"Really," Cyd twisted his neck and moved towards the palace and continued to move forward, "He's a big kid, but he wants to face it with me even though he has the same strength."

Looking at the scantily clad Berbera slowly surrounding the street, Cyd slowly exhales one breath saying.

"It's like what a hero would say."

Cyd raised his right hand, and the black scales slowly covered his right arm.

"You are not wicked. It is your nature to use strength to plunder."

"Although I can't understand it, I won't hate it."

" But it's really good, if this is your nature, you won't have any complaints if you defeat you head-on."

This is undoubtedly a declaration of war, there is only one person, but he is very indifferently provocative. All Berbera present.

"Of course! The stronger you are, the more excited we are!"

The surrounding Berbera laughed and rushed towards Cyd.

Everything is determined by power, whether it is to plunder men with great power, or to be plundered, this is their way of life, and they never care what others think.

Indulge in desire and obey instinct!

It is because of this that they are strong!

They are freer than anyone who has given up their moral values!

"Don't worry, I'll bury you all in the ground to calm down at best."

Cyd raised his hand and waved, the crystals on his wrist slowly lit up, accompanied by a deafening sound. The rumbling sound, the earth was torn apart by something.

The instinct to fight stopped the charging Berbera, but it was too late. Something was wriggling in the darkness of the fissures of the earth. Their lives were extremely weak, and the weak even expressed their wishes. Neither can, but now they are empowered.

Countless sturdy rhizomes spewed out from the cracks like tentacles. Berbera, who had no time to dodge, was bound by the rhizomes and slowly dragged into the cracks, and Berberas, who avoided the first round of attacks, had one after another. spread.

Want to run away?

No, only the word escape is not in their dictionary, plundering or being plundered, they will spare no effort at any point.

Give up?

Even if there is a day when they are plundered, they will not stop because they never want to change.

Cyd's power is very strong, but what's the matter, plundering powerful men is what they want to do.

How to know the result if you don't try it!

Failed to say!

Berberas, with a frenzy in his eyes, avoided Rhizome's attack and attacked Cyd from different directions.

"I admire you for being able to face your desires head on," Cyd put down his hands.


The earth collapsed, like countless rhizomes swept up in the darkness leading to the abyss. Involved in the rhizome, in order to prevent them from having any troublesome magic or skills, the rhizome tightly bound their limbs, and apples of just the right size blocked their mouths.

"You're probably the type that eats hard and not soft," Cyd took a step forward, easily defeating Berbera's rhizomes in front of him, but very clever, entangled with each other to provide him with a foothold. land.

"So...bye," Cyd raised his hand and waved, moving towards the palace that was almost in front of him at a moderate pace.

The earth began to heal, and the rhizomes that tore the earth began to perform their duties to repair the earth, and the captured Berbera... Only one head was left, as if to highlight their existence to prevent Stepped on by passers-by, there is a particularly conspicuous sunflower next to everyone's head.

"That power... as long as I can get him," Ishtar almost pressed her face against the window, her slender fingers constantly scratching the glass, and paranoia began to contort her face.

"Hey! First let me say that that person is mine!" Phryne was still playing with her huge and bloated figure as unscrupulously as usual, "The only one who can match me is him."

"Phryne, shut up!" Ishtar raised his fist and smashed it on the glass, accompanied by a crisp sound, countless cracks covered the glass, smooth hair without wind, the inexplicable oppression made The shouting Phryne didn't dare to reply for a while.

This is God!

"He is mine!"

Domineering but as it should be by rights, this is God!


The closed door fell down in the rumbling sound.

A pure white silhouette at a moderate pace steps into a palace full of tantalizing desires.

"I'm here for a friendly negotiation."

PSthis time I really understand, what everyone wants to see is the transformation of heroes, the growth of people, and sweet love , Although it is a little sad, but I can't help but want to laugh. In fact, I am also touching everyone's point. Second Volume is testing whether everyone likes the group portrait. Although the front is a bit bumpy, it is good to show the spirit of a hero in the back. Well, there are probably quite a lot of disputes now, maybe everyone doesn't like long-term flatness, I will think more about growth, redemption, blood, and light love in the future chapters.

PS Of course, Fanwai is updated by chance (??????)?? But it won't take too long, after all, there are quite a few characters that can be played in Fanwai.

PS Sure enough, men can't resist the charm of being a hero.

PS I'm going to give you all your tears - this is the purpose of my extra story

The 57th chapter is really ugly

Cyd thinks it's not an accident A person who looks directly into the heart.

But when Cyd saw Phryne's... a bunch of stuff, he doubted his life, and his awesome debut was stopped.

It's really ugly, and she's still moving towards him drooling.

"Gu gu gu, are you really fascinated by my beauty?" Phryne licked her lips and threw an eyebrow at Cyd, at the same time her thick hands made a motion to lift her skirt.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Cyd leaned against the wall, clutching his forehead.

The real face of Hephaestus hidden under the blindfold is indeed called horror, but I don't know why looking at her face, seeing that sad expression, Cyd just wanted to hug her, No matter how terrifying he was, he was willing to touch her.

She has been mourning for her appearance, the years she has experienced are unimaginable, and her mourning time is long and regrettable, so Cyd can't ignore her, but...

This lump in front of me is really ugly, and it smells disgustingly rancid from the inside out.

For the first time, Cyd had the idea of [it's no help, and it's faster to recreate it].

Take it as invisible!

"I heard that you have something to do with me," Cyd looked towards Ishtar who was slowly walking down the stairs.

"Yes, I want you to be my servant," Ishtar raised his chin, "I heard you rejected Freya's offer, that's fine, that slut doesn't have the right to have you, only real The Goddess of beauty, I, am qualified."

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