"Huh? Hmmmm!" Lili was stunned for a moment, then nodded not knowing what to do.

"Three seconds have come!" Mia raised her fist.

"wait a moment," Ryu raised his hand in front of Mia, looked towards Cyd seriously, "are you serious?"

So I should how to answer?

Cyd is a little confused.

"I only found out about this Familia today, Ryu, if you have a grudge against them, then I'll find someone else."

"You said I only found out today?" Ryu picked He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"I'm not interested in Familia outside of Bell's relationship at all," Cyd spread his hands, "and I've only been here for a while, so I don't have time to learn about the past one by one."

"Really? I understand," Ryu relaxed nods.

"What, little brother, can you speak more fully next time," Mia curled one's lip and walked back to the counter, scratching her hair.

“Syr has always believed in Cyd-sama,” Syr said earnestly.

Anyway...it's back to normal again?

So what the hell is that Ishtar Familia!

"Since you don't want to go, Ryu, I'll go by myself," Cyd had a headache.

"You have to go?" Ryu frowned.

"Yeah, I have a reason to go, and the sooner the better," Cyd raised his hand and placed it on Bell's head, "Sensei won't be able to accompany you today, remember to… ..."

"Be safe, I've always remembered that, Sensei, don't worry," Bell patted his chest, "I can't let Sensei help me all day long, and Sensei has Do your own thing."

"It's really sensible," Cyd chuckled.

But right now I just want to watch you become a reassuring hero.

"I see, Ishtar Familia, I'll accompany you," Ryu put down his plate and looked towards Mia.

“Go, go, remember to turn back and tell me little brother’s expression,” Mia waved.

Cyd was stunned for a moment, then helplessly hooked the head.

You still underestimate me, is it possible that Ishtar Familia is a lonely world terrifying out of time?

Chapter 53rd will show you something interesting


Looking at the street in front of me, Cyd covered his face, such as A flame-like mark flashed past.

No wonder Mia, Ryu, and others have that look.

This is simply a red light district!

It's still daytime!

Although it's not that he hasn't seen Bai Rixuan prostitution, and what he sees now is not as naked as the one he saw on Daughter Island, it still frightens him.

"You get it," Ryu pulled on his cloak, as if he simply couldn't hear the naked **.

"Now I want to go back and bury Loki alive," Cyd sighed.

He's naive to think that Loki gets serious every now and then.

Loki is the god of mischief, not because her power is to be a mischief, but she does mischief out of her own will, Arcanum or words are her "power" "one.

In short, Ishtar Familia should have no problem if she wants to do things, otherwise Loki is really boring and the grade is too low.

It's her who is mixed with some head-scratching pranks.

But Cyd still intends to trouble Loki when he goes back.

Knowing that he doesn't know many people, there are only a few people he can find, and he dares to frame him to find someone to come to this red light district with him, making it clear that he just wants to see his jokes.

It's no wonder that Loki suddenly turned around at that time, because he was afraid that he would see the smiling face that the plan was successful.

Damn it!

"Forget it, it's my fault for easily believing the words of this troublemaker Loki," Cyd rubbed his neck, "but it's alright, Ryu, go back, stay here...you're still Pretty embarrassing."

Ryu blinked, "You mean I'll leave you in this red light district and go back by myself."

"Uh...that's what it means. ," Cyd froze, then nodded.

"I refuse," Ryu said earnestly with his arms crossed.

"Don't you like this place?" Cyd tilted his head.

"I don't like you staying here even more," Ryu's eyes were a little deep, "and it might be easier for you to have me here."

Just as Cyd and Ryu were talking about these Many people have been eyeing them in time, no, they should be looking at Cyd with eyes that don't hide their desires.

It didn't jump right away...probably because Ryu was standing next to Cyd.

But I don't know if it's Cyd's illusion, those eyes are getting hotter and hotter, even if they rush over in the next second, he will not find it strange.

Ryu silently lifted the hood over his head, raised his hand and grabbed Cyd's arm.

"They won't come up no matter how ignorant they are," Ryu whispered.

"It makes sense," Cyd's eyes shined, holding Ryu's hand back and stepping into the red light district.

However, neither Cyd nor Ryu underestimated this red light district, no, it should be said that Ishtar Familia people.

The moment Cyd stepped into the red light district, those scantily clad women immediately rushed towards Cyd like a hungry wolf seeing a little white rabbit.


Almost instantly Ryu and Cyd are swept away by Ishtar Familia's women.

"Come on, Hero of Pure White and wrap me up!"

"You get out of my sight he's mine!"

Women Squeezing unscrupulously beside Cyd, even Cyd frowned with the power of the slender arm.

They are prostitutes and prostitutes who fight. They are not weaklings to be plundered by men. They may plunder men at any time.

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