They'll just have to wait, and while it won't bring happiness, Hero of Pure White will definitely give them a warm ending.

Precisely because of this, precisely because he is such a gentle person, for the purpose of having fun, the gods are unwilling to drag him into the stage, and they are very satisfied just watching from the sidelines.

This is a very tacit agreement between them.

But there was a traitor among them. She didn't do it out of craving for hope, but wanted to use hope to fulfill her ugly desire, even if it distorted everyone's hope.

"You...are you trying to start a war!" Ishtar was a little sluggish, it was the first time she saw gods with such serious expressions outside of God World.

"Well, Loki Familia proposes War Game to Ishtar Familia," Loki raised his fist high.

"Freya Familia proposes War Game to Ishtar Familia," Freya raised her hand very gracefully.

“Apollo Familia proposes War Game to Ishtar Familia.”

“Hermes Familia proposes War Game to Ishtar Familia.”




"Hephaestus Familia..." Hephaestus raised his fist slowly, "To Ishtar Familia proposes War Game."

At this moment, more than half of Orario's Familia launched war against Ishtar.

Ishtar stared blankly at the gathering of gods, many of whom were regulars here. They didn't know how much resources she had taken away from her. Now they are very unanimous in abandoning her and standing on her opposite.

You... shouldn't you follow your own desires!

Just for the so-called hope, for this invisible and intangible thing!

"Are you crazy! As gods, you are being led by the nose!" Ishtar stood up and roared hysterically, "He is just a human! We are gods! aloof and The god of remote!"

"Then go back to God World and be your god," Loki raised his middle finger, "Today the Ishtar Familia is disbanded!"

Ishtar leg one Soft rolled directly down the stairs.

"It's still ugly," Freya walked up to Ishtar at a moderate pace.

"Freya..." Ishtar struggled to lift his head, but all she could see was Freya's legs.

"You know why you can only be here?" Freya sneered. "Because you only deserve to be here, but that's fine, there's only one beautiful Goddess left."

Ishtar fainted in the dark.

"Wow, you're amazing," Loki scratched his hair, "I thought it was me who could get dizzy."

"I just said something. It's just the truth," Freya shook her hair gracefully.

"What about this piece of land that Ishtar used to own," Loki surveyed the airy palace on all sides.

"Just give it to Hestia, her Familia child almost became a victim, so take this as her compensation," Freya lightly said with a smile.

"Huh?" Hestia mouth opened wide.

She would be happy if she usually gave her a house for free, but this is Ishtar's territory! Red light district! She is the Virgin Goddess! Wan accidentally took out the shy thing, where did she put her face!

And this most luxurious palace has been beaten into a dilapidated house by other Familia, how much does it cost to repair it!

"Okay~ I'm also curious how the dwarf will manage this place," Loki smirked, "Hestia-sama will never do something to kick the child who lost Familia out of his original home~"

"You bastard!" Hestia blushed at Loki.

"How do you feel?" Hephaestus quietly walked to Cyd's side and asked in a low voice.

"How's it going?" Cyd rubbed his neck, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "It's unbelievable how good it is."

It was obvious that he had paused for such a long time, both mentally and physically. Not only was it not consumed, but it was extremely abundant, and he even felt omnipotent.

"In my opinion, you are not good at all," Hephaestus narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and pressed it on [Reforged Pandora], "The thing sealed inside is becoming your thing."

"Isn't that very good," Cyd said, and the thing sealed in [Reforged Pandora] was nothing but the authority of the complete time, and it all became his thing...


Cyd's expression began to freeze.

He will become the new God of Time.

"She loves you hopelessly, and she wants to give you hope even if she gives everything. This is a magic box forged by hopeless love and hysterical prayers. Despair will be sealed in this box and become your strength," Hephaestus said softly, "The more you use God's authority, the closer you are to God, and eventually you will become God. At that time, as a human being, you will die. The difference."

"That sucks," Cyd scratched his face.

If it is true as Hephaestus said, then he will never get back to the original starting point.

"Come to my workshop tomorrow," Hephaestus raised his hand and patted Cyd's forehead, "your debt will be extended."

Chapter 60 This is...  The Last Shield

The whole Orario's Familias knew that day that the Hero of Pure White belongs to no one and should not belong to anyone.

Ishtar's Familia, who was trying to get their hands on the hero, encountered an unprecedented tragedy. More than half of the Familia launched a War Game against her. In order to process the submitted documents, the guild was a little bit overwhelmed.

Orario's two strongest Familia Loki Familia and Freya Familia tentatively not to mention, Apollo Familia who never does anything and does nothing obediently and honestly tell a story is just as crazy.

In short, Ishtar Familia is finished. Familia was abused over and over again in the War Game. In order to make Ishtar Familia cool down, I will give other gods a warning by the way, Loki Familia, Freya Familia and Apollo Familia didn't blow up Ishtar Familia in one go, but kept applying for War Game. In the end, Ishtar Familia had few people to play.

The ace Phryne finally got it back and was beaten by Ottar from LV7. He is different from Cyd. Although Cyd looks fierce, Phryne is LV5 and won't hang up. A little injury, and the health potion has so much water, basically it's good to get it back.

Then Ottar beat her like crazy. According to Freya, it was too annoying, and he beat her to death, and then he was full of fire, as brutal as he could be.

What's more interesting is that many female adventurers of the male god Familia are particularly hardworking, and even one of them beat Berbera to the death while shouting my snacks. As for the male adventurer... Many of them were beaten with tears of.

Their heaven is somehow destroyed by themselves.

But this has nothing to do with Cyd because he has more important things to do.

"Bell, if you pick up some puppies and kittens, I will praise you for your love, but..." Cyd put his hands around his chest and stomped his feet impatiently, "Why did you pick up another person. "

"I'm sorry," Bell lowered his head in embarrassment, and behind him stood a fox girl with a restless tail wagging.

"When I found Bell, he was lying on top of this woman," Ryu said very simply.

"Ahhhhh! Miss Ryu said nothing!" Bell wailed, "Sensei, I really didn't attack Haruhime!"

"Well~ I know you too Don't have that guts," Cyd snapped his fingers.

Bell was at a loss for words.

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