Cyd squinted, "So? You think I'd be willing to join your Familia."

"No, but you have to," Ishtar Taking out a new pipe, "The biggest reason they can't get you is that they don't have a reason to get you, but I have!"

"Interesting, it seems that I can't have a good chat, Cyd twisted his neck, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your reasons."

Facing Cyd's undisguised hostility, Ishtar didn't care at all, took a long breath of cigarette and exhaled slowly. came out.

"Aren't you wondering why I'm sure you'll join my Familia?"

Cyd stared blankly at Ishtar, blood-colored lines appearing on his face superior.

"Looks like you've already guessed it," Ishtar laughed, "If you're alone, I really can't help it, as the hero who brings hope to everyone, stand up. It's too far away, everyone can only watch your back from a distance, and continue to be the Hero of Pure White that won't stain any color, isn't it good? You shouldn't show the desires that human beings should have, because this Will be your weak spot."

Cyd clenched his fists slowly.

"You will be angry for that child, he becomes your shackle, and the shackle that can restrain that child," Ishtar covered his forehead, and the corner of his mouth rose slowly.

There's nothing to stop her, she's not like those idiots, she's fed up with being looked down on, she doesn't care what Hero of Pure White will become, as long as she can Get Freya off!

Even if it destroys him!

"It's the child named Lili," Ishtar laughed, "that child is still Soma's family, as long as she is Soma's family, she will never be able to escape her fate, and you and you The same is true for the students of the 2000s, Freya can't think of such a simple truth? Sure enough, I am suitable to sit there!"

It's really ugly...

"so that's how it is, through Deal with the Soma Familia to control Lili, to restrain Bell, and finally to me," Cyd let go of his fist, his arms limply draped over his sides.

"I'm not like Freya, I'm better than her, and I'll prove it with you," the new rod snaps between Ishtar's fingers, "Take off your clothes, and now I'll I'm going to engrave a proof that you belong to me!"

Phryne licked her lips and glanced at Cyd excitedly.

“ka-cha ――――”

Something is broken, but all attention is on Cyd and Ishtar, so no one notices Tiny voice.

"I remember that God won't die if he is fatally wounded, but he will be sent back to God World," Cyd said casually, but his eyes became sharper and he began to look up and down at Ishtar. Find a place to start.

Ishtar's expression began to freeze, "You...could it be possible that you still want to attack God! This is a felony!"

"Well, God...isn't human, right," the corner of Cyd's mouth slightly raised, took a step forward, "God...I've killed more than one person."

"Stop...stop him!" Ishtar lost one's head out of fear and took a step back, But she forgot about the fact that she was still on the stairs, hit her heels on the stairs and accidentally slumped on it.

Cyd is serious, there is nothing false in his tone!

With the blessings of thirteen gods, he does have the qualifications and ability to kill gods. Even if he doesn't kill him, he can send gods back to God World. Is there really anyone who can stop him in this world? ?

It's because I know this clearly, and after finding out that Ottar is not Cyd's opponent, Freya decisively gave up the option of coercion. Being able to look at that rays of light is better than letting this child hate it. The child will be driven away by himself and stay in the God World. There will always be a chance to continue to stay in the lower realm. Anyway, the most important thing for gods is time.

But the Ishtar above stepped into the real minefield very simply, and was still jumping repeatedly inside.

Man will not rebel against God, but that does not mean that everyone fears God.

She forgot, only cared about how Cyd could kick Freya off the tower She forgot the last stanza of the Apollo story, what the hell did Hero of Pure White decide to set foot on the Road of No Return.

Also seemed to sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and Berbera, who was staying in the palace, hesitated before going forward.

"What are you waiting for! He's yours when it's done!" Ishtar yelled piercingly.

She can't go back yet! She hasn't sat in the seat that belongs to her yet!

"I've been waiting for this sentence, then Hero of Pure White belongs to me only!" Phryne laughed and jumped to Cyd.

The other Berberas rushed towards Cyd after hesitating.

It's them who follow their instincts. Even without Ishtar's orders, they will plunder Cyd or be plundered by Cyd, but now's really ugly.


The melodious bell rang behind Cyd, the huge ring slowly unfolded, and the long and short hands overlapped each other and stayed at the place. 12 position.

"Time stops here," Cyd snapped his fingers softly.

The world that belonged only to Cyd was awakened.

Chapter 58 The time for judgment has come!

The reason why gods are gods is because they can exercise some power as it should be by rights, raise the ocean, drop thunder, dry up the earth, things that people can't imagine are only for them It's a matter of moving your fingers.

[We can do it, so we are God. ]

In addition to the power itself, they also have the arrogance of holding power.

Even if mortals gain the authority of God, they cannot fully exert the power of authority, because they cannot believe.

Time stopped, and the silent world that belonged to Cyd alone covered reality.

But this time Cyd did not solve everyone as neatly as usual, but closed his eyes and felt the power of despair sealed by [Reforged Pandora].

The full power of God!

He needs this power, and only by fully grasping this authority will he be able to have it forever.

But it is too unimaginable to control Power of Time, even if he can use it, it is a very short time, and the sense of powerlessness originating from human instinct will make him feel suspicious.

As a mortal, can he really bear the power of this god?

Once there is doubt, he is not entitled to it.

So he needs to be arrogant, as arrogant as God.

This world is a huge machine, with all the parts running on a tiny cog.

"It's very simple," Cyd opened his eyes, the ring behind his back began to expand, the tiny gears popped out from the edge of the ring and meshed with each other, and the outer frame of the ring began to rotate, but the pointer remained motionless. .

Now he holds the cogs that keep the world going.

This way he will never have time.

"It's over," Cyd opened his hands at a moderate pace and walked towards the lust-compliant Berbera pounced on him.

Now he has more time than everyone else, not because the speed is unimaginable, but arrogantly stops the operation of the world, whether it is fire, wind, or heroic will, Everything stopped.

In this world where he is alone, he is Sovereign.

"Hmmmm, just push it lightly," Cyd touched the chin and looked at the Amazon girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old for a while, raised her hand and tapped the girl's head lightly. Forehead, naked eye visible ripples spread out around Cyd's fingertips.

Probably at the moment when the world starts running again, this Amazon girl will be stiff.

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