
Cyd looked towards the others, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Maybe it would be easier to kill them all, but I still can't make such a decision, even in this still world.

Cyd walked in the crowd like a walk, and everyone's expressions were exposed in his field of vision.

In the face of different degrees of malicious Cyd, different punishments were made.

Some raised their hands and gently tapped her forehead.

Some brushed her face gently.

Some...a little bit of force on her forehead.

But Cyd hesitated when it came to Phryne.

He doesn't believe that the appearance is the reflection of the soul. Some people have a beautiful appearance, but their souls are extremely rotten. ...absolutely utterly rotten from the inside out.

Cyd gestured at Phryne's bloated body for a while, then picked up the bench beside her and pointed it at her head.

It feels like the bench is not as big as her head, so it won't be ineffective.

Cyd tilted his head and threw the bench to the side, started looking all around, and finally looked towards one of the pillars supporting the palace.

“ka-cha ――――――”

Cyd broke the huge pillar plate as easily as a toothpick and carried it on his shoulders.

"This should be just fine for you," Cyd grinned, sinking his fingers into the stone pillar.


With the rumbling sound, the huge pillar fiercely slammed into Phryne's bloated body.

If it were normal, Phryne would have turned into a meteor on the horizon, but in this world, unless there is Cyd's interference, no one can move, so Cyd's pillar is thrown down, and the pillar is directly broken , and Phryne...presumably a meteor later.

Looking at the sky full of gravel, Cyd nodded with satisfaction and looked towards Ishtar, who was still sitting on the stairs on the second floor with a panicked expression.

"It's ugly, that's why you can't compete with Freya," Cyd raised his hand, "but you don't have a chance."

Tight fit The hands together began to loosen, not because Cyd couldn't maintain the still world, but because he loosened the gears.


The aggressive Berbera flew backwards a second later and was embedded in the wall, and the most arrogant Phryne took off and banged in place. It turned into a shooting star through the ceiling of the palace.

Countless rubble fell like rain, and the dust raised made Ishtar's subconsciously raised hand in front of his face.

"God Ishtar, your Familia is over," a hand covered in black scales stretched out from the dust and waved like a veil that was blocking one's view.


The hurricane shredded the dust, and Cyd, who was standing in the middle of the storm, looked at Ishtar with extremely calm eyes.

She was the one who looked down on Cyd, but for some reason she felt like she was looking up at him.

"No... it's not over yet, my Familia is..." Ishtar's face began to twist.

"Your Familia is finished."

With countless rumbling sounds, dozens of big holes were knocked out of the gorgeous walls, fully armed adventurers stepped into the palace, Flags were hung high, and the gods symbolized by the flags were staring at Ishtar indifferently with their arms crossed.

More than half of Orario's gods are here!

Ishtar fell limp on the stairs, but unfortunately no one was going to help her.

"Did you do Hermes-sama?" Cyd laughed helplessly.

"You guessed it right~" A very frivolous voice came from the empty place, "but it really scared me."

Hermes took off the Asfi production A bootleg version of Hades' Helmet, back in the cowboy hat.

"didn't expect so much."

"Isn't that of course!" Loki sneered and pointed, "I thought Ishtar would give him more at most. The little trouble gave him a headache, but didn't expect you to do such a thing."

"You...what are you talking about," Ishtar looked pale, "I...I just Just receive him in our way."

"hmph hmph hmph," Hermes held up the crystal in his hand, and there was a picture of Ishtar threatening Cyd in a very arrogant way, "just this scene just now. It has been passed on to all the gods."

"It's really a headache, but it's not impossible," Asfi pushed his glasses, "If Hermes-sama can always trust me like this Wouldn't mind doing something with a headache."

"It's time for judgment," Apollo sank, but his golden eyes were burning hot.

PS that...I already know that some readers don't like the wrong chapter?_? So can you not remind me repeatedly every time I update (??Benefit?), for those who think this Readers who are okay with this chapter, I have to finish it (??????)?? Well, the next chapter Cyd will show you a good enough cut (●°u°●)??"

Chapter Fifty-ninth The War That Started

He is the child of all of us.

He continues to grow under our watchful eyes. In order to make him the happiest person, we, as it should be by rights, want to give him all the good things.

We saw the birth of Hero of Pure White.

It was not because of having our blessings that he was born like this, but because of him, we want to bless him.

He is the hope of the people and our hope.

"You have committed an unforgivable sin!"

Apollo, who has always shown a gentle but sometimes bitter smile, is roaring, and his followers have nothing to do with it. surprised.

Because this is normal, the heroes they sing, gently redeem the unfortunate heroes, their beliefs are forced by ugly desires, this is blasphemy! This is a declaration of war!

"Ishtar please go away," Freya stared coldly at Ishtar, her skirt and fingers still stained with red wine.

When she saw that scene, she smashed the wine glass in her hand, overturned the table, and called on Freya Familia's full battle strength.

Ottar silently drew his great sword. As long as it was Freya's will, even a god would challenge him without the slightest hesitation.

"Ishtar you're more greedy and disgusting than I thought," Loki opened his eyes. "It's time for you to pay."

In She had already guessed the purpose of Ishtar when she learned that there was a relationship between Ishtar Familia and Soma Familia.

It's a trivial matter for Cyd, but it would be disgusting for him to let it happen, which is why Loki went to tell Cyd about it, even with a bit of her little hobby in the middle , but now she is not in the mood at all.

He should not belong to anyone. The reason why Hero of Pure White is admired by everyone is because of the hope he can bring to the unfortunate people in front of him.

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