The troubles that have nothing to do with me, but as it should be by rights come together, obviously there are very easy choices but choose the hardest one, obviously there is one thing to do Hei is willing to stop for others.

The only difference is probably that Bell is weak.

But I don't know why Hermes suddenly felt that Bell's current life experience was the right one.

Because he is very weak, he can support each other with others and continue to move forward. Even if he comes to the front, he can still hold his companion's hand when he turns around.

Cyd is too strong, because the favor of the gods has become too strong, he walks faster than anyone, and there are more things in his power, and it is because of this that he can help more There are many people, but... how many people can keep up with him like this?

How many hands can he touch when he looks back?

[It doesn't matter, we are gods and can be by his side forever, no matter how far he goes, he will not be lonely, because we have been waiting in front. ]

They who once thought they were omnipotent thought so.

But child will always go beyond their imagination unconsciously. When you still think he should be staggering, he has already surpassed you with his head held high.

"Really, it's still sad even after everyone's gone away," Hermes rubbed his eyes forcefully, "The child has grown up long ago, and he's even worried about us, ah ~ life is impermanent ~ anyway Let's use Asfi's purse for entertainment first."

Hermes took out a purse from his clothes, moved towards a girl not far away and waved his hand with a hearty smile.

"Look at the girl on the other side... eh? Why did you run away?"

Hermes blinked. He prided himself on inheriting many fine traditions of Zeus, at least in this place. When he waved his hand, many people were willing to spend the spring night with him, especially just now he showed his signature flickering smile, but why did she run away with an expression like she had seen a ghost.

"Hmm... Maybe it's because the wallet isn't thick enough," Hermes said, a little distressed.

"pa ――――"

A hand clapped heavily on Hermes' shoulder, and the inexplicable chill made Hermes shiver.

"That's not because Hermes-sama is always in trouble!"

"Ah, Asfi, you actually came in," Hermes looked with interest and blushed. The young girl, "I thought you would choose to squat outside and wait for me to come out even if you knew I was here. After all, it's really inconvenient for women here, cough."

"You still know these things. !" Asfi raised his voice, "Do you know how many people I've been approached along the way!"

"Asfi!" Hermes gave a thumbs up.


Asfi, who couldn't bear it anymore, just like Cyd told her, she occasionally vented her feelings and punched Hermes in the stomach superior.

"Go home, Hermes-sama," Asfi raised his glasses and grabbed the back collar of Hermes, who was kneeling on the ground with his stomach covered, moved towards the exit of Fengyue Street.

"Too much, I finally finished my business and wanted to relax," Hermes said unwillingly.

“Hermes-sama is just going to mess up anyway,” Asfi rants.

"Of course," Hermes said proudly. "The more chaotic the situation is, the easier it will be for him."

Asfi stopped, eyes widening slightly." Shouldn' mess with Cyd!"

"How could it be... but he'll probably have a headache," Hermes gave a thumbs up, "but then he can feel a lot more at ease."

"Is it your own opinion again!" Asfi collapsed, "Have you considered the consequences! In case..."

"There won't be any case, Hermes restrained his cynical smile, "I did not make the decision from the perspective of an omnipotent god, but from the position of a mortal who has failed once and never wants to fail again no matter what."

"Hermes-sama..." Asfi held his forehead helplessly after being stunned for a while, "If only you were always this reliable."

"Asfi, you Want to help me?" Hermes grinned.

"I'm your family, what else can I do about the decision you made except promise with a wry smile," Asfi spread his hands.

"Let's go, then," Hermes stood up and patted his pants, "maybe he's gone where we can't reach, but at least let him know that even far away, there are still people watching. With him, he is not alone."

Chapter 56 I'm here to have a friendly discussion

The most embarrassing thing for teachers and students is nothing more than in some not-so-good A place to meet occasionally.

For example, [Sensei, you also come to the Internet cafe... to write a paper! ] While talking fooling people, he closed the game's interface.

"It hurts! Why was it knocked out!" Bell, who was running for his life, rubbed his arms in pain.

Cyd silently took off Hades' Helmet and looked at Bell who was sitting on the ground calmly. There was still a strong scent of perfume on his body.

[Yo, you are also visiting Fengyue Street! ]

How can you ask such a question!

Cyd raised his fingers silently.

Students who should have been advancing in Dungeon appeared in the depraved Fengyue Street. Cyd suddenly understood the feelings of parents who were sad about their children's degeneration.

It must be corrected in time!

"Bell, I didn't teach you to come here."

"Wait a moment! Sensei, listen to my explanation!" Seeing Cyd's gesture of breaking his leg , Bell panicked and opened the package Hermes gave him, and then a bottle of aphrodisiac appeared in his hand.

This time...I can't explain...

"Sensei I want to help you!" Bell threw the aphrodisiac out and pulled Cyd's clothes pitifully. .

Cyd frowned, and even if the crystal representing Hermes' blessing wasn't glowing, he could see that Bell wasn't lying.

Ah~ As expected, even if I trust him, once he has a problem, he will always subconsciously think about the worst.

"Where are the others?"

"That direction is where Haruhime stayed, go ask her."

"must be in that damn toad Find him before!"

It was obviously a coquettish girl's discussion voice, but Bell covered his head and shrank his neck as if he heard some magic voice.

"But it feels like it's time for me to help you," Cyd threw Hades's Helmet to Bell. "It really made a lot of noise."

" Sensei?" Bell was holding the helmet somewhat not knowing what to do.

"Put it on and hide," Cyd waved, "Aren't you good at dealing with this?"

"But Sensei, aren't you!" Bell said Not reconciled, "I want to face with Sensei, that's why I'm here!"

"Yes, one day you'll be in my place, but not now," Cyd lifted He put his hand on Bell's forehead, "Don't think about wearing a helmet and follow me secretly, be obedient."

Bell bit his lip, but put on the helmet obediently.

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