar Familia now exceeds Soma, and no one will come to save them, because their Captain personally pushed Familia to this place, so he is responsible.

"Lili is here to discuss with Kami-sama about quitting Familia," Lili said in a low voice, deliberately showing a pitiful look, "Sure enough, 10 million is too difficult, so I hope Kami-sama can spare poor Lili."

Cyd raised his brows and slapped his fists with great cooperation, "We are here to negotiate amicably."

Previous The Familia who said they wanted to negotiate amicably had been blown away.

"No...no, Soma-sama is very busy right now," Zannis brace oneself said, "Soma-sama has handed over Familia to me, you can also discuss with me about quitting Familia. We can negotiate the cost again, no rush."

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