At this time, it seems that it is the correct way to directly throw the pot on Soma. Anyway, Soma is just a boring bottle gourd, so you don't even need to be fooled.

But considering Soma's [I don't care who you are, you're just air] attitude, Zannis really doesn't know if Cyd will be angry, but a lot of Familia come and beat them Familia, famous for selling wine.

"Can you get rid of the Soma's Falna behind Lili?" Cyd frowned.

"No...can't," Zannis shook the head awkwardly.

"Then get out of the way, I'm going to let Lili free today," Cyd raised his hand and touched Lili's head, "You don't want to refuse."

" could it be!" Zannis shivered and stepped out of the way.

"Let's go," Cyd pushed the hesitant Lili's back, "Don't you want to be his family rightfully?"

"Well," Lili forcefully Nodding, Zannis moved towards the room where Soma had been staying with his head held high.

"Hero of Pure White, Soma-sama he...he's a little weird," Zannis said loudly after hesitating, "if..."

"Don't worry, he's weird God, I've seen a lot," Cyd waved his hand, "even if you get really irritated, it won't take your anger on you."

Zannis sighed in relief.

"But the reckoning will be made."

Zannis petrified.


As the door opened, a faint aroma of wine wafted out from the crack of the door, even Cyd had to admit that it was just the smell. There is a feeling of sinking.

As if recalling something, Lili stood stiffly at the door.

Cyd didn't urge Lili. For her, Soma in Soma was probably the devil in her heart. Only by getting through it can she truly be liberated from Soma.

Bell-sama, Lili... Lili wants to be your family!

Lili took a deep breath and stepped into the dimly lit room. At the end of the room was sitting a decadent-looking young man with long bangs covering his eyes and holding a holding an open wine bottle.

“Kami-sama, I want to quit the Soma Familia,” Lili said with courage moved towards Soma loudly.

Suma moved and slowly capped the bottle, "Let Zannis take care of this."

"Kami-sama please listen!" Lili Some eagerly reached out.

"For those of you who are immersed in wine," Soma said with a blank face, "I don't want to hear a word."

Disappointment, extremely strong disappointment, He is extremely disappointed with his own children, ugly and just pursuing desire, he is not even interested in listening to what such people say.

"What's the matter," Lili put down his hands in despair. If God himself didn't cooperate, he would never be able to leave Soma Familia.

"That means you'll be obedient as long as you don't sink in this wine, right," Cyd walked quickly to Soma, bent over and snatched the bottle from his arms.

"You! If you resist," Soma was a little annoyed at first, but quickly sneered, "I know you, Hero of Pure White, but even you can't resist Soma. , there is no desire to resist."

"Really?" Cyd unscrewed the bottle very simply and poured his head up into his mouth.

Seeing the gradually decreasing Soma Lili's heart lifted, while Soma's face was full of boredom.

It's really greedy, I want to drink it all, but Hero of Pure White is just a member of the lust.

In his view, the result is doomed.

"The wine is good, so I'm done." Cyd drank the last Soma, wiped his mouth and threw the bottle to Soma, "Can you listen to me now?"

"How could it be possible..." Su Mo stared blankly at the empty bottle and then looked at him with a calm expression.

Lili mouth opened wide.

"Why didn't I sink..."

"Because..." Cyd chuckled, "I still have things to do, so I can't get drunk now, don't underestimate humans Ah, Kami-sama."

Chapter 62 He doesn't belong to you

Lastly, the sluggish Soma removed the Falna on Lili's back and recovered. her freedom.

Looking at his expression, it probably won't take a few days to react from [a human drank his Soma very plainly and commented that it was delicious].

"As expected of Cyd-sama," Lili looked at Cyd walking in front of her with admiration, "If it were Lili..."

"It can also be done ," Cyd chuckled, "You used to be confused by Soma because you haven't found what to do, and now you've found it, haven't you?"

Lili subconsciously remembered the one who had a crush on her. extend the hand said to save her pure white silhouette, then nodded hard.


“But that wine is really good,” Cyd licked his lips as if he was aftertaste, “It’s not good to be addicted, but often he falls. Not bad."

"Isn't Cyd-sama totally addicted to it," Lili stuck out his tongue, "This Soma is expensive."

"Forget it. ," Cyd stopped, "Bell will leave you."

"en? Of course!" Lili, who didn't expect Cyd to stop suddenly, walked in front of Cyd, although a little confused Why did Cyd say that out of the blue, but Lili patted his own chest for reassurance.

"Reliable," Cyd chuckled and patted Lili's head, "must not leave him alone."

"Cyd-sama?" Lili blinked Eyes, I don't know if it's her illusion, she has a feeling that Cyd is going to leave soon.

"Go on an adventure with Bell," Cyd shook the head and pointed to the prominent tower, "I can't always be with you."

"Don't worry. , Bell-sama is already a very reliable person," Lili gave a thumbs up.

"Then I can rest assured," Cyd turned and moved towards the direction of the tower, "Goodbye~" In a hurry, he moved towards Cyd in a hurry and shouted, "Anyway, Cyd-sama must have sneaked over with that helmet on, right! It must be like this, right!"

Cyd's footsteps paused, then raised his hand and waved, "That guy Bell hasn't come to me yet~"

Lili relaxed, although I don't quite understand it, but it means that Bell has not reassured Cyd, so Cyd won't leave yet.

It's really good...

In the Hephaestus store.

Cyd very skillfully pushed open the door of the workshop with the sign of no entry for idlers and walked in. The heat wave of asserts the senses made him frowned.

"It's very early," Hephaestus, who was wielding a hammer, raised his eyebrows, "Just find a place to sit first."

"There must be a place to sit. The place," Cyd cautiously stepped over all kinds of grotesquely shaped equipment on the ground and came to Hephaestus' side, "I'll help you."

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